

时间:2022-12-07 来源:乌哈旅游


1.Illogically,she had expected some kind of miracle solution. 她本想会有种奇迹般的解决方法,这是不合理的事。

2.He stalked away,but with a gnawing uncertainty in his mind. 他昂首阔步地走开,心里半信半疑,感到十分苦恼。

3.The inside of each tent depended on the personality of its occupants.


4.Doctors and injured both talked about a miracle drug constantly almost with awe.


5.The answer had been there all of the time just out of reach. 答案一直摆在那儿,可是没人弄到手。

1.The ample yard in back is dominated by heavily bearing fruit trees.

屋后是个宽敞的院子,大部分都给果实累累的果树占了。 2.Out of sheer joy she waved. 她纯粹出于高兴,才挥了挥手。

He wanted to tell John how surprised he was at his knowledge but embarrassment made him hold his peace.


4.Three rains had passed, and it was that lean season when the village's store of grain and other dried foods from the last harvest was almost gone.



Our army’s modernization calls for powerful ground, air and naval forces and modern arms and equipment, including guided missiles and nuclear weapons; it calls for rigorous and hard training to develop the ability to wipe out the enemy as required in actual combat; it calls for mastery of the new techniques involved in handling modern arms and equipment and of the new tactics entailed.

2.凡是拥护祖国统一的就是我们的朋友;凡是分裂祖国的就是我们的敌人Those who advocate reunification of our motherland are our friends while those who split our country are our enemy.


Two years later he changed to yet another school, and there he met a colleague really worth admiring, as he was a sincere and plain-spoken fellow who had been a teacher for ten years.


Americans are always time-conscious and time is one of the two elements that they save carefully, the other being labor.


Kissinger felt somewhat dissatisfied with the quibbling Rogers, with whom President Nixon, unexpectedly, saw eye to eye for his own juristic background.


Thanks to the Chinese people’s unrelenting and heroic struggle during the last hundred years, imperialism wasn’t able to conquer China, nor will it ever able to do so.

1.Memos were prepared in advance of private meetings on matters to be discussed.

在举行个别会谈之前,已就所有要讨论的问题预先拟好了备忘录。 2.On May 5th,1818, a boy was born to the Marxs,who later became one of co-founders of communism.

1818年5月5日,马克思家生下了一个男孩,后来他成了共产主义的创始人之一3.A contingency plan was hastily drawn up.


4.The hull of a ship is often protected against corrosion with a coat of special paint.


5.The tree has now grown so tall that its branches can't be reached any longer.


6.The liquid became mixed with the salt at room temperature. 那种液体在室温下和盐混合了。

7.My first ten years were spent in the rural area. 我童年的10年是在乡下度过的。

8.Rainbows are formed when sunlight passes through small drops of water in the sky. 彩虹是阳光透过天空中的小水滴而形成的。

9.It is universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife.


1.All these book I'll give to my brother.


2.This love of bright colors she got from me ,along with her red hair.

她从我这里继承了这种对鲜艳色彩的爱好,还有她那一头的红发。 这种对鲜艳色彩的爱好她从我这里继承去的,还有她那一头的红发。

3.In despair he pistoled himself. 他在绝望中拔枪自杀。绝望中他拔枪自杀。 4.荷塘四周,长着许多树,蓊蓊郁郁的。

Around the pond grows a profusion of luxuriant trees. Around the pond grows a profusion of trees, lush and luxuriant.

5.在银幕上,她是一位大家熟悉的演员;在文坛上,她又是一位享有盛名的作家She is a well-known actress on the screen and a celebrated writer in literary circles. On the screen, she is a well-known actress ;in the literary circles, she is a celebrated writer.

1.This King declared,\"Whoever makes my daughter laugh shall marry her.\"

国王宣称:“谁要能把我女儿逗乐,就可以娶她为妻。” 2.It's a bit fishy that he should have given away a mattress like that.

他竟然把那样的床垫送人,这可有点儿叫人怀疑。 3.你不能和我们同去,真的很遗憾。

It’s really a pity that you can’t go with us.

4.A principle of science tells what usually happens under certain conditions.

科学原理告诉我们在一定条件下所发生的事情。 5.I think it true that he ventured out to sea. 我想他真的已冒险出海。

6.She kissed the necklace as she put it on,and vowed she would never never part with it.



7.假如我比别人望得远一点,这是因为我自己站在巨人的肩膀上。 “If I have seen farther than other men, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.( Newton)”

8.They jumped to a conclusion that he was the murderer. 他们匆匆作出结论:他就是谋杀犯。

9.We are all aware of the face that the steeper the slope is, the greater the danger lies 坡度越陡越危险,这个请我们都了解。



The diplomat, who had long been interested in Asian Affairs, was flattered when he was nominated by the President to take charge of them.

2.He is the only fireman who returned from the fore. 他是唯一一个从火灾现场活着回来的消防战士。 3.He gave me a fountain pen that I kept to this day. 他给了我一支自来水笔,这支笔我一直保留到现在。

4. A fuel is a material which will burn at a reasonable temperature and produce heat. 燃料是一种物质,在适当的温度下能够燃烧并放出热量。

5.I have not given up my effort to get a passport that will enable me to visit France. 我一直没放弃弄一张护照,以便能够访问法国。

6.Those who are in favor please hold up your hands. 凡是同意的就请举手。

7.She didn't remember her father who died when she was only three years old.

她记不起他父亲了,因为他去世时他才刚刚3岁。 8.他一出现就被逮捕了

Scarcely had he appeared when he was arrested.

9. He ran quickly as he turned around repeatedly to see whether he was followed.

他迅速往前跑,头不停地往后看又没有人跟踪。 10.离起飞还有2小时,他决定去弄点吃的。

Now that he’s two hours to go before the departure, he decided to buy something to eat.

11. We will let you use our room on condition that you will keep it clean and tidy.


12. She had always taken that for granted as correct behavior,however much it went against the things you were told.

不管与你能听到的是怎样的不同,她总以为自己的行为是正当的。 13. He slammed the door so that his mother would know he was at home.


