造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、And there is more manpower and clever kit on the way.(而且整个路途中还有更多的人力和智能装备。)
2、A new manpower study that finds one-third of employers worldwide cannot find qualified talent.(一项新的人力调查显示,全世界有三分之一的雇主找不到合适的人才。)
3、As Nike, Microsoft and manpower seek to help the world's refugee populations, the.(当耐克、微软和万宝盛华公司manpower想方设法帮助世界难民人口时,拥有独特的授权的世界难民署。)
4、Unfortunately, education isn't something you can just throw money or manpower at.(遗憾的是,教育并不是只投入经费和人力就够了。)
5、The last one we, as much as possible, try to avoid is reduction of manpower.(最后的一步是我们尽可能要避免的,那就是削减人力。)
6、Private newspapers lacked the money and manpower to investigate properly.(而私人报纸又缺乏人力物力进行妥善调查。)
7、They haven't enough manpower.(他们人力不够。)
8、The document is a powerful reminder of the manpower on which European mountaineering expeditions depended, and also of the importance of local knowledge and assistance.(这份文件有效地佐证了当年欧洲登山探险队依赖的人力资源,也提醒我们了解当地知识和援助途径的重要性。)
9、Mason denies Tony's request for extra manpower to find Teri and Kim.(托尼要求派更多人手去寻找泰瑞和金姆,梅森拒绝了。)
10、The hardest task will be to raise Japan's productivity to offset the looming manpower shortage.(最棘手的工作恐怕是如何提高生产力以弥补逐渐迫近的人手不足问题。)
11、The foremost probably was the sheer need for military manpower that made it attractive to recruit bands of Germanic peoples for the armies.(最重要的可能是对军事人力的绝对需求,这使得招募日耳曼人加入军队变得很有吸引力。)
12、Those include outpacing or misjudging market trends as well as bumping up against manpower constraints.(包括过于超前或误判市场趋势,以及业务扩展和人力资源限制的冲突。)
13、Additional manpower must be available immediately if needed.(如果需要,必须立即有附加的人力。)
14、If they cut themselves off from trade, manpower will be cheap relative to capital.(这些国家如果脱离了自由贸易,那么相对资本而言人力资源将会更加低廉。)
15、The available pool of healthy manpower was not as large as military officials had expected.(一拨可用的健康劳力人数达不到军方官员们的期望值。)
16、One response to high manpower costs is to rely on technology. But that does not come cheap.(应对高人力成本的一个方案便是技术,但是这不像说得那么容易。)
17、But hanging around for hours in a plane is a waste of manpower.(但是,在驾驶着飞机在空中耗几个小时却也是浪费人力资源。)
18、Many factories already pay more to retain workers but are still having a hard time finding manpower.(很多工厂主已经增加了工人工资以图留住工人,他们还在苦苦地寻找劳动力。)
19、Money, manpower May Not Be enough.(光有金钱和人力还远远不够。)
20、Wisconsin supplied more manpower to the New Deal than any other university.(威斯康星给新政所提供的人力比其他任何大学都要多。)
21、Israel itself has long been superior in weaponry and manpower.(以色列本身一直在武器装备和人力资源上占优势。)
22、The Chinese would provide the manpower; the United States the rest.(由中方提供人力,美方提供其余的。)
23、We absolutely cannot afford it - whether in terms of money, manpower, energy or attention.(没错,金钱、人力、能源、关注等这些都不能使我们满足。)
24、One woman said not to worry about it because they didn't have the manpower to come arrest me.(一名女士叫我不要担心,因为他们没有足够的人力来逮捕我。)
25、this provides a deep pool of manpower in the event of a national emergency.(如果出现全国紧急状态,上述做法就为人力提供了坚实基础。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。