

时间:2021-08-30 来源:乌哈旅游



W: [1]Mr. David Jackson, a staff writer at the New Yorker, is known for his nonfiction books of adventure. Today we go on a different kind of adventure, Jackson

s life of parenting, his offspring, David, as a parent of an 11 and a 14-year-old, what is the most interesting issue you are dealing with right now?

M: It\"s easy to focus on the challenges. [2]But so far, I find these ages to be kind of wonderful. They are independent, and they have their own curiosities and obsessions. You can talk to them about fairly sophisticated subject matter such as politics.

M: Certainly with writing they do. [3]1 really just try to be encouraging. I think at this age, editorial guidance is less important than encouragement.

W: Are there books that you think are important that your children read and that all children read?

M: My general thought is to read widely and to incorporate a love for reading, learning to love to read, I think, is the

optimal thing, because it gives you a skill you can take anywhere.

W: So you\"re not too concerned like some parents with the content they\" re reading. I know I have some worries about that.

W: [4]I feel that children\"s tastes in books change as they reach adolescence. I know that mine certainly did when I was a teenager. What do you think?

M: I think it\"s especially important as they get older to read subject matter that will open their eyes to the world and people. So, I think both fiction and nonfiction are really important, because they give you the power to begin to perceive the world through the lives of others.

Questions, 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 1, what do we learn about David Jackson from the conversation?

Question 2, What does the man think of young teenagers?

Question 3, how does the man help his kids with their essays? Conversation Two

M: In this episode of Money Talks, [5]our guest is molly sanders, a university student and a successful young entrepreneur, Molly,tell us about your business.

W[6] I sell specialty clothes through a website, mainly for women who have trouble finding suitable clothes in main street shops because of their height or weight. But 1 do some men\"s clothes too.

M: How did you get started in this business at such a young age?

Are you studying fashion design?

W: Actually. I\"m majoring in finance, but l\"ve always loved clothes. I started making my own at 14.

M: Did you have any sort of training in design or sewing? Or was it a natural ability?

W: I\"d have to say no to both. No one taught me to make clothes.And most of the things I made at first were disasters.

M: Why did you persevere? I think most people would give up if they kept failing, especially at that age.

M: Well. My notes say you earned $50,000 in profits last year,extraordinary amount for a 20-year-old student. How did that happen? Did you see a gap in the market and decide to fill it?

M: What are your plans for the future? Do you intend to open a physical store?

W: [8] No, I\"ll keep things online to keep costs down, but I will add more clothes for children, both girls and boys, and possibly even for infants. And I hope to add to my range of designs for men.

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

Question 5. What do we learn about the woman?

Question 6. What does the woman say about the clothes she made at?

Question 7. Why did the woman persevere in making clothes for herself?

Question 8. What does the woman plan to do in the future? Passage 1

successfully removed deadly strains of bacteria in mice are resistant to all known antibiotics.

Question 10 what makes it important to find new antibiotic drugs?

Question11 What does the passage say artificial intelligence is able to do in antibiotic research?

Passage 2

A recent study overturned what we think we know about lying. Most of us have a theory about how to tell if someone is telling a lie. We may develop that theory from observations of those people, we know well and see regularly. But we tend to

generalize what we gather from that unscientific daily research and make it a universal theory. [Q12:So we might imagine that liars have evasive eyes or the opposite, they simply stare at you, or perhaps it is more generally nervous behavior we associate with lies.

That\"s well established over many studies and lots of attempts by researchers to work out, reliable ways to detect lies. It\"s even relatively easy to fool, lie detectors. The gold standard of lie detection by training

yourself in breathing techniques and symptom suppression. Is there any way to get better at detecting lies? [Q15: The new research offers somesurprising advice, stop looking and listen instead. It turns out that if we\"reunable to see the face, but rather focus on the voice of the person in

question. Our accuracy rate improves considerably.] Question 12 According to the passage, how do most people detect lying?

Question 13 What does the passage say about most lies?

Question 14 What have many studies uncovered about the average persons lie detection?

Question 15 What advice does the new research offer regarding lie detection?

Recording Two

This question has been answered recently in a study

published in a business journal. [20] One of the two key factors the research team discovered is sameness, specifically sharing the same gender or ethnic origin. The more members of a team share similar demographics, the more inclined they\"ll be to remain

associates long after the team has served its purpose. After ties are established, similarity strengthens them. As a result, they regard these individuals with greater trust and mutual understanding, which motivates them to seek further opportunities for collaboration. In effect, people tend to create

stronger and longer lasting connections with similar others. Someone who looks and sounds different from us may have the resources we need to be more successful. Yet we find them to be significantly less credible, simply because they are different. If you are a fierce advocate of workplace diversity, you\"ll no doubt be horrified by such a revelation.

[20]The second factor identified by the researchers is the quality of the relationships among the team members. The more they trust one another, share the same goals, and depend on each other for the achievement of those goals, the stronger their chances of maintaining their connections, despite no longer working as one team. Teams with quality relationships, a shared belief that it\"s safe to take risks with each other, and that members are obliged to share the workload and help out.

From personal experience. I can see both the truth and the inconsistency of such studies. The truth is some of my closest friendships were formed as a result of having worked together on teams. And I actively seek opportunities to work with them again.

Questions, 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have justheard.

Question 19. What does the speakers say about a team with vitality?

Question 20. What do the researchers find out about members of a team?

Question 21. What do we learn about the team the speaker is currently working in?

Recording 3

These were thriftiness, confidence, responsibility, planning, focus, and social indifference.

Having confidence is another key characteristic, as it helps people to be thrifty.

It takes confidence to live within your means.

It also takes confidence to invest properly, instead of making investing decisions with your emotions.

(23) Financial planners advise that you should leave your investments alone and focus on a long term investment plan.

Many millionaires take on personal responsibility and most also happen to be self-made,meaning they didn\"t acquire their wealth through luck.

Millionaires don\"t count on anyone else to make them rich. (24) And they don\"t blame anyone else, if they fall short.

They focus on things they can control and align their daily habits to the goals they have set for themselves.

They tend to be goal oriented and hard workers, which enables them to plan financially and focus on seeing those plans through.

92% of the millionaire surveyed, developed a long term plan for their money. And 97% almost always achieved the goals they set for themselves.

And it is these behaviors that make it easy for them to be socially indifferent.

(25)They resist lifestyle creep, the tendency to spend more whenever one earns more.

Essentially they don\"t yield to pressure to buy the latest thing or to keep up with others or

what they have acquired instead of being focused on what might make them happy today,

they\"re focused on their long term wealth building plan. Q23. How does confidence help people to be thrifty? Q24.How do millionaires react when they fail in their investment?

Q25.Why does the speaker say millionaires are socially indifferent? 星火英语版:

01作文部分 第一套

Nowadays more and more people keep learning new skills to adapt to a fast-changing world. It’s undoubtedly true that technology is developing rapidly and our society is under constant change and advancement. As far as I am concerned, the importance of learning new skills can be seen in the following aspects.


题目:Nowadays more and more people take delight in offering help to the needy.

To Help the Needy

Nowadays more and more people take delight in offering help to the needy. It has been identified as a popular trend in our society so that we can often see relevant news. As far as I am concerned, there are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon.

From what has been discussed above, one thing for certain is to provide help to the needy is what we are doing and we should do in the future. At the end, we will succeed in creating a harmonious society.


Nowadays more and more people choose to live an

environmentally friendly lifestyle. According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV, a high proportion of 59.4 percent of people started to pay more attention to environmental protection.

02听力部分 第一套

1. A) He is a staff writer.

2.B) They are curious and autonomous.

3.C)He gives them encouragement. 4.A)Her tastes in books changed.

5. D) She is a successful entrepreneur. 6. D) They were mostly failures.

7. C) She could not find clothes of her size. 8. D) Expand her business.

9.A)Utilizing artificial intelligence to find a powerful new antibiotic.

10. B) Bacteria\"s resistance to antibiotics. 12.C) By observation. 13.D) They are harmless 14.A) Mostly by chance.

15.B) Listening carefully to the speaker

16. A) They don\"t treat patients with due respect.

17. D) Note down the names of all the doctors and nurses. 18. C) Passive.

19.C) Its members stay in touch even after it breaks up. 20.B) Their similarity is conducive to future collaboration. 21.A) It is catheterized by diversity.

22.A) Putting aside twenty percent of one’s earnings. 23.D) It enables them to focus on long-term investments. 24.D) They persist rather than get discouraged. 25.B)They do not try to keep up with others. 03阅读部分 第一套 选词填空 (1)文章开头

开头:The city of Bath was found by the Romans... (2)答案

【答案速查】26-30ABKHJ31-35GLIEF 26. A) aesthetically 27. B) constructed 28. K) principally 29. H) natural 30. J) previous 31. G) legitimate 32. L) remedy 33. I) offspring

34. E) flocked 35. F) incorporates 长篇阅读 (1)文章标题

标题:The Doctor Will Skype You Now (2)答案速查

36-40EBJDK41-45FCGAH (3)题干、答案和定位处

36. Some children on the remote islands won\"t eat their meals because they are fed cheap junk food.

36.E 【定位】The mothers are concerned they are dealing with indigestion, but it\"s because they are feeding the children packaged chips which are cheap and convenient.

37. Unlike other parts of Bangladesh, the number of women who die from giving birth remains high on the river islands.

37. B 【定位】There are no doctors within miles, and while child mortality and maternal death have gone down in the rest of the country, this is not the case for the islands.

38. One big problem many islanders have is that they can\"t afford the prescribed medicines, even with discounts offered.

38. J【定位】The organizations are linked to local

pharmacies and offer discounts to the patients and make sure to prescribe the most cost-effective brands, but still many residents can\"t afford even that.

39. TD is a virtual medical service financially supported by one of the nation\"s nonprofit organizations.

39. D【定位】It is funded by a nonproft organization founded by Bangladeshi entrepreneurs, finance and technology professionals.

40. K【定位】The reason, explains one resident, might be the simple gesture of treating the island inhabitants with respect.

41. Women islanders tend to have health problems early partly because they get married and give birth early.

41. F 【定位】Early marriage and young motherhood, which are prevalent in these parts of Bangladesh, also contribute to the early onset of health problems.

42. TD doctors make weekly visits to the remote islands to provide services at a temporary medical center.

42. C 【定位】Every week, TD\"s medical operators travel to the islands by boat, …. They choose an area of the island with the best Internet reception and set up a makeshift (临时凑合的) medical center which consists of plastic stools and small tables borrowed from the locals\" homes

44. The residents of the river islands have to keep moving their homes because of floods and land erosions.

44. A 【定位】These islands are low-lying, temporary sand islands that are continuously formed and destroyed through sand buildup and erosion. They are home to over six million people, who face repeated displacement from flooding and erosion,which may be getting worse because of climate change

45. Women islanders usually rely on their husbands to get some medicines for them without diagnoses and prescriptions.

45. H 【定位】It can get expensive to travel to the doctor, so usually the women living on the islands describe their illness to their husbands. The husbands then go to the pharmacy, try to describe the issue and return home with some random medicines.

Passage One (1)文章开头

Selective colleges and universities in the U.S. are under fire for being too elite and too expensive, and for not training graduates for the world of work.




46. What fact does the author emphasize concerning selective colleges and universities?

B) They have been doing well in ensuring their students a successful future.

【定位】第一段末句Such charges ignore the fact that these institutions continue to prepare students for success in their work, for thoughtful engagement in civic life, for lifelong learning, and for understanding the world and those with whom they live.

47. What does the author say in arguing for the model of education in the U.S.?

A) It has contributed substantially to the nation’s overall development.

【定位】第二段末句This model of education has long played a central role in creating opportunity, driving economic growth, and spurring innovation.

48. What do we learn about the initial proposals concerning the recent tax reform bill?

C) They would have added to many students’ financial burden. 【定位】第三段中The initial proposals would have made education unaffordable for many by taxing tuition waivers for graduate students and ending deductions for student loan interest.

49. What do the data show about elite colleges and universities?

D) Their liberal arts education enables graduates to excel in whatever field they are in.

50. What is an advantage of providing financial aid for students?

B) All students can benefit from a diversified student population.

【定位】末段末句Beyond the virtue of access to those who have earned a place at these schools, the diversity of economic backgrounds enhances the education and experience of all of our students.

Passage Two

文章开头:What a group of students 答案速查:51-55ADACD

51. What does the author intend to show by citing the findings from the report published last year?

A)People seldom appeal to rationality in their thinking. D)It is something subjective based on what one perceives to be right.

53. What does Daniel Kahneman think is the problem of testing new ideas with existing beliefs?

A) It may lead to incorrect judgment.

54. What can we do to be less susceptible to cognitive biases?

C) Establish socially shared cognition via scientific methods.

【定位】第五段:One way we can check our internal biases and inconsistencies is through the social verification of knowledge,in which we test our ideas in a rigorous and systematic way to see if they make sense not just to us,but to other people.The outstanding example of this socially shared cognition is science.

55. What message does the author try to convey at the end of the passage?


选词填空26-35 (1)文章开头

开头:thinking kind thoughts... (2)答案


26.G correlation 27.B amiably 28.F connected 29.A adversely 30.N signify 31.C boost 32.M recurrent 33.D cognitive 34.L prone 长篇阅读

文章题目:Saving Our Planet 答案速查:36-40FBHDK41-45CGAJE

36 [F] 定位句:To some extent, they are right: climate change has already destroyed tens of thousands of livelihoods;

37 [B] 定位句:It would take more than three centuries before scientist began to understand that timber production is not the only and possibly not the most important function of forests.

38 [H] 定位句:Scientific evidence that we are living in an era of climate change, resource exhaustion and potential ecological disaster is overwhelming.

39 [D] 定位句:It was not until the 1940s that the concept of the environment embracing all living and nonliving things developed.

40 [K] 定位句:The concept of slow hope suggests that we can’t expect things to change overnight. If the ever-faster exhaustion of natural resources and the shrinking of the present are urgent problems of humans, then cutting down on exhaustive practices and working towards a stretching of the present’ will be ways to move forward.

41. [C] 定位句:Recent years have seen a big change in our view of forests.

42. [G] 定位句:The current crisis is not the first that humans have encountered, and a look at the struggles with pollution in recent history reveals transformations that once seemed unimaginable.

43. [A] 定位句:The idea of preserving resources came out of a concern for the future: a fear of using up resources faster than they could be replenished (补充).

44. [J] 定位句:But if we believe that nothing can be changed, then we are giving up our opportunity to act.

45. [E] 定位句:The search for an adequate response to climate change occupies centre stage in international diplomacy.

Passage one


46. B) It would be detrimental to music production. 48. A) Music produced with AI technology lacks humanness. 49. D) It is human specific。 Passage Two

文章开头: A few weeks ago, a well-meaning professor tried to explain...


51. [B] It is a necessary means to improve their understanding of scientific issues.

52. [C] Turn to a specialist for professional help. 53. [D] The public’s understanding of science is much better than some have claimed.

04翻译部分 翻译赵州桥









交流和人员来往,对促进经济发展和改善人民生活起到了巨大作用。 卢沟桥位于天安门广场西南15公里处,横跨永定河,是北京现存最古老的多拱石桥。卢沟桥最初建成于1192年,1698年重建,由281根柱子支撑。每根柱子上都有一头石狮。这些石狮的头、背、腹部或爪子上都藏着更多的狮子。这些石狮生动逼真,千姿百态,是卢沟桥石雕艺术的精品。桥上的石狮不计其数,因而北京地区流传着\"卢沟桥上的狮子,数不清\"的说法。

卢沟桥不仅以其美学特征闻名于世,还被公认为是石桥建筑史上的一座丰碑 有道版:

Part I Writing (30minutes)

(请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) 写作一

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the

to develop your essay. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

