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refer to

refer to发音

英:  美:

refer to中文意思翻译



refer to双语使用场景

1、You mayrefer toyour notes if you want.───如果需要,可以查阅笔记。

2、Asked at the time about his use of the term young boys , Mitterrand said he called all men boys and it did notrefer tominors.───当时,密特朗被问及他使用的年轻男孩一词,他说他把所有的男人都称为男孩,这并不是指未成年人。

3、I promised not torefer tothe matter again.───我答应过再不提这事了。

4、Refer to Figure 3 to see how much faster the server will start and to Figure 4 to see the updated memory utilization.───图3显示了服务器启动速度的提高;图4显示了更新后的内存利用情况。

5、Note: Be sure to unfold this page andrefer tothe front diagrams as you read each chapter.───注:在阅读各章时请务必展开此页并参考主视图。

6、And we recognize the divinity of her unconditional love and so call her mother earth or some of usrefer toher as goddess.───我们认识神的无条件的爱和她叫她的母亲地球或者一些我们指的是她为女神。

7、LL: Joint is a slang for place - and it is often used torefer torestaurants, clubs or other places of entertainment.───哦,我明白了,joint指的是饭馆、酒吧和夜总会这类地方。我今天又学了个新词。

8、They come from Tuam, a place theyrefer toon the title track of their album, All the Way From Tuam.───他们来自蒂厄姆,一个他们在专辑的标题曲《从蒂厄姆远路而来》中提到的地方。

9、Its not just the number of references - it is the way theyrefer toit, as if it was common knowledge, Ekirch says.───这可不仅仅是文献数量的问题关键是它们涉及睡眠的方式,就像分段睡眠是一种常识,Ekirch说道。

refer to相似词语短语

1、refer to as───被称为,被认为;把称作

2、refer sth to───提及某事

3、refer to drawer───洽询人;请与出票人接洽;请询问出票人,请与出票人接洽

4、refer to doing───指做


6、to refer to───指

7、refer to do───参考do

8、refer back to───将转回; 重新提及,查阅

9、refer to be───参考be


refer to do查询,提到,这里是不定式!但是to不一定是不定式的标致,也可是介词短语 不定式可做定语,目的状语,结果状语,to do有时也表示还没做的事(将来)
