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雅思口语题库part2 题目

时间:2021-01-14 来源:乌哈旅游

1、Favourite Ways of Communication 2、Sth U Learned From A Family Member 3、A Project 4、A Plan

5、A Piece of Electronic Equipment 6、Your Favourite Weather 7、A Television Program

8、Something Expensive You Would Buy 9、An Advertisement 10、An Unusual Job 11、A Meal You Like 12、A Wrong Decision

13、A Film About A Real Person 14、A Vehicle You Want to Buy 15、An Old Family Photograph 16、A Gift You Would Like to Give

17、A Book You Would Like to Read Again 18、A Meaningful Song 19、A Way To Relax 20、A Lesson or Course

21、A Product U Were Dissatisfied With

22、A Childhood Toy 23、A Science Subject 24、Your Future Work Plans 25、A Wild Animal

1、Favourite Ways of Communication

Describe your favourite method of communication. You should say: what it is

who you usually communicate with (or, who you usually contact) how often you communicate with them (or, how often you contact them)

and explain why you prefer (or, use) this method. Part3

What are the different ways that people communicate with each


What are the differences between a phone call and face-to-face

communication with someone?

What's your favourite form of communication, besides

face-to-face communication?

What forms of communication do you use to communicate with

your family?

Do old people and young people use the same methods to


How do you think communication technology might (or, will)

change in the future?

 

Do any people still write letters today? (Why?)

Do you think people will still be writing letters about 100 years

from now?

What are the differences between writing a letter and writing an


2、Sth U Learned From A Family Member

Describe something useful you learned from a member of your family. You should say: what it was

who you learned it from how you learned it

and explain why you think it is useful. Part3

   

In general, what do parents usually teach their children? Do you think what children learn in the home is important? Do parents teach the same things to children of different ages? Do you think children learn anything when they play games with

their parents (or, a parent)?

Do children learn the same sorts of things from their parents as

they learn from their friends?

Do you think strict parents are good for children?

3、A Project

Describe a project or some work that you did with others. You should say:

what the project or work was. when you did this who was with you

how easy or difficult it was

and explain why you did this with other people. Part3

 

Do you think it's important to do things with other people? What do you think are the advantages (and possible

disadvantages) of working with others?

What are some differences between working (or, doing something)

alone and working (or, doing something) in a group?

Do people in your country prefer to work with others or to work


What do you think are some possible advantages from working


Can you give any examples of how people in your country (or

culture) co-operate with others?

 

What do you think are the benefits of co-operation? What do you think are the benefits of co-operating with

colleagues at work (or, workmates)?

Which do you think is more important, co-operation or



Who do you think finds it easier to co-operate with each other, a

group of men or a group of women?


How is co-operation in education (at school) important? (Give


 

Do universities emphasize the importance of co-operation? Do you think it is important for children to learn about


 

How can (or, how do) children learn to co-operate with others? Do you think it's important for schools to have activities in which

children learn to work with others?

 

Can you give any examples of those activities?

Do you think sport is a good way for children (and young people)

to improve their ability to co-operate with others?


Is there much difference between young people co-operating with

others (or, with other young people) and old(er) people co-operating with others (or with other old(er) people)?


In what ways can children learn to co-operate with others?

4、A Plan

Describe a plan you have for the future (but not related to work or study). You should say: what it is

why you have this plan

what the first step in your plan is

what you will need to do in order to make the plan work and explain how you think you will feel after you achieve this. Part3

The Importance of Planning

   

Do you think planning is important?

What kinds of personal plans should people make for themselves? In general, how do people make plans?

For a person with children, what influence does this have on their

personal plans for the future?

  

Why do you think some people don't like making plans? What do you think happens to people who don't have plans? Do you think things generally work out for those people who have

no plans?

 

Do you think some people waste time? (Why?) Do you think old people should make plans?

5、A Piece of Electronic Equipment

Describe an electronic device that you have.

You should say: what it is how you use it when you use it

and explain how you benefit (or will benefit) from using it. Part3

Do schools in your country use electronic equipment in the


 

How does that compare with schools (in your country) in the past? Are computers very useful in high school? (For students and/or for


What are some examples of modern, hi-tech equipment or devices

that people in your country use in the home?

    

How is this different to homes in the past?

Do you think these things have improved people's lives? What are the various ways that mobile phones can be used? Do students use mobile phones very much to cheat in exams? What do you imagine the future of hi-technology equipment (or

devices) will be like?

6、Your Favourite Weather

Describe your favourite weather. You should say:

what kind of weather it is when this weather usually occurs what you usually do during this weather and explain how this weather affects you. Part3

The Weather in Your Country

  

What's the weather usually like in your hometown? What do you think about today's weather?

Have you ever been to a place that has a climate that is very

different to your hometown? (If yes, what place; how is it different?)

  

Is the weather in China the same for all parts of the country? Why are people interested in the weather?

How does weather (or the climate of a place) affect the kinds of

buildings that this place has?

Compare the types of buildings (or houses) in hot, tropical parts of

the world (or China) with those in cold parts of the world (or China).

How does weather (or the climate of a place) affect the kinds of

activities that people do?

7、A Television Program

Describe an educational TV program that you like to watch. You should say:

the name of the program what type of program it is what contents it has

and explain what you learn from this program. Part 3

Television Tastes

  

What types of TV programs do you like?

In general, what types of TV programs are most popular in China? Have TV programs changed in the past few years? (If yes, how?)

Educational Television

 

Do you think there should be more educational TV programs? How do you think television will develop (or change) in the future?

 

In your opinion, how does watching TV influence people? What do you think are the benefits, and the drawbacks, of

watching television?

What do you think can be the result if a person watches too much


 

Do you want to be a TV celebrity (or, \"star\")?

Do you think it's good that TV celebrities are often role models for

young people?


In your opinion, what qualities does someone need to have to

become a TV celebrity?


Many TV stars have an income that is very high. Do you think this

is reasonable?

8、Something Expensive You Would Buy

Describe something expensive you would buy. You should say: what it is

how long you saved for it

where you would buy it and explain why you want to buy it. Part 3

Saving Money

  

Do you think it's easy to save money?

Do you think it's better to spend money or to save money? (Why?) What about children? Do you think children should learn how to

save money?

 

What sorts of things do young people buy (or, like to buy)? Do you think people are more materialistic today than they used

to be?

Why do some (young) people buy things that they don't really


The Effect of Advertising

Do you think advertising has much effect on people's shopping


 

Do you think advertising can have bad effects on children? Do you think parents should always buy something whenever their

children want it?

 

Do you like shopping?

Is there much difference between shopping in the city and

shopping in a small place (such as a village or town)?


Is there much difference between the attitudes of people towards

shopping in big cities and in rural areas?


How do you think shopping will change in the future?

9、An Advertisement

Describe an advertisement that you think is successful. You should say: what is advertised

what the advertisement contains

what kinds of people would be (or, are) interested in and explain why you think this advertisement works well. Part 3

The Nature of Advertising

What are some examples of places where we often see


Why do you think many (most) advertisements use good-looking

people (to promote the product or service)?

   

The influence of advertisements

What are the different kinds of advertising? What kind of advertising is most common in China?

What are the ways in which advertisements catch the attention of


  

Is advertising on the internet very influential?

How do advertisements attract the attention of people? What is the purpose (= the function) of advertising? = Why do

companies spend money on advertising?


What kinds of advertisements are most attractive to children (or,

young people)?


Do you think advertisements are a good or bad influence on



Do you think advertisements actually influence people to buy

things (perhaps things they don't really need)?


Do overseas advertisements used in, or adapted for use in China

affect Chinese culture and values? Controls on Advertisements

 

Does the Chinese government control advertisements in any way? What should happen to those people or companies who engage in

false advertising?


Do you think there should be controls on (= laws concerning)

advertising, for example cigarette and alcohol advertising?

10、An Unusual Job

Describe an unusual job you would (like to) do, if you had the opportunity. You should say:

what job it would be

what you would do in that job why this job is unusual

and explain why you would like to do that job. Part3

What careers (or jobs) are popular with young people in your


Do you think there's any difference between males and females

when it comes to choosing a future career?

What factors do males (young men) men consider and what

factors do females (young women) consider when they are making

this choice?

Do you think money (the salary) is the most important factor to


Do you think parents should let their children make their own

choices about a future career or should the parents make this choice?

Are there any other ways in which young people can get some

guidance on what career to choose?

11、A Meal You Like

Describe a meal (or dish) that you like to eat. You should say: what it is

where you usually eat it what the meal is made of and explain why you like it. Part3

  

Do you like cooking? (Why?/Why not?)

What kinds of food do Chinese people like to eat?

Would you say that eating a healthy diet is important? (Why?)

   

Describe what you think is a healthy diet. Are there many vegetarians in China?

Why do you think some people choose to be vegetarians? Is the food that people eat today in China different to the food

that people used to eat

  

in the past? (If yes, in what ways has it changed?)

How do you think the way we eat will change in the future? Is American-style 'fast food' popular in China? (Why? Popular with



What do you think of this popularity – is it as good thing?

12、A Wrong Decision

Describe someone you know who made a wrong decision. You should say:

who the person was what the situation was what decision they made

and explain why you think it was the wrong decision.


What do you think are the most important decisions that people

make in their lives?

  

What skills are necessary when making decisions? How can people improve their decision-making skills?

How do you think computers will change the way people make


Do parents in China allow their children to make important

decisions about the future?

Do you think that parents should make important decisions for

their children?

How can older people (parents) help young people (their children)

make their own decisions wisely?

13、A Film About A Real Person

Describe a film about a real person or event that you have watched. You should say:

when (and where) you saw this film what person or event the film was about

what happened in the film

and explain how you felt about this film. Part 3

Film-watching Preferences in Your Country

 

What kinds of films are most popular in your country?

What kinds of films do young people (i.e., people aged 15 to 25)

like to watch?

What kinds of films do children (i.e., people aged 4 to 12) like to


    

What kinds of films do you prefer to watch?

Do you think films have much influence on young people? What about children - what impact do films have on children? Do you think films that show violence can affect children? Do you think parents should supervise what films their children


 

Do you ever learn anything from watching a film?

Do you think that you can learn about other (foreign) cultures

from watching films?

  

In what ways can a country's culture be represented in a film? To what extent do films influence a country's culture? How could a film enrich (or, strengthen) a country's culture?

The Film Industry

  

In your opinion, what is a \"good\" film (and what is a \"bad\" film)? In your opinion, what is a \"successful\" film?

Do you think it's necessary for film-makers to spend a lot of

money in order to produce a successful (or, a good) film?

 

Do you think we will continue to have cinemas in the future? In the future, do you think that cinemas will be replaced by DVD's

(and/or films downloaded off the internet)?


What do you think would be the result if everyone watched films

on DVD (instead of going to the cinema)?

14、A Vehicle You Want to Buy

Describe a vehicle you would like to buy (or, own). You should say:

what (kind of) vehicle it is what it would look like why you would like to have it

and explain why you would prefer this means of transport.


What are the advantages and disadvantages of public and private

(= individual) transportation?

What are the advantages to society of having more people using

mass transportation?

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of using mass


Why do some people have to travel a long distance every day to

get to work?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in center of a

city and living in the suburbs of a city?

What are the advantages to society of having more people using

mass transportation?

Should it be the responsibility of governments or of individuals to

limit the number of cars that are in use?

Do you think that governments should control the number of

private cars that are on the roads? How could this be done?

How can the government encourage more people to use public

(mass) transportation? 、

15、An Old Family Photograph

Describe an old family photograph You should say:

who took the photo when it was taken where it was taken and explain why you like it. Part 3

The Purposes of Photographs

  

Do you like taking photographs?

Why do so many people like to take photographs (as a hobby)? Some people don't like taking photographs. Can you make any

guesses about why?

 

What are the occasions when people take photographs? Why do some people invade the privacy of celebrities by taking

photographs of these celebrities?

Do you think news photographs are an important part of

newspaper stories?

Do you think photographs are important in understanding (or

representing or recording) history? Technology and Photographs

 

Compare old cameras with those in use today.

How has photography (or, photographic technology) changed

over the past few decades?


Compare the photos that you take with those that professional

photographers take.


Some people prefer to take still photographs while others prefer

to take videos. Why? Photographs as Art

   

Compare a typical family photograph and an artistic photograph. Do many Chinese people visit photograph exhibitions?

Compare painting pictures and taking photographs (as art forms). Which leaves a deeper impression on people, a picture or a written

description of some event or scene

16、A Gift You Would Like to Give

Describe a gift you would like to give to one of your friends. You should say:

who you would like to give this gift to what the gift would be

how much it would cost

and explain why you would like to give this gift to this person. Part 3 Gift Giving

    

Why do people give gifts to others? When do people in your country give gifts?

What should people consider when choosing a gift?

Do you think some parents give too many things to their children? Can you suggest any ways to improve that situation?

17、A Book You Would Like to Read Again

Describe a type of book you like to read. You should say:

what's the name of the book what type of book it is what content it has

and explain why you like to read this type of book.

Part 3

Books and other Media

Besides textbooks, what other materials (or teaching media) are

used in schools in China?

Do you think textbooks will be replaced in future by other teaching

media such as small notebook computers? Education

  

Is education important? (Why?)

How do people in China consider teaching, as a profession? Who should decide what is taught in schools & universities - the

students, the teachers or the government? The Importance of Reading

   

Why do children like adults reading stories to them?

What are some of the main differences between books and films?. What can a person learn from reading books from overseas? Do you think it's a good idea to learn a foreign language by

reading materials such as novels in that language?

18、A Meaningful Song

Describe a song that has (special) meaning for you. You should say: what song it is when you first heard it what the song is about

and explain why this song has special meaning for you. Part3

   

What kinds of music are popular in your country? Do people of different ages like the same kinds of music?

Why don't older people like pop music as much as young people? What do you think are the benefits of learning to play a musical


Do you think the playing of musical instruments is beneficial to


19、A Way To Relax

Describe a way to relax that you find effective.

You should say:

what you do (or, how you relax) where you usually do it

who is usually with you at this place and explain why this is relaxing for you. Part3

 

What are some of the various things that people do to relax? Are there any differences in the way people relax today compared

to the past?

Do you think that there is more stress in modern life than there

was in the past?

What about the future, do you think there will be less stress than

today, or more?

How do you think people will be relaxing many years in the future?

20、A Lesson or Course

Describe a class or training session that you enjoyed.

You should say:

what the teacher (and the students) did when & where you had this class

what you learned in this class or training session and explain why you enjoyed it. Part3

 

What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher?

Do you think the usage of science and technology has changed

teaching very much?

  

Distance Education

(This would mainly mean the use of the internet today.) Which do you think is better, distance education or classroom


Do you think distance education might one day replace classroom


21、A Product U Were Dissatisfied With

Describe something that you bought that you were dissatisfied with. You should say: what the item was

when and where you bought it why you bought it

and explain why you were not happy with this product. Part3

Price versus Quality

 

What do young people in your country like to buy?

Which do you think is more important, the cost of a product or the

quality of the product?

Why are imported products more expensive than locally made


What do you think of those people who only buy expensive things

and who look down on other people who buy cheap products? Online Shopping

 

What products are most suitable for buying online?

Which do you think is better, buying things online or buying things

in real shops?

 

Why do you think online shopping has become so popular? How do people pay for things they buy online?

 

Do you think there are any problems with shopping online? In what ways do you think online shopping businesses could be


22、A Childhood Toy

Describe a toy that was special to you when you were a child. You should say: when you got it what it looked like who gave it to you

and explain how you used it (how you played with it). Part 3 Toys

 

What are the most popular kinds of toys in China? Why do you think children often like certain toys instead of


 

Do boys and girls like the same toys?

What are the differences between boys' toys and girls' toys?

Do you think it's good if parents only buy \"educational\" toys for

their children?

   

Which do you think is better to give a child, a computer or a toy? What effect do you think electronic toys have on children?

Do you think watching TV can take the place of playing with toys? Why do you think some children prefer to watch TV rather than

play with toys?

23、A Science Subject

Describe a science subject that you studied in high school You should say:

the name of the subject what you did in this class how the teacher taught it

and explain how you felt about this subject / this class. Part3

Science in Society

Do you think science is an important part of people's everyday


How do people get information about science in their everyday


 

How popular are science subjects in (high) school?

How do you think the teaching of science in high school could be


24、Your Future Work Plans

Describe a job you would like to have in the future. You should say:

what this job would involve

what study you would need to do to prepare for this work why you would like to have this job

and explain what skills you would need for this work. Part 3

Changing Jobs

     

Why do people need to work?

Do most people work for job satisfaction or just for money? Do people in China change their jobs very often? Do you think it is good to change your job frequently? How often do you think people should change their jobs? In China, how do most people feel about people who often change

their job?

Do you think that people who often change their jobs have more

job satisfaction and better incomes than other people?

If you had a well paid job but didn't like your work, what would

you do?

25、A Wild Animal

Describe a time when you saw a wild animal. You should say: what animal it was where you saw it

what happened when you saw it

and explain how do people in your country feel about this animal. Part 3 Zoos

     

Do you think zoos are good or bad?

Do you think it's cruel to keep wild animals in zoos? Why do you think so many cities have zoos?

In your opinion, what features should a good zoo have? Do you think zoos might disappear in the future?

What future developments do you think we will see concerning


The Protection of Wild Animals

 

Why do you think wild animals should be protected?

In what ways does human activity result in the extinction (or near

extinction) of some animal species?

At present, many animals are already facing extinction. How do

you think average citizens could (help) protect wild animals?


Why do you think films or books for children so often include



26、an interesting talk

Describe an interesting (and impressive) talk (or speech) that you heard. You should say: who gave the talk what the talk was about where you heard it

and explain why the talk was interesting/ what you learned from this talk. Part 3

What different kinds of speeches or lectures have you What qualities (attributes) should these visiting speakers Why do many people find it hard to give a talk to young Why do you think many people are nervous before they Why do people give speech to children? Who make people to do so?

How media relate to the speech to children in school? What kind of people can give speech to children? How about people on normal jobs? What's the aim of the speeches to children?

attended in your life?



give a speech?

     

27、A robot

A Robot

Describe a robot you know. You should say:

what sort of robot is what it looks like what it can do

and explain how you felt about the robot.

28、An important massage

An Important Message

Describe an important message you received by phone, e-mail or text. You should say:

what the message was who it was from

what you did after you got this message and explain why the message was important. Part 3

How important do you think communication between Do you think it's important to have good communication In what situations do you think communication is very Would you say you are a good communicator? What sorts of skills do you believe are important for Is there much difference between the ways young people

people is?



 

good communication?

communicate and the ways young people communicate and the ways old people communicate?

What sorts of jobs (or, work) especially require good What are the different ways that people communicate What are the differences between a phone call and

communication skills?

with each other?

face-to-face communication with someone?


What's your favourite form of communication, besides What forms of communication do you use to

Do old people and young people use the same methods How do you think communication technology might (or, What are the differences between writing a letter and

face-to-face communication?


communicate with your family?


to communicate?


will) change in the future?


writing an email?

29、A important plant

A Important Plant

Describe an important plant in your country (such as vegetables, flowers, fruits, trees, etc.). You should say: what the plant is how you know it why it is important

and explain how do you like the plant. Part 3

Do you think farming is a good job?

Do you think more and more people in the future want Are there more and more people regarding farming as

to plant fruits for themselves?

their work today? Why?

30、A performance

A Performance

Describe a show or performance that you enjoyed watching. You should say:

what kind of performance it was when and where you saw it who the performer(s) was (were)

and explain how you felt about this performance. Part 3

 

What kinds of performances are most popular in China? Do you think art forms such as ballet and drama are Do you think live theater is important today?

Do you think art forms such as dance and drama have an Do you think they should receive financial support from Do you think the popularity of TV is having an effect on

important in life?

 

impact on people’s everyday lives?

the government?

traditional performing arts?

Do you think TV increases the opportunities for people

to see traditional performances or does it result in adecrease in the amount of traditional performances that people see?

What do you think about (the value of) children going to What is the value of children learning to perform, such as Do boys and girls have the same feeling attitudes about Do you think learning to dance (or to perform dance) has

see a play or dramatic performances?

learning to act, sing or dance in front of an audience?


performing (or watching) an artistic performance?


any benefits for children?

31、A foreign language

A Foreign Language

Describe another language that you would learn if you wanted. You should say:

the name of this language how you would learn it

what equipment of facilities you would need to study this language

and explain what difficulties you think you would have when learning this language.

Part 3

Do many people in China study a second foreign Why do you think some people are better than others at How would you assess your own language ability? Do you think children can learn a foreign language faster Who do you think is better at learning a foreign If you were an English teacher, how would you try to How does studying a foreign language help people to

language? (Why?/Why not?)

learning a foreign language?

 

than adults? (Why?/Why not?)

language, boys or girls?

make lessons (more) interesting?

understand the culture of the people who speak thatlanguage?

Do you think it is important (or, a good idea) to have one What would the advantages or disadvantages to have a

mian world language?

global language?

32、A useful website

A Useful Website

Describe a useful website that you like to visit. You should say:

what the website helps you to do

what the contents of the website are (or, were) how often you go to this website

and explain how(or, why) this website helps you. Part 3

Compared to several decades ago, do you think the What impact has the internet had on modern people’s What are the pros and cons of children using the How do you think children could be encouraged to (or, Do you think online education is good?

Do you think the internet (or, computers) will ever In what ways is the internet used for entertainment? Do different age groups use it for entertainment in

internet has changed people’s lives?



taught to) use the internet in positive ways?

 

replace teachers?

 

different ways?

33、A mathematics class

A Mathematics Class

Describe a mathematics class you attended at primary school. You should say:

when and where you attended the class what the teacher taught what you did

and explain what you learn from the class/ how you felt about the class. Part3

 

What do you think are the qualities of a good teacher? Do you think the usage of science and technology has Which do you think is better, distance education or Do you think distance education might one day replace

changed teaching very much?

classroom education?

classroom education?

34、An item of clothing

An Item of Clothing

Describe an item of clothing that was bought for you. You should say: what it is what it looks like

why it was bought for you

and explain how you feel (or felt) about this item of clothing. Part 3

 

Does everyone like to go shopping for clothes? Why do you think some people don't like shopping for Do you think it's important to follow the current fashions Why do you think many people feel it's important to Do you think people tend to judge others by the clothes Do you think these differences in clothes reflect Do you (Did you) like wearing school uniform? Do you think it's good for people (such as school What impact do you think the fashion industry has on


in the clothes you wear?

wear clothes that are \"in fashion\"?

they wear?(Why?)

differences in personality?

 

students) to wear school uniform?

the economy of your country?


1、A Group Activity 2、A Traditional Event

3、A Sport Event You Enjoyed Watching 4、Your Favourite Part Of The Day 5、A Day Off

6、An Occasion You Had To Be Polite 7、Something That Made You Laugh 8、A Historical Event

9、Something Difficult You Did 10、A Happy Childhood Event 11、A Childhood Trip 12、A Wedding 13、long-distance trip 14、Enjoyable visit 15、Project

16、Cultural difference 17、Important change

18、A traffic jam

19、Your Future Work Plans

1、A Group Activity

that you enjoy doing You should say:

what the activity is who you do it with where you do it

and explain why you enjoy it.

Ok right then, well the group activity I’d like to talk about was actually an English speaking competition I took part in during my first year at university, which everyone on my course had to be in, so it was basically compulsory for us, otherwise I can safely say there’s no way I would have taken part in it, because at that time, my English really wasn’t that great!

But anyway, as for what we had to do, well, to begin with, we were all put into small groups of about four or five, and in our groups, we had to write a small play in English lasting about seven or eight minutes, and then act it out in front of all the students and lecturers on our course.

So regarding how difficult it was, well if truth be told, we all found it incredibly tough, at least in my group anyway,because none of us had ever written a play in English before, so it was a big challenge for us. But I suppose it was reassuring to know that everyone on our course was in the same boat, and thankfully we were helped by the fact that a couple of guys in our group spoke really good English, so if it wasn’t for them, I honestly don’t know how we would have done it!

And finally, with regard to how I felt about being part of this team, well I basically just felt super lucky, because firstlywe had some really smart guys in our group, and it turned out that they were good actors as well, which was a big bonus! But probably what impressed me most about my teammates was the fact that, when we were

running out of time to come up with something to write, they all managed to remain calm and focused, which was a huge help,otherwise we could have just panicked and given up. But we didn’t, and in the end we were able to succeed. So this experience has really taught me a lot about how to act under pressure in a group situation. Part3 Group Activities in Your Country

1、Besides sports, what are some other group activities that people in your country engage in?

2、What kinds of teams, clubs, organizations or groups do some people in your country join?

3、Are (were) there any clubs at your school or university? 4、Why do people join these groups?

5、Do you think joining a groups/club is a good ways to make friends? (Why?)

6、Do you think joining a group or club is a good way to find a girlfriend/boyfriend? 7、What are some examples of people working as a group?

8、Do you think problems can ever arise when people do things as a group? 9、How do you suggest these problems could be solved?

2、A Traditional Event(e.g:wedding)

Describe an important traditional event (in your culture/country). You should say:

when this event is held who attends this event

what people do during this event

and explain why this event is important.

The traditional event which impresses me most is the Chinese traditional wedding. The red letter date will be picked by the groom's parents. Both the bride and the groom's house will be decorated in red in advance.

who participates in this event and what they do The groom's family will send out a precession of servants, entertainers and a carriage which is carried by four servants to the bride's family to bring the bride back. The bride and the groom will worship the heaven and the earth, the groom's ancestors and they will also serve tea to all their superiors in the family. After the meal, the new couple will return to the bridal room and some naughty friends may tag-along and play tricks on the groom. Then, the couple will finally be left with themselves and the groom can take off the red cloth that covers the bride's face. You know in the ancient times, a man may probably marry a woman that he had never met before, that is to say, the first time to see the wife's face was in their bed, which was really exciting.

That's why I found the traditional wedding so interesting. Now more and more young people choose to have a traditional wedding, which means there is a growing trend towards the traditional culture. That's quite delightful.


Traditions in Your Country

1、Does your country have what we could call \"traditional food\"?

2、Do you have \"traditional dress\" (or, traditional clothes) in your country? 3、What are some other important traditions in your country? 4、Do you think it's important to maintain traditions? 5、What is the value of traditions?

6、Are young people very attracted to traditional things?

7、Why are some people more attracted to foreign culture than their own culture? 8、Do you think this is a good thing?

9、Do you think these traditions will be lost in the future? 10、If a tradition disappears in one generation, do you think it's possible for it to return in the next generation?

11、How do you think the loss of traditions could be prevented?

3、A Sport Event You Enjoyed Watching

Describe a sporting event you enjoyed watching. You should say: what event it was

what happened at this event who you watched it with

and explain why you enjoyed watching this event.

I love to play badminton especially in the summer time. It is a game I really enjoy, so play it whenever I can get a willing partner. It is a lot like tennis, but I can play badminton anywhere. I do not have to go to a tennis court to play and I can play in between classes without getting sweaty.

Badminton is played with rackets that look a lot like tennis rackets, but they are much more delicate. You should have a net, which sits high above the ground, and a ball that is called a birdie. The birdie has a small rubber half a ball on one end, and it fans out with feathers on the other end to help it to fly. A badminton court has a net in the center that stretches from side to side. Each side of the net has a square that the team mates play in. It is ideal to play badminton with four people, but you can play one on one as well. You can also play without points or a net, but I do not think it is as much fun.

It is a game that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty of exercise playing badminton. The main reason I like the game is that everyone, man or woman, has an equal chance to compete. There are so many sports that require height or strength to be good; it is refreshing to play one that I have an equal opportunity to win. Maybe that is why I get very competitive and energetic when I play. I love the game; it is fun and rewarding, and I feel alive when playing.


Sport in Your Country

 Is sport very popular in your country?

 In your country, what are the most popular sports that people like to play?

Is there much difference between men and women when it comes to playing sport?

 Who (what kinds of people) are most interested in sport? (Why?)

 Do people in your country prefer to play team sports or individual sports?  Do people prefer to attend sports events or to watch them on TV? Sport and TV

 Do people in your country like to watch sporting event on TV?  Are there lots of sporting event played on TV?  Do you think there's too much sport on TV? 

4、Your Favourite Part Of The Day

Describe your favourite part of the day. You should say: when it is

what you do at this time

who is usually with you at this time

and explain why it is your favorite part of the day.


1、How do people plan their routines?

2、What are the advantages of planning your time? 3、What are the disadvantages of routines?

4、Do you think there are any differences between the ways young people and old (or, older) people plan their time?

5、Are there any special tools (or methods) that people use to plan their time?

5、A Day Off

Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study. You should say:

where you would go what you would do there who you would go with

and explain how you think you would feel at the end of this day. Part3

1、How do people in your country spend their free time?

2、Do people of different age groups do the same kinds of leisure activities? 3、Do people of different income levels all do the same kinds of leisure activities? 4、Have there been any changes in people's leisure activities in the past 20 or 30 years?

5、Do you think there will be more changes in the future? (If yes, what,? why? or how?)

6、Do you think people would work harder if they were given more leisure time? 7、What do you think is a suitable retirement age for people?

6、An Occasion You Had To Be Polite

Describe an occasion when you had to be polite. You should say:

what the occasion was where it was

who was with you

and explain why you had to be polite Part3

 What are some ways that people in your country show politeness towards others?

 Do you think people are equally polite at home (with their family) as they are outside the home (with strangers)?

 What do you think are the differences between a polite person and a friendly person?

 Do you think telling lies is impolite?

 Are there any times when it might be polite to tell a lie?  Do you always tell the truth to people?

 Which do you think is better, to always show your feelings or to sometimes conceal your feelings?

 On the question of showing emotions, do you think males and females are the same?

 Do you think pretending to smile is polite?

7、Something That Made You Laugh

Describe a situation that made you laugh. You should say: what it was

when it happened who was with you

and explain why you laughed. Part3

 What makes people laugh in your country (your culture)?  Are comedy TV shows very popular in your country?

 Do you think there are any differences between the comedy shows on TV that young people like and those that old(er) people like?

 What do you think are the differences between seeing comedy on TV and reading funny materials in a book?

 Would you like to appear in a TV comedy program?

 Do you think it's easy to translate comedy TV programs into other languages?

8、A Historical Event

Describe a historical event from your country. You should say:

what the event was

when and where it happened how you learnt about this event

and explain why you remember this event so well.

With regard to the effects that a historical event can have on my country, i think what rank the very first would be the establishment of modern China, the birth day of the People's republic of China. This historic moment allowes the later on economic prosperity, guranteed the improvement of people's living standard, and raise China's international role.

The establishment of China means China has ended the decades of war, providing a stable domestic situation for the development of economy. At the time when China was founded, it was among the poorest countries in the world. However decades after, we successfully transformed China from a mainly agrarian nation to a mostly

industrialized nation, resulting in the soring of our GDP which ranked the 4th among all the nations in the world last year.What's more,more and more foreign investment are being absorbed into China to help build our country, thus ensuring further economic prosperity.

What comes with the development of economy is the improvement of people's

living standard. In terms of transportation, poeple now travel by plane instead of horse or on foot decades ago. In terms of transportation, people now can communicate with cell phone or on the internet instead of writing letters which is not effective at all. In terms of health, people now live longer thanks to the development of medical care system and the sanitatary conditions in rural areas.

The establishment of China also demostrate to the world that China is raising up. China now has more influence globally. We are actively involved in resolving

confilcts and difficult issues. For example we host the 6 party talks trying to resolve the nuclear weapons issue of North Korea and right now significant agreement has been made. China is also a permanent member of the UN security council which is the most powerful organization within the body of UN.This further enables us to have a voice in the world and also allowes us to play a positive role in the world.

At the very moment that our first president declared the foundation of modern China, a new chapter has opened. This is a chapter of prosperity, humanity and international acknowlegement.



 Do you think the traditions in your country (or culture) are changing (or, have changed)?

 Do you think traditions should be preserved, unchanged, or is there some value in changing traditions?

 What do you think is the value of traditions?

 Do you think old people think about traditions (or, value traditions) more than young people do?

 How will you teach your (cultural) traditions to your children?

9、Something Difficult You Did

Describe something difficult you did. You should say: what is was

when and where you did it who was with you

and explain why you think this was difficult.


What challenges do young people face today?

 Do you think there's much difference between the challenges that (young) people face today and those that (young) people faced in the past?

 What are some examples of dangerous (or challenging) jobs in your country?  Do you think ambition is good for young people?

 What ambitions (or, aspirations) do most young people have today?

 In your country, what are some ways that people celebrate success in your country?

 What (do you think) motivates people to develop themselves?

10、A Happy Childhood Event

Describe a happy event from your childhood that you remember well. You should say: what the event was

when and where it happened who was with you

and explain why you remember this event so well.

I would like to talk about a children’s song competition in my primary school. On one Children's Day, a children’s song competition was held by our school for celebrating the festival. I was selected to represent my class to participate the competition. Back to my childhood, I was very shy and did not talk too much with my classmates. Thinking about it now, I guess it was an opportunity from my teacher to let me be more active in the school. Anyway, it was a great honor. I was very exciting but also afraid to sing in public.

My teacher helped me choose a song called ‘where is the spring’. The song describes the beautiful and thriving spring, and many children playing outside happily. I like the song very much, because it is very cheerful and easy to learn. I practiced the song even at home, and my parents were both impressed by my sweet voice. Several weeks later, the competition finally started. About 10 students participated in the competition and all students, teachers and their families were presented. It was my first time to sing in front of so many people. I was a bit nervous as soon as I stepped onto the stage. However, everything turned out perfect after the music started. They all gave me a big hand when I finished the song.

I only got a consolation prize at the end, but I still think it was the happiest event in my childhood. Of course, the song is still one of my favorite songs, and it reminds the happiness in my childhood all the time.


Happy Events in Your Culture

 What are some example of events in your culture that people enjoy?  Why (or, how) do people gain happiness from these events?  What do people usually do to celebrate these happy events? The Nature of Happiness

 Do you think there is much difference between what makes people happy today and what made people happy in the past?

 What do you think gives people happiness that lasts a long time?

 Do you think advertising today has any effect on people's sense of happiness?  Do you think money can bring happiness?

 Which is more important to you, wealth or happiness?

11、A Childhood Trip

Describe a trip you went on in your childhood that you remember well. You should say: how you traveled why you went there how long the trip took

and explain why you remember this trip. Part 3

Transportation in the City and in the Rural Areas

 What kind(s) transport would you recommend for people who want to travel around in your hometown?

 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of cycling in the city?

 How do you think transportation in cities will change in the future?

 How does transportation in the countryside compare with that in the city?

 Do you think the cities have better transportation facilities than the rural areas? Long-Distance Travel

 Do people in your country generally prefer to go on long trips or short trips?  What effects does long-distance travel have on people?

 Does long-distance traveling have any effect on the environment?  How is long-distance travel today different to in the past?  How would you feel if you had the chance to travel in space?

12、A Wedding

Describe a wedding you attended. You should say:

whose wedding it was who was there where it was

and explain how you felt at this wedding Part 3 Weddings

 Have you ever been to a wedding celebration?  What happens at a wedding celebration in China?

 Do people eat, drink and dance at wedding celebrations in China?  Why do many people spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?  Why do you think people spend a lot of money on their wedding?

 Do you think it is important to spend a lot of money on wedding celebrations?  Compare the advantages of small wedding celebrations and large wedding celebrations.

 What would be the ideal wedding celebration for you?

 Compare modern weddings in China with traditional Chinese weddings.  Which would you prefer, a modern-style wedding or a traditional-style wedding? Why?

 Do you know of any differences between weddings in China and those in the West?

13、long-distance trip 14、Enjoyable visit 15、Project

16、Cultural difference 17、Important change 18、A traffic jam

19、Your Future Work Plans

Your Future Work Plans

Describe a job you would like to have in the future. You should say:

what this job would involve

what study you would need to do to prepare for this work why you would like to have this job

and explain what skills you would need for this work.



A Leisure Activity Near The Sea Describe a leisure activity near the sea.

You should say:

what type of leisure activity it is who you would like to do with how you would enjoy this activity and explain why you like this activity. Part 3

    

Are activities near the sea good to health? What jobs or activities must be done near/at sea? What are the advantages and disadvantages if boating? How do factories use sea water?

Do you think why Chinese don't like activities near the

sea as much as British? 21、

A City You Visited

Describe a city that you have visited. You should say:

where the city is (and its name) when you went there

what you liked & disliked about the city and explain why you visited this city. Part 3

What materials did you use to get information about this What was the landform of that place (or, around that Do you think that tourists can harm the local culture of Which do you think is the better place to live, a city or a In China, what are the major differences between the Why do many people prefer to live in the city instead of What problems are there from living in a city and what



the people and the environment of a tourist spot?

village in the countryside?

urban and the rural areas?

in a rural area?

problems are there from living in a village (or, the countryside)?

22、A Recent Change

Describe a positive change in your life. You should say: when it happened

where it happened what the change was

and explain how you have benefited from this change. Part 3

Do you like change in your life? (Why?/Why not?)

Do you think change is important in life?

Why do you think some people try to resist change in their lives?

Have there been many recent changes in your community? What do you think have been some of the major changes in the world in the past few years?

Do you think these changes have been changes for the better, or for the worse?

Do you have any thoughts on why these changes are occurring now?

Can you think of any things that were better (than they are now) a few years ago?

Can you think of any things that are better now than they used to be a few decades ago?

Do you think it's good for children to experience new things?

Do you think parents should teach their children how to cope with change?

23、A Childhood Game

Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child. You should say: what the game was

when, where and with whom you usually played it how you played it

and explain what was special about this game. Part 3

Do children prefer to spend time with other children or with adults?

Do children and adults like playing together?

Are boys and girls interested in the same games or play activities?

Do you think it's important for schools to have areas for outdoor play (i.e., playgrounds)?

What are the benefits of children playing games?

What's your opinion about the entertainment choices that children today have?

Do you think it's important for schools to have after-school activities for school children?

How do you think school lessons could be made more interesting for younger schoolchildren?

Do you think it's good for children to play competitive games?

Are there any differences between the games boys like to play and those girls like to play? 24、

An Time You Helped Others

Describe a time when you helped someone. You should say:

who you helped how you helped them why you helped them

and explain how this person benefited from your help. Part 3

   

What kinds of people need help in China? What do you think of (very) poor people? How do you help other people?

Do Chinese people help others who need help, such as Do you think it's important to help people who need Do you think the government should help these people? How does the government try to help these people? Are there any non-government organizations in China Where do these organizations get their money from? What's your opinion of these organizations?

people in extreme poverty? (How?)

help? (Why? /Why not?)

(Why? /Why not?)

 

that help people?

 


An Occasion When You Were Late

Describe an important occasion when you were late. You should say:

when this happened

what occasion you were late for why you were late

and explain the result of your being late. Part3

 

Do you think it's important to be punctual? How do you feel when others are late, keeping you What are some methods that people can use to make Except for having a schedule, do you know of any other Do young people and older people have the same Do you think punctuality is more important for Are your friends ever late, for example, for class or to What are some examples of occasions when punctuality Do you think that ideas about being 'on time' are the


sure they are on time?


attitudes towards punctuality?

businesspeople or for the common person?

meet you when you go out?

is especially important?

same in the West and in China?


1、An Interesting Old Person

2、A Peason You Enjoy Talking To 3、A Teenager You Know

4、A Friend You Havent Seen For Long 5、A Happy Marriage

6、A Popular Band or Singer 7、A Famous Person 8、A Neighbour

1、An Interesting Old Person

Describe an interesting old person you have met. You should say:

when you met this person where you met them

how often you meet this person

and explain why you think he or she was interesting.



1、Why do companies usually not hire old people for work?

2、In your country, at what age do people usually retire from work? 3、Is this retirement age a law or is it just the custom in your country? 4、Do you think this is a suitable age to retire?

5、Do you think many old people would like to continue working after they retire? 6、What problems do you imagine some old people have as a result of retiring from work?

7、Why do some employers think that hiring old people has advantages? 8、What do you think is the role of old people in the family today? 9、Has this role changed, compared to the past?

10、Do you think that old people should live with their children (and grandchildren)? 11、What are the benefits of this?

2、A Peason You Enjoy Talking To

Describe a person you enjoy talking with. You should say:

how often you speak with this person when you usually talk with him/her what topics you usually speak about

and explain why you enjoy speaking to them (= him or her). Part3

Communication Skills

What do you and your friends or family usually chat about? Do you think it's important to communicate well (or, clearly)? What do you think is good communication?

And what do you think are some examples of bad (or, poor) communication? Do you think everyone can learn these skills?

How would you suggest these skills be taught to children? Do you think adults and children communicate the same way? Who do you think learns language faster, children or adults?

Can you think of any examples of work (or, jobs) that require good communication skills?

What (personal) qualities do you think good communicators have?

3、A Teenager You Know

Describe a teenager who you know. You should say:

how and where you met him or her what you and this person do together

what kind of person he or she is and explain how you feel about him or her. Part3

 What do you think is the difference between children and teenagers?

 At what age do you think people become responsible (for their own actions)?  What responsibilities do you mean here?

 How could (or, should) schools educate students to be responsible people?  Do you think children also should be responsible people?

4、A Friend You Havent Seen For Long

Describe a friend you haven't been in contact with for a long time but who you would like to see again. You should say:

who this friend is

how long you have not been in contact what you would like to do together

and explain why you haven't been in contact for a long time. Part3

 Why do people have friends?  How do people become friends?

 How (or why) do people sometimes lose contact with friends?

 If someone loses contact with a friend, how could they re-establish contact?  What do you think are the advantages of maintaining a friendship for a long time?

 How can people maintain a friendship for a long time?  Do you think making friends on the internet is a good idea?

5、A Happy Marriage

Describe a couple who you think have a happy marriage. You should say: who they are

how long they have been married how they live their lives

and explain why you think they are happily married. Part 3

 Weddings in Your Country

 What happens at a wedding in your country?  Is it expensive to get married in your country?

 Why do people spend so much money on their weddings?

 In your country, in the past 20 or 30 years, have there been any changes in the ages at which people get married?

 What different roles do husbands and wives usually play in your country?  How does a married couple decide who does what work?

6、A Popular Band or Singer

Describe a popular band or singer in your country. You should say: who they are

what kind of music they perform

what kind of people they are (he/she is) and explain why you thin they are popular. Part3 Fame

 Why do some people want to be famous?

 Do you think famous people change their ways of thinking when they become famous?

 For example, what changes do you think might happen if someone suddenly became rich?

 Do you want to be famous?  Would you like to be famous?

 To be one of these stars, what qualities do people need to have?  Do you think all famous people have a lot of money?  How do people become famous?

 Who were some famous people about 30 or 40 years ago?

 Compare the types of people who were famous about 30 or 40 years ago (or, in the past) with the people who are famous today

 What kind(s) of people do you think will be famous in the future?

 Do you think there is a possible danger in young people using some famous people as role models?

 What benefits do people get from being famous?  Can you think of any disadvantages to being famous?

 Do you think famous people can (or, do) keep their privacy after they become famous?


Do you think the children of famous people can play with normal children?

7、A Famous Person

Describe a famous person you would like to meet. You should say:

who this person is (or, was)

how you first learnt about him or her how/why this person is famous

and explain why you would like to meet this person. Part3 Fame

 Why do some people want to be famous?

 Do you think famous people change their ways of thinking when they become famous?

 For example, what changes do you think might happen if someone suddenly became rich?

 Do you want to be famous?  Would you like to be famous?

 To be one of these stars, what qualities do people need to have?  Do you think all famous people have a lot of money?  How do people become famous?

 Who were some famous people about 30 or 40 years ago?

 Compare the types of people who were famous about 30 or 40 years ago (or, in the past) with the people who are famous today

 What kind(s) of people do you think will be famous in the future?

 Do you think there is a possible danger in young people using some famous people as role models?

 What benefits do people get from being famous?  Can you think of any disadvantages to being famous?

 Do you think famous people can (or, do) keep their privacy after they become famous?

 Do you think the children of famous people can play with normal children?

8、A Neighbour

Describe one of your neighbours who you know quite well.

You should say:

how long you have known this neighbour what sort of person he or she is how often you see him or her

and explain what kind of relationship you have with them. Part3

Neighbors in Your Country

 Do you think neighbors are important?

 Do you think it's important to have a good relationship with one's neighbours?  Do you think people's relationships with their neighbours today is the same as it was in the past?

 Would you say these are changes for the better or changes for the worse?  What do you think caused these changes?

 What do you think are the qualities of a good neighbour and the qualities of a bad neighbour?

 What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of having neighbours?

 Do you think peoples' relationships with their neighbours are the same in the cities as they are in rural areas?

 What are some examples of the different communities  What are the benefits of belonging to a community?

 Are there any disadvantages to being part of a community?

地点place 1、A Garden

2、A Home You Like

3、A City of National Importance 4、A Place of Natural Beauty 5、A Street

6、A Place Near Water

1、A Garden

Describe a garden you visited and liked. You should say: where it was

what you saw in this garden what you did there

and explain why you liked it. Part3

 What do people usually do when they go to a garden in the city?

 Do people of different ages do different things when they visit a garden?

 Do you think the government (mainly city governments) have built enough public gardens in your country (or, hometown)?

 Do you think that's a good way for city governments to spend money?

 In your country, how is the open space between people houses or between apartment buildings used?

2、A Home You Like

Describe a beautiful house or flat that you have visited. You should say:

when you visited this home where it was (or is) what it looked like

and explain why you liked it. Part3

 What sort of location do most people prefer to live in?  What makes a location suitable for young people?  What makes a location suitable for old people?

 What places for entertainment are there near where you live (or, in your hometown)?

 Do you think the design of a home is important? (Why?/Why not?)

Dou you think it's possible for a person to design his/her own home?

3、A City of National Importance

Describe a city of national importance. You should say: what city it is where it is

what sort of place it is and explain why it is important.


1、Have cities changed much in your country in the past few decades? 2、What do you think makes a city a good place to live? * 3、What essential facilities do you think a city needs to have?

4、How do you think living in a city and living in a rural environment are different? 5、Is there much difference between the standard of living of people in both of those places?

6、Which is more developed in your country, the cities or the rural areas? 7、Can you suggest any ways that this development gap could be narrowed? 8、Are there any problems concerning cities in your country?

9、How do you suggest these problems could be solved (or, addressed)?

4、A Place of Natural Beauty

Describe a place of natural beauty that you have been to. You should say: where it was

when you went there what was there

and explain how (or why) it was beautiful. Part3

In general, what types of places in your country have natural beauty?

 What do you think are the benefits of preserving a place such as a beautiful forest and turning it into a location for tourism?

 Do you think there are any possible downsides to doing that?  How can humans protect natural places?

 What can we do about natural disasters that do damage to places of natural beauty?

 If you were going a trip to a natural place, what things would you take with you?

5、A Street

Describe a street (in your hometown) that you like. You should say: where it is

what the main buildings are in (on) that street what you usually do in (on) that street and explain how you feel about this street. Part3

Big Cities and Villages

 In what ways do you think the streets are different in big cities and in villages?  Sometimes people choose to move to the countryside from a city. Can you suggest why these people do that?

 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of living in big cities with those of living in a village or small town.

 If a big city had no public transport, do you think it would be a good place to live?

 Who do you think is more suited to living in big cities, old people or young people?

 Do many young people from villages and small towns choose to leave their hometowns? Why?

 Do you think living in a village would have any advantages for old people?

6、A Place Near Water

Describe a place near water that you enjoyed visiting. You should say:

where this place was what you did at this place who you went there with

and explain why you liked this place. Part3

The Ocean

 Do you think oceans are important?

 What benefits do the oceans bring to people?

 What is the importance of the ocean to your country?  Do you think the oceans should be protected? (Why?)

 How do you think we could protect the ocean environment?

 Do you think the world should work together to protect the oceans? Living Near Water

    

What rivers do you have in your country?

In general, do you think people like to live near water? (Why?) What benefits do they get from living near water? Do you enjoy being close to the ocean?

Are there any disadvantages (or dangers) to living at the seaside?

人物 地点题 补充

人物题 9、

A Good Parent

Describe a good parent you know. You should say: who the parent is how you know the parent what the parent looks like

and explain why you think the parent is good. Part 3

How do parents take care of their kids in China? Are kids free in China?

Do you think who is good at taking care of kids, father or mother?

What is the most valuable thing that parents give to their kids? How do you think about the relationship between the parents and children?

Should parents be strict with the kids? What can parents teach their children?


A Person Who Has An Important Job Describe a person who has an important job. You should say: who the person is where the person works what the person does in the job

and explain why you think the person’s job is important. Part 3

   

What job do young people like to do nowadays? Why do many people lose their job? Why do many people fail to find a job? Who give you advice when looking for a job?


A Polite Person

Describe a most polite person you know.

You should say: who the person is how you know the person what the person looks like

and explain why you think the person is most polite. Part 3

  

Are you a polite person?

How do people usually show courtesy?

Do you think people living in the city are more polite Are Chinese people more polite than before? Why? What behavior do you think is polite? Is it important to be polite?

than people in the country? Why?

  

地点题 7、 A Cafeteria

Describe a café that you know in your hometown.

You should say: where it is

how often you go there

what kind of food they serve there and explain why you like to choose in this place. Part 3

What foods are most nutritious and what foods are not Do you think advertising has an effect on what foods Do you think that junk foods should be banned? What measures should be taken to increase public Are there any cafes near your

What (different) types of cafes are there in your What are some of the factors that make a café a good Does the food in the café you just talked about (in Part 2) Is it important in Chinese culture to eat outside with


people eat?

 

awareness of proper nutrition?




taste different to western food?

other people? 8、

A Crowded Place

Describe a time you went to a crowded place. You should say:

when you went there what the place was what you did there

and explain why you went there/ how you felt about the crowded place. Part 3

   

Do you like large place?

What event will attract many people in China? What place will attract many people in China? What do you think is the most important thing of an What problem is better to be solved through group Do people like crowded place in China?




Your Favorite Room

Describe the room in your home where you spent the most time when you were a child.

You should say: what it looked like what were the furniture what you did in that room

and explain why you spent most of your time in that room. Part 3

 

Do you think children should have their own rooms? How do children benefit from sharing a room with In China, do parents usually have rules about how Do you think it's important for parents to have rules for Do you think people have enough privacy today? What do you think of people who decorate their houses Have the rooms in people's houses changed much How do you think rooms will change in the future?


children keep their rooms?

how children keep their rooms?

 

in a very flamboyant manner?

compared to the rooms of your parents'time?

10、 A Library

Describe a library that you know.

You should say: where it is

when you went there

what books and facilities this library has and explain what you like or dislike about this library. Part 3

  

What is the purpose or role of libraries in society? What information can people get from libraries? What benefits can old people get from using community How do you think libraries could attract more people? Can you suggest some ways to make a library (more) What benefits can children get from using libraries? Do you think everybody should be able to use a public How do people find a particular book (or other material) What skills (and knowledge) do you think library staff In general, what facilities and recourses (or, equipment) Do you think government has a responsibility to provide


 

attractive for teenagers and young people?

 


in a library?

should have?


do libraries have?


public libraries for the people?

