

时间:2021-02-04 来源:乌哈旅游



1 Unit 1 Will people have robots? 2 3 4 5 6 7

Review of units 1-3 Review of units 4-5 Unit 2 What should I do?

Unit3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? Unit 4 He said I was hard-working.

Unit 5 If you go to the party, you’ll have a great time!

8 八年级下学期期中复习(一) 9


10 八年级下学期期中复习(二) 11 八年级期中考试模拟题

12 Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 13 Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 14 Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?

15 Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 16 Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? 17 介词复习

18 Review of units 6-8 19 Review of units 9-10 20 八年级第二学期期末复习题 21 八年级第二学期期末模拟试题 22 How do you study for a test 23 Unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark

Unit 1

Will people have robots?

II. Grammar: ·一般将来时

·there will be ·few,a few,little,a little,much,many 语法小结: 一、一般将来时

1.用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词。 如:go,come,leave,arrive等,也可用于其他动作动词。 We are having fish for dinner.

We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow.

这种用法通常带有表示将来的时间状语,如果不带时间状语,则根据上下文可表示最近即将发生的动作。 A: Where are you going? B: I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me? A: Yes,I am just coming. Wait for me.

2.用be going to do表示将来:主要意义,一是表示“意图”,即打算在最近的将来或将来进行某事。

Are you going to post that letter? How long is he going to stay here?

I am going to book a ticket.

另一意义是表示“预见”,即现在已有迹象表明将要发生或即将发生某种情况。 It’s going to rain.

George is putting on weight; he is going to be quite fat. 3. 用will/ shall do表示将来: 主要意义,一是表示预见。

You will feel better after taking this medicine. Do you think it will rain? 二是表示意图.

I will not lend the book to you.

Take it easy,I will not do it any longer.


She will come to have class tomorrow. Will she come to have class tomorrow? She won’t come to have class tomorrow. What will she do tomorrow? 二、There be结构

1. there be 结构中的be是可以运用各种时态的。 There is going to be a meeting tonight. 今晚有个会议。 There was a knock at the door. 有人敲门。

There has been a girl waiting for you. 有个女孩一直在等你。 There will be rain soon. 不久天就要下雨了。

2. 动词be单复数形式要跟there be之后的真正的主语一致。并且要根据就近一致原则来变换be的单复数形式。 如There is a book on the desk. 课桌上有一本书。

How many people are there in the city? 这个城市里有多少人口? There is a pen and two books on the desk. 课桌上有一个钢笔和两本书。 There are two books and a pen on the desk. 课桌上有两本书和一个钢笔。

There are some students and a teacher in the classroom.教室里有一些学生和一位老师。 There is a teacher and some students in the classroom. 教室里有一位老师和一些学生。 3. 在there be引起的句子结构中,用来修饰主语的不定式主动形式和被动形式均可。 There is no time to lose (=to be lost). 时间紧迫。 There is nothing to see (=to be seen). 看不见有什么。 There is nothing to do. (=to be done) 无事可做。 4、There is no doing. (口语)不可能…….

There is no telling when he will be back. 无法知道他什么时候回来。 There is no knowing what he is doing. 无法知道他在做什么。 三、课文难句解析

1. Will people use money in 100years? 一百年后人们还会使用钱币吗? 1) money 金钱;货币

eg. What's the money? 价钱是多少? paper money 纸币;钞票 2) in 100 years 在100年之后 “in+一段时间”常用在将来时态中

eg. I'll come in an hour. 我一小时后来。

I'll see you again in three days. 三天后我再见你。 2. There will be less leisure time.空闲时间会更少。

1) less 形容词:较少的(是little的比较级),修饰不可数名词,其最高级是least;反义词是more。 eg. Jane's less beautiful than Mary. 简不如玛丽漂亮。 Five is less than six. 5比6少。 2) leisure time 空闲时间

eg.What do you do in your leisure time? 你空闲时间做些什么? 3. I think there will be more pollution. 我认为将会有更多的污染产生。

1) think后跟的是宾语从句,且宾语从句是there be句型的一般将来时,结构为“there will be+物+其他成分”。 eg. I think it will rain tomorrow. 我认为明天会下雨。 I think there will be fewer trees. 我认为将来树木会更少。 2) pollution表示“污染”,用作不可数名词。

例如:They did a lot to stop water pollution.他们采取大量措施制止水污染。 4. I don't agree. 我不同意。

agree在本句中作动词,I don't agree.是一句交际用语,表示“不赞成某人或某人的观点”,如果表赞成,则为I agree。

1) 表示“同意某人意见”时用agree with sb,该短语不能用于被动语态。 eg. Did you agree with him? 你同意他的意见吗? I don't agree with what she said. 我不同意她所说的。

2) 表示“同意(某计划、办法、建议、条件)”时,用agree to(to在此用作介词,其后接名词、代词或者相当于名词的成分),该短语可以用于被动语态。

eg.I agree to your idea. 我同意你的想法。

My plan was agreed to by all of them. 他们所有的人都同意我的计划。

3) 表示“就……取得一致意见”用agree on(或upon),指“两者或两者以上的商定,达成协议”。 eg.They both agreed on the date for the meeting.他们双方都同意开会的日期。 4) agree后还可以接不定式,不接动名词,表示“同意做某事”。

eg.They agreed to leave tomorrow afternoon.他们同意明天下午动身。

5. What do you think Sally will be in five years? 你认为萨莉5年之后将会是什么样子? 此句中的do you think是插入语,其后接的宾语从句必须用陈述句语序。 eg. Which book do you think she will like? 你认为她会喜欢哪本书? Who do you think did it? 你认为是谁干的那件事?

6. I went to Shanghai last year and fell in love with it. 我去年去了上海,并且喜欢上了这座城市。

1) go表示“去”,过去式是went,“go to+地名”表示“到某地去”。 eg.When will you go to school? 你什么时候去上学? He will go to the factory tomorrow.他明天要去那所工厂。 如果go后面接副词,不用to。

eg.He went home at before six yesterday evening.他昨天晚上6点前回家的。 2) last year意为“去年”,用于一般过去时态中。 eg.He went to London last year.去年他去了伦敦。

3) love爱,热爱,其反义词是hate;fall in love with是“喜爱;爱上;与……相恋”的意思。 eg.He went to Harbin last year and fell in love with it.去年他去了哈尔滨,并且喜欢上了那里。 7. I can't have any pets because my mother hates them. 我不能养宠物,因为我妈不喜欢他们

1) because在这句中用作连词,引导原因状语从句,表示“因为”。注意在英语中because不能和so同时使用。 eg.John didn't go to school because he was ill. 约翰没有上学,因为他病了。

2) hate表示“不喜欢,憎恨”,后可跟名词或代词作宾语,也可用词组hate doing sth.,表示“讨厌做某事”。 eg.He hated flowers. 他讨厌花朵。

I hate swimming in the lake. 我讨厌在那个湖里游泳。

8. I'll probably go skating and swimming every day. 我会每天都去滑冰和游泳。

1) go doing sth. 结构,表示“去做……

go skating 去滑冰 go swimming 去游泳go shopping 去买东西 go fishing 去钓鱼 go boating 去划船

eg.My father goes fishing every week. 我爸爸每周都去钓鱼。 I like going skating.我喜欢去滑冰。

2) every day与everyday区别:every day表示“每天”,通常与一般现在时连用;而everyday表示“日常的,每天发生的,每日所用的”,是形容词。例如:

eg.I get up at six every day. 我每天6点起床。

He wears everyday clothes today.今天他穿一身便服。 9. During the week I’ll look smart,and probably will wear a suit. 在工作日里,我会看上去很精神,也许会穿一身套装。

1) during表示“在……期间”,during the week是介词短语,意为“在工作日里”。 eg.The sun gives us light during the day. 太阳在白天给我们阳光。 He fell asleep during the lesson. 他在上课时睡着了。 2) look表示“看上去”,用作连系动词,其后接形容词作表语。 eg.That dog looks dangerous. 那只狗看起来很危险。 You look very beautiful today. 今天你看上去很漂亮。

3) wear表示“穿”,表示状态,用一般现在时表示经常状态,用现在进行时表示暂时状态。 eg.We wear our rain boots on a rainy day. 我们在下雨天穿雨鞋。 She is wearing a new coat. 她穿着一件新衣服。 Does he wear glasses? 她戴眼镜吗? put on是“穿上”,“戴上”的意思,强调动作。

eg.She put on a red coat and went out. 她穿上红色大衣出去了。 注意:put on是一时的动作,不能跟表示一段时间的状语连用。

他整天戴着草帽。 误:He puts on a hat all day. 正:He wears a hat all day. 10. I'll go to Hong Kong on vacation. 我会去香港度假。 on vacation意为“在度假”,on表示“处于……状态中”。 eg. He will go to Hangzhou on vacation. 他要到杭州度假。 My father will be away on business tomorrow.我爸爸明天要出差。 11. What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? 你认为明天的天气怎样?

1) What's the weather like? 是询问天气怎么样,相当于How is the weather?What be … like?可以用来征求对方对某事的看法或意见,意思是“……怎么样?” 类似的说法还有What do you think of…? How do you like…?等句型。 eg.What is the book like? =What do you think of the book?

=How do you like the book? 你觉得这本书怎么样? What's the weather like today?=How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?

2) What is/are…1ike? 可用来提问天气情况,也可用来对人(或物)的外观、外貌提问,还可以用来对其特性提问。 eg.What's the weather like today? 今天天气怎么样? What's the young girl like? 那个年轻女孩长什么样? What was the book like? 那本书怎么样?

12. There were many famous predictions that never came true.(过去)有许多从没成为现实。著名的预测

1) 本句中that never came true是个定语从句,用于修饰先行词predictions,that为引导词,作定语从句的主语,不可省略。

2) come true指“理想,梦想等实现”。come是连系动词;true是形容词,做连系动词come的表语。 eg.My dream will come true someday. 有一天我的梦想会实现。

Her dream to go to university has come true. 她上大学的愿望实现了。

Will people have robots? 表达个人主张和意见 学会表达对未来的预测和想法 1.一般将来时 will的用法

People will have robots in their rooms. There will be more pollution.

2.more,less 和fewer用于表示数量的用法 More/fewer + countable nouns More/less + uncountable nouns

skateboard, shop, junk, chip, unhealthy surf, cola , lifestyle, yuck, interviewer

how often, high school, as for, junk food , how many , of course, look after, a lot of 1. in the future 在将来

2. live to (be) … years old 活到……岁 3. in 100 years 一百年后 4. free time 空闲时间

5. talk about 谈论,谈及,谈到 6. high school 高中

7. computer programmer 电脑程序员 8. space station 太空站 9. fall in love with … 爱上…… 10. go skating 去滑冰 11. be able to 能,会 12. on vacation 度假 13. the World Cup 世界杯 14. keep a pet pig 饲养一头宠物猪 15. job interview 工作面试 16. fly to 飞往

17. come true 实现,成为现实 18. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 19. one’s own … 某人自己的…… 20. science fiction movies 科幻影片 21. help (sb.) with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事 22. hundreds of 数百,成百上千的 23. the same as 和……相同 24. wake up 醒来;唤醒

25. talk to/with 和……交谈

26. try to do sth. 试图做某事,尽力做某事 27. get bored 变得厌倦

28. over and over (again) 一次又一次,再三地

1.对自己,他人以及环境的未来发展进行预测。 2. 了解一些科学常识。 1能听懂接近正常语速,熟悉话题的语段,识别主题,获取主要信息。 2.能听懂简单故事的情节发展,理解其中主要人物和事件 3.能根据连续的指令完成任务 4能听懂广播,电视中初级英语教学节目 1. 能根据提示给出连贯的简单指令 2. 能引出话题并进行几个回合的交谈

3. 能在教师的帮助下或根据图片用简单的语言描述自己或他人的经历 4. 能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演等活动 5. 能在上述口语活动中使用正确的语音,语调 1. 能连贯流畅地朗读课文 2. 能读懂说明文等应用文体的材料

3. 能从简单的文章中找出有关的信息,理解大意 4. 能根据上下文猜测生词的意思 5. 能理解并结实图表提供的信息

6. 能理解简易读物中的事件发生顺序和人物行为 7. 能读懂简单的个人信件

8. 能使用汉英词典等工具书帮助阅读理解 9. 除教材外,课外阅读量应累计达到10万词以上 1. 能在正确使用标点符号

2. 能用词组或简单句为自己创作的图片写出说明 3. 能写出简短的文段,如简单的指令,规则

4. 能在教师的帮助下或以小组讨论方式起草和修改作文

Unit 2 What should I do?



1. What should I do? 2. Why don’t you…? 3. You could … 4. You should… 5. You shouldn’t…


情态动词的用法 Ⅰ


情态动词(Modal Verbs )Ⅰ

* 情态动词也可称为“情态助动词 (Modal Auxiliaries)”,因为它和基本助动词(be,do, have)都属于助动词类。

* 情态动词和其他动词连用,可表示说话人的语气。

* 情态动词可表达建议、要求、可能和意愿等。

* 情态动词没有人称和数的变化。

* 常用的情态动词有:can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would这九大情态动词;其他的还有ought to, need, dare 等。


1. 现在式 can -- 过去式 could

2. 现在式 may -- 过去式 might

3. 现在式 shall -- 过去式 should

4. 现在式 will -- 过去式 would

5. 现在式 must -- 过去式 must (常用had to来代替)


(can, could, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to)

(1)can 和 could 用于表示“可能”或“预测”:

1. He can't be at home. (否定句)


2. Can the news be true? (将情态动词 can 置于主语 the news 前就成疑问句)


3. Anybody can make mistake. (只表示理论上的可能性) 任何人都可能犯错误。

(2)may 和 might 用于表示“事实上的可能性”或“预测”:

1. It may rain tomorrow. (表示可能会发生) 明天可能会下雨。

2. It may snow later this afternoon. (表示预测) 今天下午可能会下雪。

3. You might be right. (表示有可能) 你可能是对的。

(3)will 和 would 用于表示“预测”或“习惯性”:

1. I think he will be all right now. (will be 表示一定会) 我想他现在一定好了。

2. That would be his mother.(would be 表示肯定是) 那肯定是他母亲。

3. He will sit there hour after hour looking at the river.(will 表示经常的)


(4)shall 和 should 用于表示“必定”:

1. I shall be rich one day. (shall be ) 总有一天我会发达的。

2. That should be Sam and his mother. (should be) 那准是Sam 和他的母亲。

(5)must 用于表示“必定”,“必会”:

1. This must be good for you.(must be 肯定) 这肯定对你是有益的。

2. All mankind must die.(表示必然会发生的事) 所有的人一定会死的。

3. Mustn't there be a mistake? (mustn't 多用于疑问句) 那肯定会有错误吗?


(can, could, will, would, shall, should, may, might, must)

(1)can 和 could 用于表示“许可”、“请求”:

1. Can I go with you? (请求) 我能跟你一起走吗?

2. Father said I could go to cinema. (表示过去的许可) 爸爸说我可以去看电影。

3. Could I ask you something ? (请求,用 could 比 can 更婉转) 我可以问你一件事吗?

(2)will 和 would 用于表示“请求”

1. Will you kindly tell me the way to the post office? (表示客气请求)


2. Would you give me your address? (用 would 比 will 表示更客气)


(3)shall 和 should 用于第一人称,表示征求对方的意见

1. Shall we talk? 我们谈谈好吗?

2. What should we do next? (用should 比 shall 表示更客气) 下一步我们该怎么做?

3. Shall he come to see you? (用于第三人称疑问句) 要不要他来看你?

(4)may 和 might 用于表示“许可”(口语中多用 can )

1. You may take a walk. (表示给予许可) 你可以散散步。

2. You might read the story for me. (比may更婉转) 是否请给我读一读这故事。

3.May I make a suggestion? 我可以提个建议吗?

4. Might I take a look of your work? 我看看您的大作行吗?

5. Students may not make noise in the library. (may not 表示不许可或禁止)


6. If I may say so, you are not right. (用于条件句,表示请求)


(5)must 用于表示“禁止”,“不准”:

1. Cars must not be parked here. (must not表示不许可) 此地不准停车。

2. All of you mustn't fishing in the pool. (must not 语气方面比 may not 更强)


四、重要短语和表达法(Key Words)

1.argue v.争论;争吵 argue with sb.与某人吵架

I argued with my best friend.我和我的好朋友吵架了。 Don’t argue with him. 别和他争吵了。 2.① either adv.(用于否定句)也

He doesn’t have any money, and I don’t, either.他没有钱,我也没有。 I can’t play chess. She can’t, either.我不会下国际象棋,她也不会。 ② too 也(用于肯定或疑问句)

I’m a teacher.He is a teacher, too.我是老师,他也是老师。

We are going hiking. Are they going hiking,too?我们要去徒步旅行,他们也要去吗? 3.ask (sb.)for sth.向某人寻求某物;要……

Don't ask for food every day.Go and find some work. 别天天要饭,找点儿工作做。 I don’t think you should ask your parents for some money.我想你不应向父母要钱。

If you have any problems, you can ask the policeman for help. 如果你有困难,可以向警察求助。 He didn't want to ask his teacher for his book back. 他不想向老师要回他的书了。 4.the same as... 与……相同

The clothes are the same as my friends'.这些衣服与我朋友的一样。

Tom is the same age as Anna.= Tom is as old as Anna. 汤姆和安娜一样大。

Her backpack is the same as mine. 她的背包与我的一样。 5.except 除……以外;(不包括……在内)

My class has been invited except me.= Only I haven't been invited. 除我以外,我的同学都被邀请了。

All the students went to the park except him.= Only he didn't get to the park. They all toured America except her.

除了他以外,所有的学生都去美国旅行过。 besides 除……以外(包括在内)

We all went there besides him.= He went there.We went there, too.除他去以外,我们也都去了。 There are five more visitors besides me.除了我之外还有5倍访客 6.wrong adj.错误的;有毛病的;不合适的 Is there anything wrong with you? 你哪儿不舒服? ─ What's wrong with you? 你怎么了?(你哪里不舒服?) ─ I've got a headache.我头痛。

What’s wrong with your watch? It doesn't work.你的手表怎么了?它不走了。 adv.错误地;不正确地;不对地 He answered wrong.他答错了。

They knew they did wrong. 他们知道他们做错了。 7.get on well with sb.与某人相处融洽

The students will get on well with the teacher.学生会和老师相处得非常好。 We get on well with each other.我们彼此相处融洽。 Can she get on well with all the other students in her class? 她能与她班里所有的同学相处得好吗?

8.have a fight with sb.= fight with sb.与某人打架

I don‘t want to have a fight with my cousin. 我不想和我的堂兄打架。 They never fight with each other.They are really good friends. 他们从不打架,他们的确是好朋友。 五、主要句型(Key Sentences Structures)

What should I do? You could write him a letter. What should he do? Maybe he should say sorry to him What should they do? They shouldn't argue. 六、词语辨析

1. borrow sth. from sb. 从某人处借进某物 lend sth. to sb. 把某物借给某人

borrow sth. from sb. 是指该句的主语从别人处(往里)借进某物

例:He borrowed the dictionary from Lucy yesterday. 他昨天从露西处借了那本字典. lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth.


例如:Could you lend me your car? 请你借给我你的车用一下好吗?

2. ①get sb. to do… 使……做(以人为对象时,有“说服……使做……”的含义) He could get a tutor to come to his home. 他可以请一位家庭教师来他家。 You’ll never get her to agree. 你决不可能使她同意。 ②ask sb. to do… 邀请(人)做……

We asked her to come to our party.我们请她来参加聚会 ③ tell sb. to do…让某人做某事 例如:

The teacher told him to finish the work that day. 老师那天让他完成那项工作。 3、be in style 时髦的,流行的 be out of style 过时的,不时髦的

例: Look! Her new dress is in style.她的新裙子很时髦。

Those clothes are out of style. 那些衣服过时了。 七、课文解释

1、I don’t want to surprise him. 我不想让他感到意外。 此处surprise是及物动词 surprise sb. 使某人感到吃惊 eg. My friend always surprises me.

2、talk about it on the phone 用电话就此事进行交流

eg. Call Jim on the phone. 找吉姆听电话。

Lily, you are wanted on the phone. 莉莉,你的电话 3、call sb. (up) =give sb. a call 给某人打电话

He called me (up) from New York. 他从纽约给我打来电话 =He gave me a call from New York.

4、write sb. a letter = write a letter to sb. 给某人写信 5、give him a ticket to a ball game.给他一张观看球赛的入场券

eg. They got two tickets to tonight’s show. 他们搞了两张今晚表演的入场券。 6、She has the same haircut as I do. 她和我有相同的发型。

eg. Tim has the same clothes as his brother does.提姆和他的弟弟有相同的衣服。 7、find out (研究、努力的结果)发现,查出,找出

You should find out (the answer) for yourself.你应该自己去找答案。 8、Everyone else in my class was invited except me. 除了我以外,我们班其他别的人都接到了邀请(信)

此句中else一词不能单独使用它必须跟在不定代词像“someone, anyone nobody”等词的后面,或跟在特殊疑问词像“what, where”等词的后面使用意思是“别的”

eg. What else do you know about it? 关于此事你还知道什么别的方面 9、I can’t think what I did wrong. 我真想不出我做错了什么。 此句中 what I did wrong是宾语从句,作think的宾语应用陈述语序。 10、I’m very upset and don’t know what to do.我很沮丧,不知该干什么。

此句中 what to do是不定式作know的宾语,可用宾语从句来代替。可以说成“I don’t know what I should do.” 11、There are a lot of things you could do. 有许多你能做的事。 此句中 you could do是定语从句,修饰前面的名词“things”

12、You left your homework at home.你把你的作业落在家里了。 Leave sth. +介词短语,是“把……忘在,落在(某处)的意思。 eg. He left his umbrella on the bus.他把伞忘在公交车上。 13、You should try to be funny. 你应该试着幽默一些。 Try to do…努力做,试着做,尽量做 而try not to do 是尽量不做……

eg. Please try not to be late again. 请尽量不要再迟到。

14、Their school days are busy enough. 他们的学校生活是够忙的。 enough必须放在形容词/副词的后面,表示“足够……的”

eg. He is tall enough to reach that apple. 他足够高的可以够着那个苹果。 15、be under too much pressure. 在太多的压力下

16、see other children doing a lot of things 看别的孩子在做许多事 see sb. doing 看见某人正在干某事

eg. We saw them playing basketball at that time.那时我们看见他们在打篮球 17、find it hard to do sth. 发现做……(事)很难 He found it hard to learn math well. 他发现学好数学很难 Unit 2

What should I do ? 提建议 谈论问题 提出建议

1.用 have描述疾病

What’s the matter? I have a headache 2.情态动词should / shouldn’t

have, cold, back, arm, ear, eye, foot, hand, head, leg, mouth, neck, nose, stomach, tooth, toothache, fever, rest, dentist, should, headache, ago, so, illness, advice, thirsty, early, problem, way, traditional, believe, weak, angry, medicine, western, everybody, get, few, stay, important, moment, late, until, yesterday, hear

matter, stomachache, throat, honey, shouldn’t, cookie, balance, herb, diet, dear sore, stress, yin, yang, Dangshen, Huangqi, tofu, balanced have a cold, be stressed out , a few , at the moment, host family

1.注意在不同的文化背景中如何恰当地表达赞同或不赞同的观点。 2. 注意心理健康问题 1. keep out 不准进,阻止进入 2. argue with sb. 和……争吵 argue about sth. 为……争吵

3. out of style 过时的,不时髦的 in style 流行的,时髦的

4. call sb. Up = ring sb. Up = call/ring/phone sb. 给…..打电话

5. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物

(bring, lend, pass, sell, send, show, take, write, read 等与 give 一样) 6. a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的门票

(与 ticket 类似的名词有:answer, key, visit, trip, journey, entrance, exit 等) 7. on the phone 在电话中,用电话 8. pay for 付……的款

9. a part-time job 一份兼职工作 10. borrow … from 从……借( 进)…… 11. lend … to 把……借(出去)给…… 12. ask sb. for sth. 向……要…… 13. bake sale 面包或糕饼售买活动 14. Teen Talk 青少年论坛

15. buy sb. sth. = buy sth for sb. 买……给……

(类似的动词还有:build, book, cook, get, keep, make, order, find 等) 16. the same … as 和……一样的……

17. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事 18. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想某人做某事 19. find out 发现;查明;核实 20. do sth. wrong 做错某事

21. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 22. be angry with 生……的气 23. fail the test 考试不及格

24. get on well/badly with 和……相处得好(差) 25. have a fight with sb. = fight with sb. 与某人打架 26. fit … in/into… 抽空去做某事 27. not … until 直到……才…… 28. as … as possible 尽可能…… 29. complain about 抱怨,埋怨

30. take part in = join in 参加(某种活动/集会) 31. all kinds of 各种各样的

32. compare … with … 拿……和……比较 33. on the one hand 一方面 34. on the other hand 另一方面

35. by oneself = on one’s own 某人自己,独自地

Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived?



1. What were you doing when...? 2. I was doing sth. when... 3. How about... / What about...? 4. What happened next? 5. While sth./sb. was doing sth., I did... 3.语法 1. 过去进行时 2. 情态动词的用法Ⅱ 【重难点分析】 一. 过去进行时

过去进行时表示过去某一时刻或者某段时间正在进行或发生的动作,常和表过去的时间状语连用,如: I was doing my homework at this time yesterday.昨天的这个时候我正在做作业。 They were waiting for you yesterday.他们昨天一直在等你。 过去进行时的构成:


否定形式:主语+was not (wasn't)/were not (weren't)+V-ing 疑问形式:Was/Were+主语+V-ing。


1.过去进行时表示过去某一段时间或某一时刻正在进行的动作。常与之连用的时间状语有,at that time/moment, (at) this time yesterday (last night/Sunday/week…), at+点钟+yesterday (last night / Sunday…),when sb. did sth等时间状语从句,如:

What were you doing at 7p.m. yesterday? 昨天晚上七点你在干什么?

I first met Mary three years ago. She was working at a radio shop at the time. 我第一次遇到玛丽是在三年前,当时她在一家无线电商店工作。

I was cooking when she knocked at the door. 她敲门时我正在做饭。

2. when后通常用表示暂短性动词,while后通常用表示持续性动词,因此它所引导的状语从句中,谓语动词常用进行时态,如:

When the car exploded I was walking past it.= While I was walking past the car it exploded.


I was walking in the street when someone called me. 我正在街上走时突然有人喊我。

4. when作并列连词,表示“(这时)突然”之意时,第一个并列分句用过去进行时,when引导的并列分句用一般过去时。如:

I was taking a walk when I met him. 我正在散步,突然遇见了他。

We were playing outside when it began to rain. 我们正在外边玩,这时下起雨来了。 二. 情态动词(Modal Verbs )Ⅱ

4、情态动词表示“应该”、“必须” (shall, should, may, might, must, ought to) (1)shall 和 should 用于表示“必须”:

①. Each member shall wear a name card. (表示规定) 每一个会员必须配带名卡。 ②. I should answer his letter as soon as possible. (表示应该) 我应该尽快给他回信。 ③. You shouldn't judge a man always by the clothes. (shouldn't “不应该”含有劝告的意思) 你不应该总是以貌取人。

④. The rules shall take effect on Jan. 1st. (shall 用于规章等,表示义务和规定) 新规则于一月一日起生效。

(2)may 和 might 用于表示“应该\"(多用于法律等条文,一般上多用 shall): ①. Payment may be paid by check.(表示规定) 应以支票付款。 ②. You might ask before you use my computer. (might表示应该) 你应该先问过再使用我的电脑。 (3)must 用于表示“必须”、“务必”:

①. You must keep the place clean. (务必) 你务必保持地方干净。 ②. We must obey orders. (表示有义务) 我们必须服从命令。

③. Must I pay now? (用于疑问句) (如回答不必时,需用 needn't 或 don't have to) 我现在就得付款吗?

5、情态动词表示“意图”、“打算” (will, would, shall, should)

(1)will 和 would 用于表示某种意图:

①. I'll call you as soon as possible. (will 主要用于第一人称) 我会尽快打电话给你。 ②. Will you accept this invitation? (用would 则表示更客气) 你愿意接受这邀请吗? ③. Who will do the job? (用于条件句,可用于各种人称) 谁愿意做这事?

④. We won't (will not) stay here too long. (will not 表示不愿) 我们不愿呆在这里太久。 (2)shall 和 should 用于表示说话人的意图:

①. We shan't (shall not) go if it rains. (shall not 也可用 will not) 如果下雨,我们就不打算走了。

②. I shan't go with you. (shall 只用在第一人称) 我不打算和你一同走。 6、情态动词表示“意愿” (will, would, shall, should) (1)will 和 would :

①. She will do it if you ask her.(表示主语的意愿) 如果你问她,她会做的。 ②. Would you have another cup of tea? (用 would 比 will 客气) 你想再来一杯茶吗? ③. Will you have some cookies? (will用于疑问句,表示问人是否愿意)你想吃些烤饼吗? ④. If he will, he can do it. (will 用于条件句,用于第二、三人称) 如果他愿意,他会做的。 ⑤. Would you excuse me? (would 表示婉转语气) 你能原谅我吗? (2)shall 和 should :

①. He shall get his allowance. (注意是he shall, 表示说话人的意愿)他会拿到他的津贴的。 ②. You should sit here as long as you like. 只要你乐意,坐多久能行。 ③. Shall you go to school with me? (疑问句中,表示问对方的意愿) 你愿意和我一起到学校去吗? 三. 重点词汇

1.cut v.切;剪;割 cut (one’s)hair 理发

Be careful.Don't cut yourself.小心,别切到自己。

2.alien n.外星人

Nobody knows whether there are aliens or not.没人知道到底有没有外星人。 An alien got out of the UFO. 一个外星人从不明飞行物里出来。

3.land v.登岸;登陆;降落

The plane will land in ten minutes.飞机将在十分钟后降落。

A UFO landed in the middle of the field.. 一个不明飞行物降落在田野中间。

4.while conj.当……的时候;在……之时 While I danced, she sang.我跳舞,她唱歌。

While he was singing, I was playing baseball. 他当时在唱歌,而我在打棒球。

5.right adv.正好;恰好

The accident happened right over there.事故正好发生在那里。 He lives right in the center of the city. 他恰好住在市中心。

6.surprised adj.惊奇的;吃惊的

I was surprised that he was late for the party.我很惊讶他聚会居然迟到了。 She was surprised that I didn’t know about that. 她很吃惊我竟不知那件事。

7.kid v.欺骗;哄骗

I'm not kidding you.我没有骗你。

You’re kidding = No kidding. 别开玩笑了。

8.anywhere adv.到处;无论哪里(用于否定句和一般疑问句中) Did you go anywhere yesterday? 你昨天去没去过什么地方?

They didn’t go anywhere the day before yesterday. 他们前日天哪里也没去

9.happen v.发生

A funny thing happened in the subway yesterday. 昨天地铁里发生了一件有趣的事。 What happened to him on that day? 那天他怎么了?(发生了什么事?) sth. happen to +名词 发生于……身上

She hoped nothing bad would happen to him.她希望不会有坏事发生在他身上。

10.get out of 从……出去

She tried to get out of helping her mother.她尽量逃避帮助她的妈妈。

Tom got out of the lift and walked to the station. 汤姆走出电梯然后往车站走去。

11.run away 跑开;迅速离开;逃走

The thief ran away when someone noticed him.当有人注意到他的时候,那个贼立刻逃走了。

12.at the doctor's 在诊所;在医院

I'm thinking of going to the tailor's.在表示诊所、店铺或某人的家时,经常用名词所有格的形式。 Mr. Cool’s = Mr. Cool’s clothes store at Jason’s = at Jason’s store She is staying at Mary's.她住在玛莉家。 I want to go to the tailor’s. 我想到裁缝店去一趟。

13. see sb. Do sth. 看见某人做(过)某事 she saw the alien get out. 她看见外星人出来.


1、in front of 与in(at) the front of

in the front of 在……的前面 (表示“有距离的前面”,在一个参照物的前面) e.g.: There is a car in front of the house. 房子前日面有一辆车

in(at) the front of 在……的前头,前排(列)(在一个范围内的前面部位) eg. She sat in the front of the bus. 她坐在公交车的前排

2、get out of 与get into 是反义词 get into走进,进入

eg. He get out of the car and get into the building.

3、be amazing与be amazed

be amazing 令人惊奇的(修饰事物的,指某事令人惊奇,比surprising更具意外性 e.g.:She has an amazing talent for music.她在音乐方面有惊人的才华。 Isn’t that amazing .那不很令人意外吗?

be amazed (at sth./to do …/that 从句)(某人)对…(因…而)大感惊讶(指人作主语) eg. We were amazed at the news.=We were amazed to hear the news. 我们对这个消息感到非常惊讶.

4、be surprising与 be surprised

be surprising令人惊奇的(用法与be amazing一样,也是修饰事物的) e.g.:a surprising ending 一个令人惊奇的结局

be surprised (at sth./to do…/that从句) (某人)对…(因…而)感到惊奇,用法与be surprised 一样,也是人作主语。

eg. They were surprising that he was badly hurt in the audient. 他们很吃惊他在那次事故中伤得很重。

5、in a tree与 on a tree

eg. Are there any birds in the tree? 树上有些鸟吗?

on a tree 在树上(指长在树上的东西) Look! There are many apples on the tree.

6、my flight to New York 与 fly to New York 前者是一个名词短语,后者是一个动词短语。 eg. Her flight to Paris is taking off at 2 p.m. She is flying to Paris at 2 p.m.


1. You can imagine how strange it was!你可以想象这事有多惊奇! eg. You can imagine how fast he runs!

2. I followed it to see where it was going follow sb. to do sth. 跟随…去做…

eg. Mr White followed his wife to see what was happening there.

3. She didn’t think about looking outside the station. Think about (doing) sth. 她未想到去车站外看看.

4. say to sb. 对某人 say to oneself 自言自语

e.g.: He said to himself, “Don’t be afraid.” 他自言自语,“不要害怕”

5. look for 寻找(强调找的“过程”) find 找到(强调找的“结果”) eg. He looked for his lost key everywhere but couldn’t find it.

6. It was difficult to get out of bed. 从床爬起来很难。 It is difficult/hard to do sth. 做某事很难。 He found that it was difficult to learn physics well.

7. be killed 被杀害 be destroyed by… 被……摧毁……

8. walk home together in silence 沉默着一起走回家 in silence 状语(状态)

9. Not all events in history are as terrible as this. 并不是所有的历史上的大事件都像此事这样可怕。 Not all 并不是所有的(部分否定)

As…as… 与……一样(as与as之间用形容词、副词的原级)

10. become the first Chinese astronaut in space. 成为中国首位进入太空的宇航员

11. His flight around the Earth Lasted about 22 hours. 他的环绕地球的飞行持续了22个小时。

12. Do you think sth. good can come out of sth. terrible? 你认为坏事能变为好事吗? Unit 3

What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 有趣的事情


1.现在进行时态表示将来的计划或安排 A: What are you doing for vacation?

B: I’m spending time with my friends. 2.现在进行时态的特殊疑问句 When are you going ? How long are you staying?

plan, away, send, postcard, bike, ride, famous, something, lake, leave, countryside, nature, forget, finish, tourist camp, sightseeing, fish, rent hike, yeah, babysit

how long, get back, take a vacation, a lot 培养科学探索精神

1. in front of 在……(范围之外)的前面 in the front of 在……(范围之内)的前面 2. barber shop 理发店 3. get out of 到……外,离开 4. walk down/along 沿……走 5. call the police 报警

6. take off (飞机)起飞;脱(衣帽) 7. an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历 8. the Museum of Flight 航空博物馆 9. take photos 照相 10. a police officer 警官 11. run away 跑开,逃跑 12. walk around 四处走走 13. think about 考虑,思考,回想

14. Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场 15. at the doctor’s 在医务室,在诊所 16. in (the) hospital 在医院,在住院 17. in history 在历史上 18. the city of ……城,……市 19. hear about/of 听说,得知

20. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人(不要)做某事 21. in silence 沉默不语 22. take place 发生

23. the World Trade Center 世贸中心(美国)

24. in space 在太空 25. a national hero 民族英雄

26. all over the world = around the world 全世界

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working

【单元目标】 2.目标句型: 转述他人话语 What did sb. say? He said I … She said she… They said… 3.语法



1.mad adj.极为愤怒的;十分恼火的

She was mad with me for losing my keys.她为我丢了钥匙而生我的气。

2.anymore adv.再;还(用于否定句)

He doesn't come here anymore.他再也不到这儿来了。

3.however adv.无论如何

He can answer the question however hard it is.不管问题有多难他都能回答。

4.suppose v.假定;认为;料想;期望

What do you suppose you will do after school? 你放学后想干什么?

5.nervous adj.紧张的;神经质的 I felt very nervous when I went into his office. 当我走进他的办公室时,我感到很紧张。

6.semester n.一学期;半年

We will have ten subjects in this semester.这个学期我们将学十门功课。

7.disappointing adj.令人失望的

Maybe this news is disappointing .也许这是一个令人失望的消息。

8.be supposed to 认为必须;认为应该 You are supposed to be successful.你应该成功。

9.get mad 变疯;变得着迷

She gets mad about going to dance.她对跳舞着了迷。

10.get over 恢复,克服困难

Can we get over this difficulty? 我们能克服这个困难吗?

11. first of all 首先 12. pass on 传递

13. be supposed to 被期望或被要求…… 14. do better in 在......方面做得更好 15. be in good health 身体健康 16. report card 成绩单

17. get over 克服;恢复;原谅 18. open up 打开;开拓;开发;开放 19. care for 照料;照顾 20.have a party for sb. 为某人举行一次聚会 21.be mad at sb 对某人恼火,愤怒


1. What are some soap operas you know? 你所知道的有哪些肥皂剧? you know是定语从句,修饰前日面的名词soap operas

2. What are some things that happen on soap operas? 肥皂剧里发生了些什么事? That happen on soap operas 是定语从句,修饰前日面的名字something.

3. Lana said she wasn’t mad at Marcia anymore. 拉娜说她不再生玛西娅的气了。 be mad at (with) sb. 对某人恼火

be mad at (about) sth. (doing sth.) 对某事恼火

eg. Mother got mad at (with) me for watching TV for hours. (此处的got mad at = was mad at) not… anymore 不再……

eg. She didn’t cry anymore. 她不再哭了。

4. bring some books to her house. 给她带来一些书 bring sth. to 从(远处)带来,拿来(到近处)

而其反义词为:take… to “从(近处)拿(走)到(远处) eg. Could you bring some water to me? Please take the chair to Jim’s room.

5.pass this message to sb.将这个消息(信息)传给某人 pass on sth. to sb 把某物传递给某人

eg. She said she would pass the dictionary to Tom.

6.You want to know why C didn’t return it and where it is.你想知道为什么C未将它还回来并想知道它在哪里。 此句中why C didn’t return it and where it is是宾语从句作know的宾语,请注意宾语从句的语序。(陈述语序)

7.You were supposed to meet at the bus stop this morning to return it. 你应该今早上在车站去见面并把它还给人家。 be supposed to do ……被期望,应该(做……)

eg. He is supposed to be there on time.按理他应该准时到哪里。


1. In English, I’m better at reading than listening. 在英语方面,我的阅读比听力更好。

be better at doing (than doing)是be good at ……的比较级,意思为“更擅长……” eg. Are they better at playing football than basketball?

2. I can do better in math.在数学方面我能做得更好。 better 是well的比较级

do well in 在…方面做得好 eg. Does she do well in physics?

3. I finished my end –of –year exams last week. 我上周结束了期末考试。

finish sth. (doing sth.) eg. Did he finish doing his homework before he went to bed?

4. I had a really hard time with science this semester. 这学期我的科学学科学得的确不好。

5. It’s not right to copy other’s homework. 抄袭别人的作业是不对的。 请记住这一句型:It’s right for sb to do … It’s right for sb to do…

6. I said I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to copy ma homework. 我说我认为对她来说抄我的作业不是个好办法。 注意1:此句中的三个动词都是过去时,即时态的一致性 注意 2:中英文语序(否定词的位置)的不同

7. She said it was much better if she din her own work. 她说如果她自己做作业就会好多了。 much +比较级,意思是“…得多” e.g. He runs much faster than I.

8. Teaching high school students in a poor mountain village in Gansu Province may not sound like fun to you. 在甘肃省一个贫困的山村里教中学学生在你听起来可能不算什么有趣的事。

此句中may+ 动词原形,表示“可能……” sound like +名词,意思为“听起来像……”

9. Every year they send 100 volunteers to teach in China’s rural areas. 每年他们都往中国的乡村地区派100名志愿者去教书。 send …to …派,送…到…

10. Her village was 2000 meters above sea level. 她的村庄位于海拔2千米。

11. the thin air made her feel sick 稀薄的空气使她病了

make sb. do 使某人干某事(此处只能用动词原形,不能+to)

12.They love heaving volunteer teachers there. 他们喜爱让志愿者老师教他们。 love doing (to do)

13.There often isn’t money for education. 经常没有钱来受教育。

14. I can open up my students’ eyes to the outside world. 我能开阔学生们的视野,把他们带到外部世界。

15. give them a good start in life 给他们一个生活的新起点 give sb. sth.给某人某物

16. She said she likes being a good influence in the children’s lives.


17. Yang Lei enjoyed her time as a volunteer very much. 杨蕾很愿意做一个志愿者。

18. care for “Mother Earth” 关心“地球母亲”

19. care for wild animals in danger 关心处于危险中的野生动物

20. I can’t do anything about that. 我对于那件事无能为力。


1. hard working 与work hard

前者是形容词,可作表语、定语;如:a hard-working student ; He is hard-working. 后者是一个动词短语,“努力工作”hard 是副词,修饰动作work. eg. Alice works hard.

2. forget to do 与forget doing…

前者是“忘记做……”(to do 表示将来的动作) e.g. Don’t forget to call me.别忘了打电话给我。 She forgot to mail the letter.她忘了寄信。

后者是“忘记曾做……”(通常与will, shall, never连用)

eg. I’ll never forget seeing the musical in New York.我永远忘不了在纽约看过的那出歌舞喜剧。 【重难点分析】 直接引语和间接引语


1. 时态的变化:直接引语变为间接引语时,通常受转述动词said,asked等的影响而使用过去化的时态,即把原来的时态向过去推,也就是一般现在时变为一般过去时,现在进行时变为过去进行时等。 例如:

Tom said to me,“My brother is doing his homework.”

→Tom said to me that his brother was doing his homework.

2. 人称代词、指示代词、时间状语、地点状语等等的变化;根据意义进行相应的变化。 例如:

She asked Jack, “Where have you been?” →She asked Jack where he had been. He said, “These books are mine.” →He said that those books were his.




“I want the blue one.” he told us. “我想要蓝色的。” 他说。

→He told us that he wanted the blue one.他说他想要蓝色的。

She said to me, “You can’t settle anything now.”她对我说:“此刻你无法解决任何事情。” →She told me that I couldn’t settle anything then. 她对我说那时候我无法解决任何事。 2. 疑问句的间接引语

直接引语如果是疑问句,变成间接引语后,叫做间接疑问句。间接疑问句为陈述语序,句末用句号,动词时态等的变化与间接陈述句相同。引述动词常用ask, wonder, want to know, inquire。间接疑问句一般有三种: (1).一般疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时, 由whether或if 引导。 如:

“Has he ever worked in Shanghai?”Jim asked. “他在上海工作过吗?”吉姆问。 →Jim asked whether/if he had ever worked in Shanghai. 吉姆问他是否在上海工作过。 “Can you tell me the way to the hospital?” The old man asked. 那个老人问:“你能告诉我去医院的路吗?

→The old man asked whether I could tell him the way to the hospital. 那个老人问我是否能告诉他去医院的路。

(2). 特殊疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,仍由原来的疑问词引导。 如:

“Which room do you live in?” He asked. “你住哪个房间?”他问我。 →He asked me which room I lived in. 他问我住哪个房间。

“What do you think of the film?” She asked. 她问“你怎么看这部电影?”

→She asked her friend what she thought of the film. 她问她的朋友怎么看这部电影。 (3). 选择疑问句由直接引语变为间接引语时,由whether/if …or引导。 如:

“Is it your bike or Tom’s? Mum asked. 妈妈问:“这是你的自行车还是汤姆的?” →Mum asked whether/if it was my bike or Tom’s. 妈妈问这是我的自行车还是汤姆的。 “Does your sister like blue dresses or green ones?” Kate asked. “你妹妹喜欢蓝色的裙子还是绿色的?”凯特问。

→Kate asked whether/if my sister liked blue dresses or green ones. 凯特问我的妹妹喜欢蓝色的裙子还是绿色的。 3. 祈使句的间接引语

当祈使句变为间接引语时,间接祈使句的引述动词常用tell,ask,order,beg,request,order等,而把直接祈使句变成带to的不定式短语。 如:

Jack said, “Please come to my house tomorrow, Mary.”杰克说:“玛丽,明天请到我家来。” →Jack asked Mary to go to his house the next day. 杰克请玛丽第二天到他家去。 The teacher said to the students,“Stop talking.”老师对学生们说:“不要讲话了。” →The teacher told the students to stop talking.老师让学生们不要说话了。 “Don’t touch anything.” He said.“不要碰任何东西。”他说。 →He told us not to touch anything.他对我们说不要碰任何东西。 4. 动词时态和代词等的变动

(1). 某些代词,限定词,表示时间或地点的副词和个别动词在间接引语中的变化规则如下: 直接引语 间接引语 today that day

now then, at that moment yesterday the day before the day before yesterday two days before

tomorrow the next day / the following day the day after tomorrow two days after, / in two days next week/ month etc the next week/month etc last week/ month etc the week / month etc. before

here there this that these those come go bring take

(2). 如果引述动词为现在时形式,则间接引语中的动词时态,代词,限定词和表示时间或地点的副词不用变化。而如果引述动词是过去时,以上内容就要有相应变化。变化情况如下: 现在时间推移到过去的时间,即一般现在时变为一般过去时; “I feel better today.” He said. “我今天感觉好多了。”他说。 →He said that he felt better that day. 他说他那天感觉好多了。 现在进行时变为过去进行时;

“Xiao Ming is doing some washing” Mum said. “小明正在洗衣服。”妈妈说。 →Mum said that Xiao Ming was doing some washing. 妈妈说小明正在洗衣服。 Unit 4

He said I was hard-working. 讲故事 转述他人的话

How引导的特殊疑问句 How do you get to school? How long does it take? How far is it ?

take, walk, train, forty, fifty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred, minute, take, by, far, kilometer, shower, quick, bicycle, station, early, mile, stop, north, part, thing, other, depend, river, boat, must, more, than, car, town, ill, worry, so, much. hey ,means

subway, transportation

by bus, how far , depend on , by boat, look at 1. 了解美国青少年的一些课外生活。 2. 了解美国学生成绩单的形式和内容

1. soap opera 泡沫剧,电视(连续)剧 2. on Friday night 在星期五晚上 3. be mad at 生……的气

4. have a surprise party 举行一个惊喜晚会 5. not … anymore 不再,再也不

not … any more no more not … any longer no longer

6. Young Lives 《年轻的生命》 7. direct speech 直接引语 reported speech 间接引语

8. first of all 首先 9. do a homework project 设计作业计划 10. pass on 传递

11. work on 从事,设计,演算,操作

12. be supposed to do sth. 被期望(要求)做……,应该做…… 13. be good at 擅长……

14. do well in 在……方面表现得好 15. report card 成绩单

16. have a (bad) cold 患(重)感冒 17. in good health 身体健康

18. end-of-year exams = final exams 期末考试 19. have a big fight 大吵了一架 20. in/at school 在学校,上学 21. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事 22. get over 克服,恢复,原谅

23. a poor mountain village 一个贫穷的山村 24. sound like 听起来像

25. the Peking University 北京大学 26. the Ministry of Education 教育部

27. the Chinese Young Pioneers 中国少年先锋队 28. China’s rural areas 中国的偏远地区 29. sea level 海平面 30. the thin air 稀薄的空气

31. agree with sb./sth. 同意, 与……相符(一致) agree on/about sth. 同意,赞成

32. both … and … ……和……都 33. most of … 大多数……,大部分…… 34. open up 打开,展开,开发,揭露 35. a good start 一个良好的开端 36. care for 照料,照顾,计较,关心 37. in danger 处于危险之中

Unit 5 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!


Ⅱ.Sentence structures:

1. If you do, you’ll… 2. I’m going to …

3. You should… 4. Don’t you want to …? 5. Don’t you think … ? Ⅲ.语法小结 1. if条件句

2. 现在进行时表示将来的时间 一. if条件句

1. if条件句:条件句用于陈述语气,表示假设的情况可能发生,其中 if 是“如果”的意思。

构成 时态 例句 2. 用法:

(1)条件状语从句通常由连词if引导,意为“如果、假如”,主句不能用be going to表示将来,而应该用shall,will。

If you leave now, you are never going to regret it. (错误) If you leave now, you will never regret it. (正确)

(2)if “如果”,引导条件状语从句,if从句则用一般现在时,主句用一般将来时。如: If it rains tomorrow, I shan’t climb the hills. If I go to college, I will never become a great soccer player.

注意宾语从句中的if与条件状语从句if的区别。宾语从句中的if“是否”相当于 whether,引导宾语从句,时态需根据语境确定。

条件从句 If+一般现在时 形 If he comes, he will take us to the zoo. 主句 主语+shall/will+动词原 I don't know if it will rain tomorrow. 我不知道明天是否会下雨。 二. 现在进行时表示将来的时间

1. 用be doing表示将来:主要意义是表示按计划、安排即将发生的动作,常用于位置转移的动词,如:go,come,leave,arrive等, 也可用于其他动作动词,如:

We are having fish for dinner. 我们晚饭吃鱼。

We are moving to a different hotel the day after tomorrow. 后天我们会去另外一个旅馆。

这种用法通常带有表示将来的时间状语,如果不带时间状语,则根据上下文可表示最近即将发生的动作。 A: Where are you going?

B: I am going for a walk. Are you coming with me? A: Yes, I am just coming. Wait for me.

2. 现在进行时表示将来和用be going to 表示将来意思比较接近,但是现在进行时更强调事先已安排好,即将去做的事情, 而be going to 一般只表示打算做某事,有做某事的意图。我们来看两个例子:

She is having a meeting at 9 tomorrow. 她明天早晨9点有个会。 We are leaving for London next week.我们下周出发去伦敦。 这两个句子里就是用现在进行时表示将来已经安排好要做的事情。

IV. 重点难点分析

1. too much 和 much too

too much 后接不可数名词,用来表示数量太多,意思是“……太多了(数量多)”;much too后接形容词,用来说明程度的,意思是“太……(程度深)”如:

much too heavy 太重了 (表程度) 错误:He has drunk much too water.

正确:He has drunk too much water. 他喝了太多的水。(修饰不可数名词,表数量) 2. be famous for 和 be famous as

be famous for表示“因……而出名”, for后接表示出名的原因;be famous as则表示“以……身份而著名”,as 后接职业、身份或地位,表示作为……职业、身份或地位是著名的,如:

France is famous for its fine food and wine. 法国以其佳肴和美酒著名。 France is famous as a romantic country. 法国作为一个浪漫的国家而出名。

3. I want you to remember the rules for school parties. 我想让你记住参加学校聚会的规则。 want sb. to do sth. 想让某人做某事

4. travel around the world 周游世界

e.g. Her dream is to travel around China. 她的梦想是周游全中国。

5. If we have it today, half the class won’t come. 如果我们今天开聚会,全班有一半的同学将不来参加。 won’t 是 will not 的缩写

if 从句用一般现在时,表示假设,主语用一般将来时。

6.reasons for becoming a professional athlete 赞同成为一名职业运动员的理由 for prep. (表示赞成、支持),其反义词为against

eg. Are you for his plan or against it? 你是赞成还是反对他的计划? Which team did you vote for? 你投票给哪一个队(组)?

7.reasons against becoming a professional athlete 反对成为一名职业运动员的理由。 against prep. 反对,与…对抗

注意:介词后面用名词或动词ing的形式 eg. Are you against my plan? 你反对我的计划吗?

Our played against No.1 Middle School at basketball yesterday. 我校和一中昨天比赛篮球。

8.begin the story with the words.以这些话开头讲这个故事。 begin … with… “以…开始(开头)”

eg. The word begins with “s”.这个词以“s”开头。 Does he know that a year begins with January?

9. consequence 后果、结果

eg. We should consider the consequences before doing.

10. have a great time 玩得高兴

11. take away 运走,取走

eg. Don't take it away. I'll use it. 不要将它拿走,我要用。

12. make a living 谋生

v eg.He makes living as a driver. 他以开车谋生。

13. make money 挣钱

eg. After he became famous, he made lots of money.

14. let in 允许……进入,嵌入

eg. Don’t let the beggar in. 不要让那个乞丐进来。


1. For many young people, becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job. 对许多年青人来说,成为一名职业运动员可能似乎是一份理想的职业。 might (表示可能性,推测)

might do 或许,说不定(一般表示比may 较低的可能性) eg. She might win the prize .她或许会获得那个奖。

The child might be home already.那孩子说不定已回家了。 seem like+ 名词 好像…,似乎…

e.g. It seems like years since we last met. 我们似乎好几年不见了。

2. You'll be able to make a living doing something you love. 你能做你喜欢的事来谋生。 be able to +动词原形,“有能力做某事”

e.g. She is able to learn English well. 她能学好英语。 Doing something you love.做你喜爱的事。 you love 定语,修饰前面的something。

3. People all over the world will know you.全世界的人将会认识你。 all over the world 作定语,修饰它前面的名词people。

4. This is a great chance that many people do not have. 这是一个许多人所不能得到的难得的机会。

that many people do not have是一个定语从句,修饰它前面的chance。 great (表示程度,放在名词之前)非常的,异乎寻常的 eg. a great talk 健谈的人

She is a great friend of mine. 她是我非常要好的朋友。

5. Watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.一直看着你,你走到哪都跟着你。

all the time 一直

eg. Look! The monkeys are running and jumping all the time.看,猴子们一直在跑在跳。 everywhere 副词(adv.)到处

I've looked everywhere for it.为了找它,我到处找了个遍。 The dog followed him everywhere.无论在哪,那狗都跟着他。

6. get injured =be injured 受伤 injured (adj)

eg. He was badly injured in the accident.他在那次事故中受了重伤。

7. You'll have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are. 你将很难知道谁是你真正的朋友。

who your real friends are是一个宾语从句,它作knowing一词的宾语,这是一种“特殊疑问词+陈述语序的”宾语从句。

e.g. I don’t know where he is from.我不知道他来自哪里。 特殊疑问词+陈述语序

Can you tell me how old he is? 你能告诉我他多大吗? how old he is是宾语从句。

8.I can’t remember how to get to your house.我记不起来怎样去你家了。

how to get to your house是不定式作remember 一词的宾语(此处不定式是指一个特殊疑问词+to+动词原形) 这个不定式短语可以用宾语从句来替换如下: I can’t remember how I can get to your house. E.g. Can you tell me how to get to Luxun Park? We know who we will ask.

9.get enough exercise 得到充分的锻炼 exercise 名词,“锻炼”

10.go back home 回到家,此句可以换成return home

11. laugh at you 嘲笑你 laugh at sib.嘲笑某人 E.g. Don’t laugh at a person who is in trouble.


12. How many aliens dye their hair brown? 多少外星人把他们的头发染成棕色? dye v.把…着色,染色

She dyed her white skirt green.她把白色裙子染成绿色的。

Ⅵ.词语辨析 1.get to 与arrive

get to 与arrive均为“到达”之意。

①get to后面接名词,e.g. get to Shanghai/New York

但“到达这里/那里”则为get here/ get there。因为here和there为副词,所以它们前面不加to。 ②arrive是不及物动词,它后面不能直接跟名词,必须与介词in/或at连用之后+名词。 e.g. They arrived at Jim’s house at 2p.m. (小地点之前用介词at) When did they arrive in Beijing? (大地点之前用介词in) I didn’t know when he arrived. 我不知道他何时到达的。 此处arrived后面不需要宾语,故也不要加in或at。 “到达这里/那里”则改为arrive here/ there

“到家”则为”arrive home”,因为here, there, home均为副词,所以不加in/at。

2. join和take part in

join与take part in均为“参加”之意,是动词

①但join后面跟一个组织,政党,社团,团体等,“参加并成为其中一名成员” eg. join the Party 入党 join the League入团

She wants to join the singing club. 另外,join sb. 是“参加到某人的行列”之意

eg. Won’t you join us in a tennis match? 你不想参加我们网球比赛吗? He joined us for dinner. 他与我们共进晚餐。 ②take part in (动词短语)指参加(某种活动)

eg. Are you going to take part in the discussion? 你要参加讨论吗? He took part in the speech competition? 他参加了演讲比赛。

Did they take part in that meeting last Monday? 他们上周一参加那次会了吗?


一.重点词汇 1. in the future

in the future意为“将来,一段时间之后的事”;in future意为“今后”,可解释为from now on,如:

The little boy didn’t know what he would do in the future, but he did know that he wouldn’t talk with Bob in future because they had just had a big fight.

小男孩儿不知道将来要做什么,但他的确知道他今后不会再和Bob说话了,因为他们刚打了一架。 2. fall (过去式:fell;过去分词:fallen)

fall down 跌倒, 例如: He fell down to the ground.

fall in love with 爱上某人或某物, 例如: He fell in love with her. fall into 掉入, 例如:He fell into the river.

fall onto 跌倒在…之上, 例如: He fell onto the ground from his bike. fall off 从…跌落下来, 例如: He fell off his bicycle. 3. talk 的用法

talk about sth. 意思是“谈论某事”, 例如:

Now let’s talk about your homework. 现在我们来谈谈你的作业。 talk with sb. 意思是“和某人交谈”, 例如:

My mother is talking with my English teacher. 我妈妈在和我的英语老师交谈。 talk to sb.意思是“对某人谈”, 例如:

The teacher is talking to the students. 老师在对学生们谈话。

talk over sth.作“讨论某事”解,宾语是代词时须位于副词over之前, 例如: They talked over the matter at table.他们吃饭时讨论了这个问题。 give a talk意思是“作一个报告”

注意要表示 “告诉某人某事”时,须用tell sb. about sth.这样的结构。 4. argue with sb和discuss

argue 重在就自己的看法、立场提出论证说理,以说服他人。 而 discuss 重在交换意见,进行讨论,不含有意说服对方的成分, 如: I argued with him for a long time,but he refused to listen to reason. 我和他辩论了好久,但他拒不服理。

The women were discussing hats. 女人们在谈论帽子。 argue的常见搭配有:

argue on / about sth. 就…进行辩论

argue with sb.about sth.就某事与某人一起辩论

5. enough “足够的,充足的”

enough作为形容词放在名词之前,起修饰名词作用,作为副词修饰形容词或副词放置其后,常用于: be+ adj.+enough to do sth.的句型,意为“足以能……”,如: She has drunk enough water/water enough. 她已经喝了足够的水。 I'm strong enough for this work. 我够强壮,足以能胜任这项工作。 The boy is not old enough to go to school. 这孩子不够上学的年龄。

He runs fast enough. No one can catch up with him. 他跑得足够的快。没人能赶得上他。

另外,enough前除可用quite外,一般不用修饰;enough作名词用时,表示“足够,充足”,如: The man never has enough. 这个人永远不知足。 I've had enough,thank you. 我吃饱了,谢谢。 6. find, find out和look for

find表示“找到,认为,觉得”,强调动作的结果。常指找到丢失或忘掉的东西,如: Jim couldn’t find his hat.吉姆找不着帽子了。 I can't find my book.我找不到我的书。

look for意为“找,寻找”是持续性动词,强调动作,不表示结果,如: She is looking for her son.她正在找她的儿子。 I’m looking for my watch. 我正在寻找我的手表。 比较:He can’t find his pen. 他找不到他的钢笔了。 --- What are you looking for? 你在干什么?

--- I’m looking for my maths book. I can’t find it. 我正找我的数学书,我找不到了。

find out作经过打听,询问 后搞清楚,弄明白。或指“查明”的动作,“经过调查”发现,查明真相,如: I can find out the truth of the fact. 我能查出事实的真相。 7. be angry with sb;be angry at sth

(1)表示“对某人生气”,可以说 be/get/become angry with sb. 也可说be/get/become angry at sb.

前者更普遍,后者更侧重于:“对某人的言行生气”。 如:

Mother got angry at(with)me only because I had broken a precious cup. 妈妈对我发火,只是因为我打破了一只贵重的杯子。

I was very(rather)angry at what he said.我对他所说的话非常生气。 (2)表示“因某事生气”,可说be/get/become angry at sth. 也可说be/get/become angry about sth.


He was angry at(about)what I said.他对我所说的感到生气。 She was angry at being kept waiting.她因别人让她久候而生气。 8. on the tree和in the tree

表示“在树上”既可以用on也可以用in,但用的词不一样,所隐含的意思也就不一样: in the tree通常表示所提物体不是树上长出来的,而是挂在、落在或是停歇在树上,如: The birds are singing in the trees. 鸟在树上唱歌。 The child is staying in the tree. 小孩呆在树上。

on the tree通常表示所提物体是树上长出来的部分,如:

They are busy picking the apples on the trees. 他们正忙着摘树上的苹果。 There aren’t many oranges on the tree. 这棵树上桔子不多。 9. the same… as 同……一样的 same

adj. 同一的,相同的,如:

Meet me at the same time tomorrow. 明天的这个时间和我见面。 pron. 同样的事物,如:

I would do the same again. 我愿意重做一次。

the same…as 同……一样的,表示与as后的事物很相像,但并不是同一个,如: Your pen is the same as mine. 你的钢笔和我的一样。

the same … that = one and the same 同……一样的,表示与as后的事物完全一致,完全一样,如: He was wearing the same shirt (that) he'd on the day before. 他穿的那件衬衫, 是他前一天穿过的同一件衬衫。

I went out the same way (that) I'd got in. 我顺着进来的原路出去了。 10. help with+n. = help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事,如:

He often helps me with my English.= He often helps me to study English. 他经常帮助我学习英语。 11. bored 和boring.

bored 表示被动的含义,例如: I feel bored about it. 它使我感到乏味。 boring 表示主动的含义,例如:

It is very boring to study English. 学习英语很无聊。 12. surprise 动词“使惊奇”,如:You surprise me! 你吓了我一跳!

(1)surprise 还可以作为名词“惊奇,吃惊”;“可惊的事情, 意外的事情”。作为“令人吃惊的事情,意外的事情”是可数名词,如:

What a surprise! 多么令人吃惊的事!

Don't tell him about the present — it's a surprise. 不要告诉他礼物的事,这是件意想不到的礼物。 (2)surprising 形容词“令人吃惊的”,表示主动的含义,如: They have heard the surprising news. 他们听到了那惊人的消息。 (3)surprised 形容词“感到惊讶的”,表示被动的含义,如: I am surprised at you. 我对你的举动感到诧异。 (4)to one's surprise 使某人非常惊奇的是,如:

To my surprise,I found him sing well. 使我吃惊的是他歌唱得很好。 二. 重点结构

There be 结构变形:在there be结构中还可把be改变从而使得there be结构有了一些改变,具体总结如下: 1. There used/seem/happen/appear to be,如: There might be snow at night. 晚上可能有雪。

There appeared to be nobody willing to help. 看来没人愿意帮忙。 There used to be a building here. 过去这儿有一座楼房。 There happened to be a man walking by. 碰巧有个人在此经过。 There doesn't seem to be much hope. 好像没有太大的希望。 2. 在there be的be前还可以加上各种情态词,如: There must be something wrong. 一定有问题。 There ought not to be so many people. 不应该有这么多的人。 There might still be hope. 可能还有点希望。 3. 特殊的表达方式:

(1)There is no sense in doing. 做某事是没有用的,没有意义的 There is no sense in making him angry. 跟他生气是没有用的。 There in no sense in going alone. 一个人去是没有好处的。 (2)There is no need to do. 没有必要做某事 There is no need to worry. 没有必要担心。

There is no need to give him so much money. 根本没有必要给他那么多的钱。 (3)There is thought/said/reported to be 人们认为有/据说有/据报道有 There is reported to be a better way to cure cancer. 据报道,找到了一种更好的治疗癌症的方法。

(4)There is no doing(口语)不可能…….

There is no telling when he will be back. 无法知道他什么时候回来。 There is no knowing what he is doing. 无法知道他在做什么。


一.重点词汇 1. different kinds of

意为“不同种类的”,“各种各样的”,等于all kinds of,kinds of 后面接可数或不可数名词均可。 kind有两个词性: 1)kind作名词,意为“种类”。 如:

There are many kinds of animals in the zoo. 动物园里有很多种动物。 2)kind作形容词,意为“和善的,友好的”。 如:

It's very kind of you to help me. 你帮助我真是太好了。 2. advice

意为“劝告,意见,忠告”等,是不可数名词,前不加冠词。 可用“a piece of advice”,“pieces of advice”的结构来表示数量。 与advice搭配的动词短语有:

ask sb. for advice 向某人征求意见 follow/take sb's advice 遵从某人的劝告 give sb. some advice 给某人提出建议 如:

The doctor gave us some advice on how to improve our health. 医生对如何提高我们的身体素质提出了一些建议。 3. 辨析leave和forget

这两个词都有“遗忘,忘记”的意思,但用法不同,注意区别。 1)leave+sth.+sp. 指“把某物遗忘在某地” 如:

I left my notebook in the classroom. 我把笔记本忘在教室里了。 2)forget to do sth.指“忘记去做某事” forget doing sth. 指“忘记做过某事”


I forget to tell her about it. 我忘了把这件事告诉她。 I forgot telling her about it. 我忘记曾把这件事告诉过她。 4. in hospital

该短语译为“住院”,hospital前面无冠词,表示抽象概念。 而短语“in the hospital”则译为“在医院里”,并非生病住院之意。 在英语中,介词和一些单数名词连用,可以表示抽象概念。 如

at school 上学 go to school 上学 go to bed 上床睡觉 in/ out of jail 坐牢/出狱 5. take a day off

该短语译为“休一天假”。off表示缺席、不在、不工作或责任的免除,如: You mustn't take a day off just because you want to see a football match. 你不能只是为了想看一场足球赛而休息一天。 I think I will take the afternoon off, because I get sick. 我想我下午要休假,因为我实在是病了。 6. be mad at...“对……非常愤怒,恼火”,如:

They were mad at missing the train. 没赶上火车,他们气得发疯。 mad还可以和其他的介词搭配构成一些短语。 如:

be mad about“对……狂热,着迷”; go mad “发疯,疯了”。

7. bring...to... “把……带到……来”。其反义词组为“take...to....”,即“把……带到……去”,如: It is raining heavily outside. Take an umbrella with you.外面正在下雨,随身带把伞吧。

Please bring the long ruler here,and take the short one away. 请拿把长尺子到这儿来,把这把短的带走。 Mum,please bring the English book and the CDs to school. I need them for my English class. 妈妈,请把英语书和CD碟带到学校来。我上英语课时要用的。 8. be supposed to 为“认为必须;认为应该;认为……必要”,如: Am I supposed to clean all the rooms? 我必须打扫所有的房间吗?

You are supposed to pay the bill by Friday. 你最晚在星期五必须结清这笔账。 9. remind


remind + doing sth.和remind sb. of sth.都可以表示“提醒某人做某事情”


Please remind him closing the window when he goes to school. 他去上学的时候,记得提醒他关窗户。 10. make money 赚钱,挣钱。 make money=earn money 赚钱

如: He makes money by fishing. 他靠打鱼赚钱。 11. hard与 hardly

hard 为副词,意思是“努力地,费力地,辛苦地”, 如: He works hard.他努力工作。

hardly否定副词,意思为“几乎不”,表示否定含义, 如: He works hardly. 他几乎不工作。 12. response


常用于词组response to sb./sth.“回复某人或某事”,注意to在这里是介词,它后面要跟名词或代词。 如: I've had no response to his letter. 我还没有给他回信。 13. be good at 和 do well in


be good at 侧重于惯常的行为,do well in 侧重于具体的事情,指做某事做得好,但是现在这两个词组用法的区别日益缩小,通常可以互换。

be good at的比较级是be better at,反义词组是be weak in; do well in 的比较级是do better in,反义词组是do badly in。 如: I am good at English composition. You must do well in this test. 二. 重点结构

1. It seems that…是一个固定句型,“看来,似乎是,好像”的意思。相当于“主语+ seem+ to do”, 如果动词不定式为to be + 形容词时,to be往往省略。 如:

It seems that she is very sad. 她似乎很难过。 = She seems (to be) very sad.

It seems that he likes his new job. 他看起来很喜欢他的新工作。 = He seems to like his new job.

It seems that与人称代词连用,意为:“感到好像,觉得似乎”, 如:

It seems to me that it will snow. 我看要下雪。 2. What's wrong (with sb./ sth.)?

What's wrong? 的意思是“怎么啦?”,用于询问发生了一件什么事情,也可以在what's wrong的后面接一介词短语,询问某人或某物出了什么问题。 如:

— What's wrong? 怎么回事? — I don't know. 我不知道。

— What's wrong with your bike, Jake? 你的自行车怎么啦,Jake? — It is broken. 我的车坏了。

There is something wrong with his leg. 他的腿出了毛病。 类似的表达方法还有: What’s the matter (with sb./ sth.)? What’s the trouble (with sb./ sth.)? What’s up?

3. It is + adj. / n. + for sb. to do sth.,做某事对某人来说……,在这个句型中真正的主语是动词不定式,也就是to do sth.是真正的主语,而it只是形式主语,如果不强调对某人的影响,可以省略for sb. 如:

It’s very good for you to read more English books. 多读些英语书对你来说是很有益处的。 It is quiet surprising to hear the news. 听到这个消息确实很震惊。 4. If +一般现在时句子,主语+一般将来时。

这是我们初中学习阶段中比较重要的结构,是if引导的条件状语从句。这里最关键的是要注意从句与主句的时态。 如:

If he is ill,he won’t go to school. 如果他生病了,就不会上学了。

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 一.【单元目标】 Ⅱ.目标句型:

1. How long have you been doing…? 2. I’ve been doing…since… 3. How long did sb. do…? 4. He / She did sth. for… 5. What do you collect? 6. When did you start?

7. How many do you have? 8. What do you like to collect in the future?

9. What is the most common/unusual/interesting hobby?

Ⅲ.语法 现在完成进行时 二.【重难点分析】 1. 现在完成进行时 构成:

肯定句:主语 + have / has been + doing 否定句:主语+have/has+not+been+doing 一般疑问句:Have/Has+主语+been+doing?


(1)I have been learning English for ten years. 我学英语已经十年了。

(2)She has been skating for four hours. 到现在为止她滑冰已经有四个小时了。 (3)I have been collecting stamps since I was ten years old. 我从十岁起就一直在集邮。

在这几个句子中,have和has是助动词,疑问形式需把助动词提前,否定形式在have或has后面加not,have not和has not可以分别缩写成haven’t和hasn’t,如:

(1)Have you been doing your homework since this morning? 从今天早晨起你就一直在写作业吧? (2)Has he been writing the letters to his friend? 他是一直在给他的朋友写信吗? (3)I haven’t been seeing films for a long time. 我有很长时间没有看电影了。 (表明没有看电影这个动作从过去一直持续到现在,还要继续持续下去。) 2.现在完成进行时与现在完成时的区别:

(1)现在完成时强调动作的完成,而现在完成进行时侧重的是动作的持续进行。 如:

I have read a book about birds. (已经读完)

I have been reading a book about birds.(一直都在读,现在还在读,有可能会继续读下去)

(2)两种时态都有延续性, 但现在完成时往往只说明一个事实,一种影响或结果,无感情色彩;现在完成进行时表示一个动作的延续、重复,有时有一定的感情色彩。 如:

She has been singing all the day. 她都唱了一整天了。(抱怨、厌烦) 三.【重点词汇】 1. since的用法: (1)conj.

①(引导时间状语从句,从句中常用过去时,主句用一般时态或完成时)自从……以来;……以后 eg.

It was years since l had seen her.自从我见到她(到那时)又过去好几年了。 his just a week since we arrived here.我们到这儿刚好有一周了。 ②(引起原因状语从句,通常置于句首)既然;因为 eg.

Since he says so,it must be true. 既然他这么说,那一定是真的。 (2)prep. 自……以来 eg.

I have lived here since childhood.自小我就住在这儿。 He hasn't been home sincel993.1993年以来他还没有回过家。 (3)adv.

①(与完成时态连用)从那以后;后来 eg.

He left the city in 1985 and has returned only once since. 他1985年离开这座城市,自那以后只回来过一次。 ②以前

(4)构成短语:ever since 从那以后(一直) long since 很久以前;早已 2. since,from和for


The movie is on from 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. 这个电影在晚上8点到10点上映。 They chatted at the meeting from beginning to end.他们在会议上自始至终都在聊天。

(2)since则为介词或从属连接词,其后接名词、动名词或从句,表示从某一特定时间起直至现在或过去某一特定时间为止,依然继续着的事情的开始点,在以此为时间状语的句子中,谓语动词常用完成时。 如:

Many things have happened since they came here.自他们来这儿以后,发生了许多事情。 The teacher said that John had made great progress since last semester. 老师说从上个学期以来约翰取得了很大的进步。

(3)for 是介词,后接名词,可以用来计算持续的时间,表示事情从开始到结束所持续的时间,谓语动词常用过去时或完成时,for与一般现在时连用,表示时间一直持续到将来。 如:

The meeting lasted for hours. 会议持续了几个小时。 I studied the piano for three years. 我学过三年钢琴。 I've known her for five years. 我认识她已经五年了。 How long are you here for? 你在这里要待到什么时候?

3. favorite 作名词,指“最爱的物品”,favorite也可作形容词,作形容词比较级和最高级形式。 例如:

My favorite food is dumpling.我最喜欢的食物是饺子。 4. stop表示“停止,结束,阻止”

The light turned red.I have to stop. 红灯亮了,我不得不停下来。 (1)stop作名词,意为“车站,站点”。 例如:

I get off at the next bus stop.我在下一站下车。

(2)stop作动词,意为“停止”,常用于stop doing sth.结构中,表示“停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事。 例如:

The students stop talking.学生停止了讲话。(动名词talking作宾语) (3)stop to do sth. 则表示“停下来去做某事”,指停止原来的事去做另外一件事。 例如:

The students stop to talk.学生们停下来(开始)讲话。(不定式to talk作目的状语) We should stop to have a rest.我们应该停下来休息一会儿。 (4)stop sb.(from)doing sth. 表示“叫某人停止做某事,阻止某人做某事”。 例如:

What can stop me(my)going? 有什么能阻止我去呢?

Nothing shall stop us from studying.什么都不能阻止我们学习。 5. have to do sth. 表示“不得不做某事”,指客观条件的“不得不” I have to finish the work by myself. 我不得不自己完成这项工作。 6. run out of… 意为“从……地方跑出来;用光……”

Class is over.The students run out of the classroom. 下课了,学生们从教室里冲了出来。 四.【课文解析】

1. How long have you been in class today?

你今天上了多长时间的课?(或你在课堂多长时间?) (1)how long “多长”或“多长时间”。对长度或时间段提问。 -- How long have you learned English? 你学英语多长时间了? -- For two years. 两年了。

(2)in class 在上课;在课堂上,其反义词为out of class “在课外”。 We should read more books out of class. 我们在课外应该多读些书。 I have been in class for one hour. 我上了一个小时的课。 (3)现在完成时

①表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响。 eg.

I have seen the film many times.这部电影我已看过多次。(已经非常了解这部电影) ②表示过去某一时间开始一直延续到现在的动作。 eg.

I have lived here since 2001.自从2001年以来,我一直住在这儿。(“住”这动作延续到现在) ③构成:“have/has+过去分词”构成。 eg.

--Where is Jim and Mike? 吉姆和迈克在哪儿?

--They have gone to the Great Wall. 他们去游长城了。 2. Alison was the first one to start.艾丽森是第一个开始(滑)的。

(1)“be the first / second…+n. + to do…”表示“……是第一/ 二个做某事的”。 He is the last one to leave here. 他是最后—个离开这里的。 She was the first one to get to the school.她是第一个到校的。 (2)to start在这里是动词不定式作定语。

3. I'd like to collect stamps because they are interesting.我喜欢集邮,因为它们特别有趣。 (1)would like to do表示“想要做某事”。 例如:

Would you like to come to join my birthday party? 你愿意来参加我的生日晚会吗? (2)collect意为“收集,搜集”,常用作及物动词,后跟名词或代词作宾语。 例如:

I like collecting all kinds Of Chinese stamps very much.我非常喜欢收集各种中国邮票。 4.Thanks for sending me the snow globe of the monster. 非常感谢您送我怪兽雪花球形玻璃器。 (1)thanks for…相当于thank you for…意为“为……感谢你”,后多跟名词短语或动名词。 例如:

Thanks for your last letter. 谢谢你的上封来信。 (2)send sb. Sth.相当于send sth. to sb. 表示“送给某人某物” He sent me a present for my birthday.

He sent a present to me for my birthday.我过生日他送了我一件礼物。

5. By the way,what's your hobby? 顺便提一下,你的个人爱好是什么?

(1)这是一个特殊疑问句的简单句,by the way在句中作插入语。介词短语by the way意思是“且说,顺便提一下,还有”,常用来介绍一般性的话题,或在脑子里突然想起的事情。 例如:

We shall expect you,by the way,dinner will be at eight.我们正在等着你,还有晚饭是八点开。

I was reading when the earthquake occurred,by the way,it was “The Last Day of Pompeii”.地震发生时我在看书,顺便提一下,我看的是“庞培城的末日”。

By the way,have you seen her lately? 顺便问一下,你近来见过她吗? (2)名词hobby表示“爱好”是可数名词。 例如:

Your hobby is reading. 你的爱好是看书。

One of my hobbies is astronomy. 我的爱好之一是天文学。

Plenty of men are excellent cooks as a hobby. 很多男人菜做得好,只是作为一种爱好。

6.It made me think about differences in food cultures between China and western countries.它使我想起了中国和西方国家在饮食文化方面的差异。

(1)make 使役动词“使;让”,后面接不定式作宾语补足语时,不带to,类似的还有let和have。 eg.

He made the students laugh.他把同学们逗笑了。

The children must be made to clean their own room. 必须叫孩子们打扫自己的房间。 Aunt Li tried to make us stay for supper. 李大婶要留我们吃晚饭。 (2)think about 考虑;回想,想起;认为 eg.

think about a plan 考虑一项计划

I always think about her when it snows.每当下雪的时候,我总是想起她。 What do you think about the film last night? 你认为昨晚的电影怎么样?

He was thinking about the time he spent in the army.他正在回想他在部队度过的日子。 We need to think about the plan.我们需要考虑一下这个计划。 (3)介词between表示在二者之间

There is a fence between his garden and our garden. 在他的花园和我们的花园之间有一道栅栏。 You're to sit between Moira and me. 你坐在莫伊娜和我之间。 五.【词语辨析】 1. every和each


eg. Each one has his weakness. 每人都有每人的弱点。

(2)every数目不确定的许多人或物中间的“每一个”;“总合”意义较重,表示“大家一致”。 eg. Every one of us is here. 我们都到了。 (3)each可作主语、同位语、定语和状语,而every只能作定语。 2. interest,interesting与interested

(1)interest作名词,意为“兴趣,趣味”,用作动词时指“使(人)产生兴趣”。 例如: He shows an interest in music. 他对音乐感兴趣。 What you said interests me. 你的话引起了我的兴趣。

(2)interesting作形容词,指“有趣的,引起兴趣的”,可作表语或定语,指物或人本身能引起兴趣。 例如: The film is very interesting. 电影非常有趣。 He is an interesting man. 他是一个有趣的人。

(3)interested是由动词interest加-ed构成的形容词。意为“感兴趣的”,其主语一般是人,常用于be/get/become interested in结构中,表示“对……感兴趣”。 例如:

When he was only a child,he got interested in science.当他还是个孩子时,就对科学产生了兴趣。 3. how long,how often 与 how soon

(1)how long 的意思是“有多长”,用来提问有多长时间,答语通常是more than two weeks 等表示一段时间的话。 例如:

--How long are you going to stay here? 你打算在这里待多久? --Five days. 5天。

--How long did he live in China? 他在中国住了多长时间? --More than two years. 两年多。

(2)how often的意思是“多长时间一次”,用来提问在某一特定的时间内进行某个动作的次数,答语通常是never,sometimes,quite often,usually,three times a year等表示频度的副词或短语。 例如:

--How often do you go to the library? 你多长时间去一次图书馆? --Once a day. 一天一次。

(3)how soon用来询问“需要多长时间能,过多久”,谓语动词多用终止性动词,即某一动作要花多长时间才能完成或发生,常与将来时连用,答语常用in a week/month/year等。 例如:

--How soon can you finish the work? 你完成那项工作还要多久? --May be in three days. 大概3天后。 --How soon will he get here? 他到这儿需要多久?

--In half an hour. 半小时。 4. have与must

have to与must都有“必须”的意思,但有其不同之处:

(1)have to有时态和人称变化,带有客观因素,意思是“不得不”;must无时态和人称变化,后面接不带to的不定式,带有主观因素,意思是“必须,一定”。 例如:

I have to go now.It's dark. 我必须得走了。天已黑了。 I must go. 我得走了。

(2)must not表示“不许,一定不能”;don't have to表示“不必”。 例如:

You mustn't go now. 你现在不许走。

You don't have to go so early. 你不必走那么早。

(3)Must I…?的否定回答是No,you needn't.或No,you don't have to. 例如:

--Must I stay here now? 我必须留在这吗?

--NO,you needn't./you don't have to. 不,你不必。 5. fairly与rather


fairly一般指(褒义的)理想的情形,rather一般指(贬义的)不太理想的情形。例如: The weather is fairly fine today.今天的天气相当好。 The weather was rather bad yesterday.昨天的天气相当不好。 It is a fairly easy question.

这是一个相当容易的问题。(容易而适当) It is a rather easy question.

这是一个相当容易的问题。(大容易了而不适当)Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells ? 兴趣爱好

谈论做事情的持续时间 1.比较级的用法

Tom has shorter hair than Sam Sam is more outgoing than Tom 2.both的用法 They both like sports

serious, smart, note, mean, as, way, both, physics, however, common, make, laugh, for, interest, though, necessary, beat, care, friendship, primary, information

outgoing, twin, calm, wild, athletic, hers, opposite, view schoolwork

more than, in common, be good at, most of, primary school 奥林匹克的由来

1. how long 多长,多久 2. a skating marathon 滑冰马拉松 3. a pair of 一双,一副,一把,一条

4. raise money (for charity) (为慈善机构)募捐,筹钱 5. the whole five hours 整整五个小时 6. three and a half years 三年半 = three years and a half

7. thanks for 因……而表示感谢 8. run out of 用完,用尽

9. by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下 10. in Russian style 以俄罗斯的风格 11. fly kites 放风筝 12. a talent show 才艺表演 13. finish doing sth. 结束做某事 14. be interested in 对…感兴趣 15. Chinese dynasty 中国的王朝 16. famous characters 著名人物 17. think of 考虑,想起

18. in Russian style 俄罗斯的风格

19. tell sb. about sth. 把……的情况告诉某人 20. enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事 21. the Olympic Games 奥运会 = the Olympics 22.far away 在远处

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music? 【单元目标】


1. Would you mind doing…? 2. Do you mind doing…? 3. Could / Can / Will / May you please do…? 4. Would you mind not doing…? 5. Not at all. I’ll do it right away. 6. Sorry,I’ll do it right away. 7. Please do / don’t… 8. You’d better do… Ⅲ.重点句型

1. Would you mind turning down the music? 2. whether和if引导从句的用法。 3. get的用法 【重难点分析】

1. Would you mind…?和Do you mind…? 用于询问或请求别人做某事,或请求他人的许可。 (1)mind后面可以用-ing形式,复合结构 one’s doing或if引导的从句。 例如:

Would you mind doing the dishes? = Do you mind doing the dishes? = Please do the dishes.

请把餐具洗了好吗? (表示请求别人做事) Would you mind turning down the radio?

= Do you mind turning down the radio? 请把收音机关小点好吗? (2)Would you mind my doing…? = Do you mind if I do…? 这个句型用于询问他人意见或请求他人的许可。 例如:

Would you mind my smoking here?

= Do you mind if I smoke here? 你介意我在这里吸烟吗? Would you mind my asking you a question?

= Do you mind if I ask you a question? 我问你一个问题好吗? Would you mind my opening the window? =Do you mind my opening the window?

= Can I open the window? 我可以开窗吗? 注意:

在美国口语中还可以将这个句型用Would you mind me doing sth.?来表达,但是在书面表达中要用my。 Would you mind me using your car? 我用一下你的车好吗?

(3)询问有关人们感觉的一般性问题,可以用Do you mind…?通常不用Would you mind…? 如:

Do you mind people smoking in your house? 你介意别人在你家里吸烟吗? 这里不能说Would you mind people smoking in your house?

(4)这个句型的否定形式是在mind后加not,即Would you mind not…?或Do you mind not…? 如:

Would you mind not playing basketball here? 你不要在这打篮球好吗? Would you mind not wearing those old jeans?

(5)回答Do/Would you mind…? 提出的问题时,表示允许要说No或Not at all等; 如果介意要做肯定回答Yes. 或Yes,I’m sorry,but I do.等, 如:

--Do you mind if I ask you a question? 我可以问你的一个问题吗? --No,please do.可以,请问吧。

2. 通常既可用whether 也可用if 表示“是否”来引导从句,常置于see,ask,learn,tell,wonder,doubt,find out等动词之后。 如:

I'm not sure whether /if I'll have time. 我不敢肯定我是否会有时间。 He asked me whether/if I could help him. I want to know whether/if he lives there. 只能使用whether的场合 (1)只有whether能用在介词后面 如:

Success depends on whether we make enough effort. (2)在英语中与or (not) 连用的词通常是whether 如:

Whether we help him or not,he will fail. 不论我们帮助他与否, 他都将失败。 (3)带to的动词不定式前用whether,而不用if 如:

Please tell us whether to go or stay here.请告诉我们是走还是留。

They didn’t know whether to agree or keep silent. 他们不知道是应该同意还是保持沉默。 (4)whether可置于句首引导主语从句,而if不能 如:

Whether the meeting will be in Beijing is not known yet. 会议是否在北京举行还不得而知。 It's not sure whether he is free. 他是否有时间不确定。

3. get on / get off ( a / the bus,train,boat,plane) 上/下(公共汽车、火车、船、飞机)


She got on / off the bus quickly.

get on还可以表示为:相处融洽、继续。 如:

Get on with your work! 继续工作吧!

I get on well with all my classmates. 我和所有的同学相处都很融洽。 get的其它的用法:

(1)表示“到达,抵达”,如果后接表示到达某地的名词,get后面要接介词to,如果get后接的是地点副词就可以直接在get后使用。 如:

She got there at six.

她六点钟到达那里。(there为地点副词) When we got to the station, the bus was waiting.

当我们到达车站时,汽车还在等着。(the station是名词) (2)get sth. done使;受;让人做好;经历;让;做(该做的事) 如:

I'll just get these dishes washed and then I'll come. 我得把盘子洗了,然后就来。 I must get the television fixed. 我必须请人修理一下这台电视机。 (3)get与宾语+形容词连用,其意思是“使某物/某人成为” 如:

I got my feet wet. 我把脚弄湿了。

It's time to get the kids ready for school. 该给孩子们收拾好去上学了。 (4)成为 如:

My hands are getting cold. 我的手冷。 The food's getting cold. 菜凉了。

This skirt is getting dirty;it needs washing. 这件短裙脏了,该洗一洗了。 He is getting old. 他渐渐老了。 (5)获得,取得 如:

I must get some fruit in the market. 我得在市场上买点水果。 I'll get something to eat before I got out. 我出去之前要找点东西吃。 Unit 7

Would you mind turning down the music? 表达不满意

委婉,礼貌地提出请求。 表示歉意 1.祈使句

First, peel the bananas and cut them up .Then put the milk into the blender… 2. how many/ how much 引导的特殊疑问句 How many bananas do we need? How much yogurt do we need ?

cut, up , into , cup, watermelon, instruction, salt, add, sandwich, bread, butter, top, check, duck , pancake pour , mix , popcorn, boil, turkey, slice, sauce, roll

shake, blender, amount, yogurt, ingredient, peel, teaspoon, relish, finally , popper, lettuce, super, recipe milk shake , turn on , cup up , mix up , add…to…,green onion 中,西方礼仪的差异

1. turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗 turn up (音量)放大,(光线)调亮 turn on 打开(开关、按钮) turn off 关(开关、按钮) 2. not at all 一点也不

3. right away = in a minute 立刻,马上 4. do/wash the dishes 洗碗 5. put on 穿上(动作)

6. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 7. make posters 制作海报

8. have a long telephone conversation 煲电话粥 9. wait in line 排队 10. cut in line 插队

11. follow sb. around 跟在某人周围

12. get mad = get annoy = get angry 生气,感到恼火 13. try (not) to do sth. 尽力(不去)做某事 14. seem like 看上去像…… 15. even if/though 尽管、即使 16. take care = be careful 小心

17. in public places 在公众场合 18. in public 公开地,当众地 19. break the rule 不遵守规则 20. put out 熄灭 21. pick up 捡起、拾起

Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf? 【单元目标】


1. What should I get for sb…? 2. How about sth./doing sth.? 3. How do you like sth.? 4. What about sth./doing sth.? 5. Why don’t you buy/get…? 6. Why not buy/get…?

7. They’re too expensive/cheap/personal… 8. Great!/Good idea!/OK…. I’ll get/buy… 9. My best gift is… 10. It’s good for sb. to… 11. It can make sb…. Ⅲ.重点句型

1. Why don’t sb. do sth.? 2. How about结构 3. too…to结构 【重点词汇】 1. improve

作不及物动词,表示“改进,改善” 例如:

His work is improving slowly. 他的工作提高得很慢。 His health is improving. 他的健康正在好转。 也可作及物动词,表示“使某物改进,改善”。 例如:

He studies harder to improve his English. 他更加努力提高英语水平了。 This is not good enough. I want to improve it. 这还不够好,我要加以改进。 2. remember v. 记住,记起

I can’t remember your name. 我记不起你的名字。 As far as I can remember,this is the third time we’ve met. 我记得这是我们第三次会面了。

remember doing sth表示“记得做某事”;动名词doing具有完成的意义

I remember taking (having taken) the medicine at the right time. 我记得已按时服过药了。(吃过了)

remember to do sth表示“记住去做某事”;不定式to do表示未做的动作

I remember to take the medicine at the right time. 我记住要按照服药。(还没吃) 3. too…to,这个短语虽然是肯定的形式,但是表达的是否定的意思:“太…以至于(不能)…”。 如:

He is too old to work. 他太老了,不能工作了。

The box is too heavy for the little girl to carry. 这箱子太重,小女孩搬不动。 如在too前面或者后面有否定词not,则整个句子表达肯定。 如:

This question is not too difficult to answer. 这道题不太难回答。 He is too clever not to see that. 他很聪明,不会不懂这一点。 4. spend…on 在…上花(时间或金钱) 如:

He spends a lot of money on books. 他花许多钱买书。

I spend half an hour on my homework every day. 我每天要花费半小时做作业。 I always spend weekends with my family. 我经常和我的家人一起过周末。

spend…(in) doing sth.花(时间或金钱等)做某事。 如:

The government will spend money looking after the patients.政府要花钱去照料那些病人 5. instead 代替,替代 作副词,常放在句首或句末

It’s too hot to walk,we’ll go swimming instead. 太热不宜散步,我们改去游泳。 The girl stopped watching TV,she danced instead now. 那个女孩不看电视了,而去跳舞了。 He is tired,let me go instead. 他累了,让我替他去吧。 instead of后跟名词、代词或动名词,表示“代替……,而不是……”。 例如:

He’ll go to Italy instead of France. 他要去意大利而不去法国。 I’ll go instead of him. 我将代替他去。

He played the whole afternoon instead of doing his homework. 他玩了一下午而没做作业。 6. touch 触,碰

The branches of the tree touched the water. 树枝碰到了水面。 Visitors are not allowed to touch the exhibits. 参观者请勿触摸展览品。 Don’t touch that pot;it’s very hot. 不要摸那口锅,它很烫。 常用短语:in touch with 有联系;对某事熟悉 lose touch 失去联系,停止联系 out of touch 无联系;生疏 7. native 本地的,本族的,本国的

Chinese is our native language. 汉语是我们的母语。 It’s a native fruit. 这是一种当地产的水果。 one’s native country / land 本国,祖国 native place 出生地

one’s native language 本国语,本族语

反义词:foreign 外国的;外交的;外国产的;外来的 8. increase 增加,增大,增多

Travel increases one’s knowledge of the world. 旅游提高一个人对世界的认识。 He increased the size of his farm year by year. 他逐年扩大他的农场规模。 The population of this town has increased by 5 percent. 这个镇的人口已经增长了5%。 常用短语: increase by 增加了…… increase to…… 增加到…… 9. support 支持;继续;养活

He has a large family to support. 他有一大家子人要养活。 He was supported home by the man. 他被那个人扶回了家。 support 还可作名词,表示“拥护;支持”

There is strong public support for the change. 公众大力支持这一变革。 10. enough 意为“充足,足够”

enough作副词,可用于修饰形容词、副词、动词等,通常置于被修饰语之后。 I don’t know him well enough to ask him for help. 我和他不够熟悉,不好请他帮忙。 This room is big enough for five of us to live in. 这房间给我们5个人住够大了。 enough还可作形容词,用于修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,置于名词前或后均可。 Do you have enough time? 你的时间够用吗?

We have money enough to buy the house. 我们有足够的钱买这所房子。 11. take care of 表示“照顾,照料,爱惜”是及物的动词短语。

During the illness of their mother the children were taken care of by a neighbor.

在孩子们的母亲患病期间,他们由一位邻居照顾。 A good car should last you a long time if you take care of it. 如果你爱惜的话,一部好汽车会让你长时间使用。

She ought to take care of her health more than she does. 她该比现在更注意健康。 【重难点分析】 1. Why don’t you do sth.?

这是给别人提建议,建议某人做什么事情的句型。 如:

Why don't we come more often? 咱们为什么不经常来这里呢?' Why don't you do it this way? 为什么不用这种方法做呢? Why don't you have another try? 为什么不再试一次呢?

Why don’t you buy a book for your father? 给你爸爸买本书怎么样? 这个句子还可以写成Why not do…? 如:

Why not get her a camera? 为什么不给她买个相机呢? 这个句型还有发出礼貌地邀请的用法。 如:

Why don’t you have a drink of tea? 请喝茶。= Why not have a drink of tea? 2. How/What about…? 表示“……怎么样/好吗?”

这个句型是询问听话这一方对某事物的看法或者意见。about是个介词,它后面要接名词或者doing。 如:

How about his playing football? 他足球踢得怎么样? What about swimming with us? 和我们一起游泳怎么样? How about her English? 她的英语怎样? 3. —When did Joe get it? 乔是什么时候收到的礼物? —On his sixth birthday. 在他6岁生日时。

(1)on one’s …… birthday 表示“在某人的……岁生日时”,要用序数词。 On his tenth birthday,his parents gave him a new bike as birthday present. 在他10岁生日那天,他的父母给他买了一辆新的自行车作为生日礼物。 (2)介词on表示“在具体的某一天或某一天的上、下午”。

We will have a party on Christmas Day. 圣诞节那天,我们将要举行一个晚会。 4. Is it someone in your family? 是你家里的什么人吗? 句中it用来确指身份不明的人。

--Who is it? 是谁呀?

--It's me,Mary. 是我,玛丽。 --Who is at the door? 谁在门口?

--It's the postman. 是邮递员。(主语是who,身份不明,故用it指代) Mr Smith is at the door.He wants to see you.

史密斯先生在门口,他想见你。(主语是Mr Smith,身份明确,故用he指代)

5. The movie was boring,I fell asleep half way through it. 这部电影令人厌烦。在放映了一半时我就睡着了。 (1)boring表示“令人厌烦的”,bored表示“厌烦的”

The book was boring. When he read the book,he felt bored. 这本书很令人厌烦。当他读的时候,觉得很烦。 bored在这里是过去分词作形容词用,许多动词的现在分词和过去分词均可作形容词,区别在于过去分词有被动意味,常指“……对……感到……”,主语通常是“人”,后面多接介词;而现在分词有主动意味,指“使人……的”,常用作表语,而主语通常是“物”。 例如:

He is interested in science. 他对科学很感兴趣。 The story is very interesting. 这个故事很有趣。 I was surprised at his answer. 我对他的回答感到吃惊。 The result is surprising. 结果使人吃惊。

(2)fall asleep意为“睡着了”,fall是连系动词,asleep是形容词,作表语。 When he was reading,he fell asleep. 他看书时睡着了。

6. In the USA,some people ask their families and friends to give money to charity rather than buying them gifts. 在美国,一些人要求他们的家人和朋友把钱捐给慈善机构而不是给他们买礼物。

(1)本句中两个to,第一个to为不定式符号,后为动词原形,第二个to作介词。 例如:

The teacher asked me to take the books to the classroom 老师让我把书拿到教室里去。

(2)rather than表示“与其……(不如……),不是……(而是……)”是连词词组,可在两个并列的成分中选择,也可连接两个谓语、两个表语、两个主语等。当主句有动词不定式,rather than后可接带to的动词不定式或不带to的动词不定式,也可以用动名词形式。 例如:

Things fall to the earth rather than go up into the air.东西落到地面上而不是飞向天空。 These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty. 这些鞋子谈不上漂亮但穿起来很舒服。 I rather than you,should do the work. 该做这工作的是我,而不是你。 I think I’ll have a cold drink rather than milk. 我想喝冷饮,不想喝牛奶。

The color seems like yellow rather than green. 这颜色看上去更像黄色而不像绿色。

7. People don’t need to spend too much money. 人们不需要花费太多的钱。

(1)need在本句中作实义动词,表示“需要”,有人称、数和时态的变化,其后常接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。 Do you need any help? 你需要帮助吗?(名词)

I can give you some help. Do you need it? 我可以帮助你,你需要吗?(代词) I need to go right now 你需要现在就走。(不定式)

need表示“必须”,还可作情态动词,没有人称、数和时态的变化,接动词原形作谓语,直接加not构成否定形式。只用在否定句和疑问句中。 例如:

I needn’t finish that work today. 我今天不必把那项工作做完。 Need you go right now? 你一定得现在走吗? (2)too much意为“太多”,用于修饰不可数名词。

There is too much time left. 还剩下太多的时间。 8. Later,the same gift may be given away to someone else. 后来,同样的礼品可能被赠送给别人。

该句为含有情态动词的被动语态。give away表示“赠送,捐赠”是固定的短语动词。 例如:

He has decided to give all his money away to charity. 他已决定把所有的钱都捐赠给慈善机构。 I've given the books away to a library. 我已经把那些书捐赠给一家图书馆。 Her little boy had cried so heavily when they had given the dog away. 他们把狗送给别人时,她的小儿子哭得很厉害。

They are giving away free toys when you spend more than $30 in the store. 如果你在那家商店消费超过30美元,他们免费赠送玩具。

9. Twenty-four singers from across China recently competed by singing a number of popular English songs.来自全中国的24名歌手最近通过唱若干首流行英语歌曲来比赛。


I did not think she would do any good by coming over. 我认为她过来不会有什么好处。 There is nothing to gain by waiting. 等待将一无所获。 He taught himself to play the violin by practising all night. 通过整夜练习他自学拉小提琴。

(2)a number of表示“许多,大量,若干”是量词词组,其后只跟可数名词。 The parents were invited to see the program,and a number“people came,too. 父母应邀来看节目,不少人也来了。

There were a number of people out this afternoon. 今天下午许多人出去了。 A number of accidents always occur on such days. 在这种日子里常常有事故发生。 10. If there were new words in a song,I looked them up in the dictionary. 如果在歌曲里有生词,我就查字典。

这是一个含有条件状语从句的主从复合句。主句中look up表示“(在词典、书籍中)查找”。

按照英语习惯用法,“查字典”为look up the words in the dictionary,不说look up the dictionary。另外,look up是“动副”结构的及物的短语动词,名词作宾语置于副词前后皆可,代词作宾语要置于副词之前。 If you don't know the meaning of a word,look it up in a good dictionary. 如果你不知道一个词的意义,就去查一本好词典。 You can look up her telephone number in the book. 你可以在电话簿里查找她的电话号码。 Will you look up a train for me in the timetable? 你可不可以帮我在行车时刻表中查找一个列车车次?

11. As you go to your home by the ocean may you never forget those sweet hours that we spent in the Red River Valley and the love we exchanged mid the flowers.当你通过海洋到你家时,祝你永远不会忘记我们一起在红河谷度过的那些甜蜜时光以及我们一起在花丛中交换的爱情。

这是一个含有时间状语从句的主从复合句,主句中又含有两个定语从句。hours和love既在主句中作forget的并列宾语,又分别是其后定语从句所修饰的先行词。在前一个定语从句中,关系代词that既引导定语从句,又在从句中作spent的宾语;在第二个定语从句的主语we前,省略了既引导定语从句,又在从句中作exchanged宾语的关系代词that或which。主句中may用倒装语序表示祝愿。例如: May you succeed! 祝你成功! May you be happy! 祝你幸福! May God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你!


I saw him as he was getting off the bus. 当他下公共汽车时,我看见了他。

As he walked on,he felt himself getting more and more tired. 他继续往前走的时候,感到越来越疲乏。 As the day went on,the weather got worse. 随着时间的推移,天气变得更糟。 I was coming in as he was going out. 我进来时他正出去。 My pen trembles as I write it. 我一边写,笔一边颤抖。

Helen heard the story as she washed. 海伦洗衣服的时候听到这个故事。 As I left the house I remembered the key. 当我们离开房间的时候,我想起了钥匙。 【词语辨析】

1. spend,cost,take,pay表“花费”

(1)spend的主语必须是“人”,宾语可以是钱、精力、时间等。 如:

He spends much money on books. 他平时将很多钱用在买书上。

He spent a lot of money(in)buying a new car. 他花很多钱买了一辆新车。

(2)cost的主语必须是“物”或“事”,表示“费用”、“耗费”,后接life,money,health,time等,侧重于“花费”的代价。 如:

The book cost him one dollar. 这本书用了他一美元。

It costs you 12 pounds to go to London by ship. 乘船到伦敦要用12英镑。

(3)take表示“花费”时,其主语一般是“一件事”,有时主语也可以是人,它说明事情完成“花费了……”。 如:

It took me ten minutes to go to the post office. 到邮局用用了我十分钟时间。 It takes a lot of money to buy a house as big as that. 买一座像那样的房子要花很多钱。 (4)pay的基本意思是“支付”,作为及物动词,宾语可以是“人”、“钱”, 如:

He paid the taxi and hurried to the station. 他付了出租车的钱,急忙向车站赶去。 They had to pay two hundred francs. 他得付一百法郎。 We'll pay you in a few days. 几天后我会给你钱。 (5)pay for的宾语为“物”、“事”,for表示支付的原因。 如:

You'll have to pay me ten dollars a week for your meals. 你得每周付给我十美元饭钱。 注意:

下面两句中 pay for的意义不同。

Of course we have to pay for what we buy. 当然我们买东西得付钱。 Don't worry about money;I'll pay for you.别担心钱,我会替你付的。 2. other与else两者都有“别的,其他的”的含义,但用法有区别:

(1)other是形容词,用于名词的前面;else作副词或形容词用时,常修饰不定代词或疑问代词,并置于其后。 Some are playing football. Other students (或用代词Others) are watching. 一些学生在踢足球,其他的学生在观看。

What else can you see in the classroom? 在教室里你还能看见其他的什么东西? (2)other与else有时可相互转换。

He is taller than any other student in his class.

= He is taller than anybody else in his class. 他比班里的其他学生都要高。

What else can you see?

=What other things can you see? 你还能看见其他东西吗? 3.receive与accept两者都做“收到”讲,但具体含义有所不同。

(1)receive的意思是“接到”“收到”“受到”。它指“接”“收”的动作或事实,并不包含接收者本人是否“接受”的意思。 I received a letter from my mother. 我收到了母亲的一封信。 We received a warm welcome there. 我们在那里受到了热烈的欢迎。

(2)accept的意思是“接受”“领受”“承认”“接纳”。指经过考虑,同意或愿意接受强调“收到”的结果是“接受”了。 We received the present,but we did not accept it.我们收到了那份礼物,但没有接受它。 He accepted the invitation with pleasure. 他愉快地接受了邀请。 Unit 8

Why don’t you get her a scarf? 赠送礼物

1. 比较不同的东西和事情。 2. 给别人提出建议和意见 1.一般过去时的肯定句和否定句

There weren’t any sharks, but there were some really smart seals. I didn’t win the hat. I bought it. 2.一般过去时的一般疑问句

Did you go to the zoo? Were there….?

gift, hang, win, prize, visitor, end, monitor, drive, off, rain, DVD, yard, umbrella, raincoat, wet, competition, future, again.

shark, seal , souvenir, player

aquarium, autograph, octopus, Chicago, California, outdoor, luckily hang out , sleep late, yard sale 赠送礼物的文化差异 1. photo album 相册 2. leave school 毕业离校

3. take care of = look after 照顾,照看 4. too … to … 太……而不能…… 5. these days 目前,现在 6. a pot-bellied pig 大肚猪 7. not … at all 根本不,一点也不 8. fall asleep 入睡 9. give away 分发,赠送

10. pay for 付……的款 11. rather than 而不是

12. in different ways 以不同的方式 13. as … as 与……一样…… 14. native speakers 说本族语的人

15. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 16. make progress 取得进步 17. the Olympic Committee 奥委会 18. have fun with sth. 做某事有乐趣 = have fun doing sth. 19. hear of 听说

20. take an interest in = be interested in 对……感兴趣 21. make friends with 和……交朋友

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 【单元目标】 Ⅱ.目标句型:

1. —Have you ever been to…? —Yes,I have. /No,I haven’t. 2. I/He/She has / have never been to… 3. Where have you been? 4. Where do you want to go? 5. How long have you been doing…? 6. What do you like best about doing sth.? 7. What kind of job do you want? 8. How do/did you do sth.? 9. How do you spell your name? Ⅲ.语法 现在完成时

A.表示过去发生或已经完成的动作对现在造成的影响或结果,或从过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态。 如:

The car has arrived. 车子来了。(结果:车子已在门口)

Someone has broken the window. 有人把窗户打破了。(结果:窗户仍破着)

现在完成时句子通常有recently,lately,since,for,in the past few months/years等词做时间状语。 肯定形式:have/has + done 否定形式:have/has + not +done 一般疑问句:have或has放于句首。 B.现在完成时的用法

1)现在完成时所表示的动作在说话之前已完成,而对现在有影响。所以常常后面不用时间状语。现在完成时所表的动作离说话人的说话时刻可近可远。 如:

He has gone to London. (说话人认为他不在该地) He has been to London. (说话人认为他在该地)

2)现在完成时所表示的动作开始于过去,持续到现在,也许还会持续下去。常用for和since表示一段时间的状语或so far,now,today,this week (month,year)等表示包括现在时间在内的状语。 例如:

He has studied English for 5 years. He has studied English since 2001. Now I have finished the work. 注意:


3)现在完成时还可用在时间和条件状语从句中,表示将来某时完成的动作。 例如:

I’ll go to your home when I have finished my homework. If it has stopped snowing in the morning,we will go to the park. 【重点词语】 1.record


This is a record of school attendance. 这是一份学生考勤记录。

He kept a record of what the speaker sail. 他把说话人所说的话都记录了下来。 (2)record作名词还可表示“有关某人或某物过去的已知事实;档案记录”。 He has an honorable record of service. 他有光荣的服务记录。 (3)record作动词,表示“写出以作参考、记录”。 例如:

The tape recorder has recorded his voice 录音机已经录下了他的声音。

Listen to the speaker carefully and record what he says. 仔细听讲,然后记下他所说的话。

2. have been to表示“到(去)过某处”,现在已不在那个地方。 如:

He has been to England. 他曾到过英国。(现在已经不在英国了)

Have you ever been to the Great Wall? 你到过长城吗?(现在已经不在长城上) have gone to表示“去了某处”,“到某处去了”,现在已不在说话的地点了。 如:

He has gone to England。

他已去英国了。(已经不在说话的地方,到达英国或者在去英国的路上) 3. time

n. [U] 时间,时候 如:

Time never stands still. 时间不会停滞不前。

The time has come for us to speak out. 是我们大胆讲话的时候了。 n. [C] 一段时间,时刻 如:

You have taken a long time writing the letter. 你用了很长时间写这封信。 We had a good time together. 我们一起度过了愉快的时光。 n. (多用复数)时代 如:

He is one of the best actors in modern times. 他是现代最好的演员之一。 In Shakespeare’s time there were no actresses on the English stage. 莎士比亚时代英国舞台上没有女演员。 n. 次;倍 如:

This is the first time that I have ever been abroad. 这真是我第一次出国。 Your room is three times the size of mine. 你的房间是我的三倍大。 注意:

作“倍,次”,必须用于“三次(倍)”以上,一、二次(倍)用once,twice表示。 4. attract


The noise attracted his attention. 喧嚷声引起了他的注意。

(2)attract常用于be attracted to sb / sth结构,意为“喜爱某人或某物”。 I’m very attracted to her. 我非常喜欢她。 5. discover

(1)作“发现”讲时,作及物动词,后跟名词作宾语,指的是那些原来已存在的,但不为人知的物或事等 They discovered him stealing public property. 他们发现他盗窃公共财产。 Who discovered the America? 谁发现了美洲? (2)discover还可意为“知道事实,答案”

I soon discovered the truth. 不久我便知道了真相。

6. one…the other表示“(两者中的)一个……另一个”,该短语是代词短语,强调两个当中的一个……另一个……。注意其基数必须是两个。

I have two sister. One is a doctor, and the other is a teacher. 我有两个姐姐,一个是医生,一个是老师。 Hold it in this hand,not the other. 用这只手握着,不要用那只手。

7. for example表示“例如……”,该短语常用在句中作插入语,用于举例说明情况,可放在句首、句中或句末,但常用逗号与正文隔开。常置于句首。

We feed many animals,for example,cows,pigs,dogs,horses etc. 我们喂养很多的动物,例如奶牛、猪、狗、马等等。

For example,Jack Booth,a 21-year-old man,gave up his job in San Francisco Library a year ago. 例如,21岁的杰克·布斯在一年前放弃了他在旧金山图书馆的工作。

For example,I know the film star Zhang Ziyi. 譬如,我认识电影明星章子怡。 8. mean


What does this word mean? 这个单词是什么意思? (2)mean意为“意思是……”,还可跟that引导的宾语从句。 例如:

The teacher meant that you must listen carefully in class. 老师的意思是你上课必须认真听讲。


What he said means sending you to the hospital. 他说的话得意思着要送你去医院。 (4)mean还可意为“打算,意图”,后跟动词不定式作宾语。 例如:

I don’t mean to hurt you. 我并无意伤害你。

What do you mean to do next? 你下一步打算做什么? 9. own

(1)own意为“自己的,特有的”,常与名词所有格连用,起加强语气的作用。 It’s nice if I can have my own room. 我要是能有自己的房间就好了。 (2)own作代词,意为“属于某人之物”,相当于一个名词性物主代词。 Those books belong to the library but this is my own. 那些书是图书馆的,但这本是我自己的。 (3)own还可作动词,表示“拥有,有”。

We don’t rent our house; we own it. 我们的房子不是租的,是我们自己的。 (4)own作动词,还可表示“承认,自白”。

He owned to have done it. 他承认曾经干过这件事。 10. ask for表示“要求,请求”。

Bill did a lot for me without asking for any reward比尔为我做了许多事,没要任何报酬。 Don't serve water at meals unless someone asks for it.除非有人要,就餐时不要端水上去。 I've asked for an interview with the manager. 我已请求与经理见面。 If you get into difficulties,don't hesitate to ask for advice. 如果你陷入困境,应立即去请求建议。

If I had asked for direction,I wouldn't have lost my way. 我要问一问方向的话,就不会迷路了。 【重难点分析】

1.——Have you ever been to a water park? 你曾去过水上公园吗? ——No,I haven’t. 不,没去过。 ——Me,neither. 我也没去过。

(1)have been to表示某人“去过某地,现在已经回来了”,可用于各种人称。 I have been to the Summer Palace. 我去过颐和园。 Have you ever been to Shanghai? 你曾经去过上海吗? I have never been to the city. 我从没去过那座城市。

(2)副词ever意为“曾经,以前,无论何时”表示一个不确定的时间。主要用于否定句、疑问句、条件句、比较句等。 Have you ever been to Paris? 你曾去过巴黎吗? We hardly ever go out at night. 我们晚上很少出去。

(3)本句中Me,neither. 是口语化的简略回答。一般情况下用Neither have I,为“neither + 系/助/情态动词+主语”结构,neither在此意为“也不……”,表示主语所做的动作与前面提到过的人或事相同,是为了避免语言重复,其中的系/助/情态动词在时态上与前一句保持一致,而在数上要与其后的主语一致。例如: — I can’t swim. 我不会游泳。 — Neither can I. 我也不会。 I don’t want to go, neither will I. 我不想去,也不会去。

He didn’t go to school. Neither did she. 他没去上学,她也没去。 (4)若在肯定句中表示“也……”,则要用“so +系/助/情态动词”。 I am a student,so is my sister. 我是学生,我妹妹也是学生。 He can swim,so can I. 他会游泳,我也会。 I feel happy,so does he. 我高兴,他也高兴。 2. All the houses look like houses in Holland. 所有的房子看起来像荷兰的房子。

句子look是系动词,后跟介词短语作表语。look like表示“像,与……相似”是一动词短语。 He looks so much like his brother that people often mistake them for each other. 他和他弟弟十分相像,人们常错认他们。

These houses look exactly like each other,which makes the street look very dull. 这些房屋一模一样,使这条街显得单调乏味。

3. Most of us have probably heard of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and many other famous Disney characters. 我们大部分人可能都听说过米老鼠、唐老鸭还有其他许多有名的迪士尼人物。

(1)hear of为动介结构,后面常接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,表示听到有关某事的消息或情况。 They have never heard of that. 他们从未听说过那件事。 hear of后一般不接从句,要接从句时,则不用of。例如:

I heard our Chinese teacher was ill. 我听说我们的语文教师病了。 (2)probably表示“可能”,是一种推测。

He will probably succeed. 他很可能会成功。

4. I want to study in an English-speaking country. 我想到一个说英语的国家深造。 (1)want to do sth 意为“想要做某事”。

Did you want to tell me something? 你想告诉我些什么吗?

(2)English-speaking是合成形容词,表示“说英语的”,注意spoken English表示“英语口语”。 5. I've never been to an amusement park like it before. 我以前从未去过那样的露天游乐场。


I can never understand why Mary said nothing about her wrongs. 我绝不理解玛丽说的她什么也没有做错。

I hope never to see him again. 我希望再也不要见到他。 He is never late for class. 他上课从不迟到。

Never have l seen such a strange person. 我从来没看见过这样的怪人。

(2)before用作副词表示“以前”。泛指“以前”时,谓语动词可用一般过去时表示过去发生过,,也可用现在完成时则表示对现在的影响。用于特指时通常置于表示具体时间的名词之后。 We saw that film before. 那部电影我们以前看过。

I have never seen such a beautiful scene. 我从来没有见过这样美丽的景象。 It came across my mind that l had met him somewhere before. 我突然意识到我曾在什么地方见过他。

6. Here's what two of our students said about our school. 这里就是两个我们的学生所说的关于我们学校的情况。

(1)这是一个含有主语从句的倒装的主从复合句。连接代词what既引导主语从句,又在从句中作said的宾语。 What he said is true. 他所说的是真的。

What l need most is your help. 我最需要的是你的帮助。

What we need badly are more teachers. 我们急需的是更多的老师。 (2)副词here置于句首要用倒装语序,主语为代词部分倒装,主语为名词全部倒装。 Here it is. 给你。

Here is a letter for you. 这是给你的来信。 Here comes the bus! 汽车来了!

Here's the book you're looking for. 这就是你正在找的书。 Here he comes! 他来了!

7. It was because I could speak English that I got the job. 正是因为我会讲英语我才得到了这份工作。


It was my father who/that did the experiment in the lab yesterday evening. 正是父亲昨天晚上在实验室作实验。

It was at the gate of the school I met Tom. 正是在校门口我见到汤姆。 It was last week that l attended an art exhibition for the first time. 是上周我才第一次参观一个艺术展览。

It was not until he broke my favorite vase that l flew into rages. 我是在他打碎了我的花瓶时才生气的。

It was because he was ill that he didn't come to the school yesterday. 正是因为他病了昨天才没来上学。 【词语辨析】

1. hear,hear of与hear from

(1)hear为及物动词,意为“听见,听到”,后可跟复合宾语,hear sb do sth表示“听见某人做了某事”或hear sb doing sth表示“听见某人正做某事”。

We listened but could hear nothing. 我们留心听,却什么也没有听见。 I heard her singing in her room. 我听见她正在房间里唱歌。 (2)hear还可作“听说”讲,后常跟that引导的宾语从句。 I heard that he was ill. 我听说他病了。

I heard that it’s a good film. 我听说那是部好影片。 (3)hear of意为“听说”,后跟人或物作宾语。

I’ve never heard of that place. 我从未听说过那个地方。 Have you ever heard of that story? 你听说过那个故事吗? (4)hear from意为“收到某人的来信”,后跟人作宾语。

How often do you hear from your sister? 你多长时间收到你姐姐的一次信? I heard from him last week. 我上周收到他的信。

2. find,find out与look for都含有“寻找,找到”的意思,但其含义和用法却不同。

(1)find意为“找到,发现”,通常指找到或发现具体的东西,也可指偶然发现某物或某种情况,强调的是找的结果。 Will you find me a pen? 你替我找支钢笔好吗? He didn’t find his bike. 他没找到他的自行车。 (2)look for意为“寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找”这一动作。

I don’t find my pen;I’m looking for it everywhere. 我没有找到我的钢笔,我正到处找。 He is looking for his shoes. 他在找他的鞋子。

(3)find out意为“找出,发现,查明”,多指通过调查、询问、打听、研究之后“搞清楚,弄明白”,通常含有“经过困难曲折”的含义,指找出较难找到的、无形的、抽象的东西。

Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离站。 Read this passage,and find out the answer to this question. 读这篇短文,找出这个问题的答案。 3. already,still与yet


When I arrived, he was already there. 我到达时,他已在那儿了。 Is it six o’clock already? 已经到6点钟了吗? (2)still通常置于句子中间,意为“仍然,依旧”。例如: She still doesn’t understand. 她仍然不明白。


The soldier stood there still. 那位士兵站在那一动不动。

(4)yet与already意思相近,一般用于否定句和疑问句中,常置于主要动词之前或句末。例如: We have not yet been there. 我们还没有到过那儿。

4. other,others,the other,the others,another,any other,any others

(1)other作形容词,通常用在单数或复数名词的前面,意为“别的;其他的;另外的”。 I'll come again some other day. 我改日再来。

(2)others(=other+复数名词) 泛指“部分”含义,用于已知的一些人或物中,除去某些后余下的人或物中的一部分。 The students of Class Four are cleaning the classroom. Some are carrying water,others are sweeping the floor. 四班的学生们在打扫教室。一些人在打水,另一些人在扫地。 (3)the other

the other表示已知的两个(或两部分)人或事物中,特指的“另一个”或“另一些”,其后可跟单数或复数名词。 I have two brothers. One is a doctor,and the other is a teacher. 我有两个兄弟。一位是医生,另一位是教师。

(4)the others(=the other+复数名词)指一定范围内除去一个或一部分后,“余下的人或物的全部”。 This composition is better than the others. 这篇作文比其他那些都好。


This glass is broken,get me another please. 这只玻璃杯坏了,请给我再拿一个。 I'll stay here in another few days. 我要在这儿再呆几天。

注意:other和another都可以用来修饰数词,表示“另外的;附加的”,但是结构不同。other的位置是“数词+other+复数名词”,相当于more的用法;而another则是“another+数词+复数名词”。 今天下午我又写了两封信。

I wrote another two letters this afternoon. =I wrote two other letters this afternoon. =I wrote two more letters this afternoon.

(6)any other 表示一个之外的其它任何一个,而不是两个之中的另一个。 (7)any others 表示一些之外的其他一些。 Unit 9

Have you ever been to an amusement park ? 有趣的地方 谈论过去的经历 1.被动语态

He was born in 1995 2.when引导的状语从句

She became a move star when she was 3 years cld. 3.when和 how long引导的一般过去时的特殊疑问句

International , record, national, gold, become, call, kind, grandson, skate, tour, could, song, person, alive, Asia, university, number

Sneeze, golf, perform, medal, unusual, violinist, champion, well-known, pianist, athlete

bear, hiccup, Brazilian, hum, achievement, gymnast, loving, championship, golfer, talented, creative, accordion, Poland, major, management, Single , ITTF

too…to…, ice skating,

the U.S , take part in , because of , table tennis, major in 了解主题公园

1. have been to 到过某处 2. an amusement park 游乐园 3. a water park 水上公园 4. a roller coaster 过山车

5. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 6. walk around 四处走动 7. take a ride 兜风 8. on board 在船上

9. take different routes 走不同的路线 10. end up 结束

11. argue with sb. 与某人争吵

12. an English-speaking country 说英语的国家 13. an exchange student 交换生 14. a flight attendant 一名机组乘务员 15. a tour guide 导游 16. such as 例如

outstanding, piece, 17. listening skills 听力技能 18. in Southeast Asia 在东南亚 19. take a holiday 度假 20. three quarters 四分之三

21. have problems (in) doing sth. 做某事很费劲 22. during the daytime = in the day 在白天 23. all year round 全年,一年到头 24. wake up 醒来,唤醒,叫醒

Unit 10 It's a nice day,isn't it?

【单元目标】 Ⅱ.目标句型:

1. It’s a nice day,isn’t it? 2. What a nice day,isn’t it? 3. It looks like rain,doesn’t? 4. I hope so / not. 5. So do I. Ⅲ.语法 反意疑问句

反意疑问句是对陈述句所叙述的事实提出看法,问对方同不同意。它的结构由两部分组成:陈述句+简短问句。如果前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分用否定形式;前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式。一般来说,简短问句主语人称的数、动词时态应和陈述部分的主语人称的数、动词时态相一致。 如:

Mary likes reading,doesn’t she? 玛丽喜欢读书,是吧? (前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分用否定形式)

Mary doesn’t like reading,does she? 玛丽不喜欢读书,是吧? (前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式)

You’re a new student,aren’t you? 你是新来的学生,对吧? (前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分用否定形式)

You aren’t a new student,are you? 你不是新来的,对吧? (前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式)

1. 如果陈述句有一个助动词(包括can,must,need等情态动词),其简短问句用同一个助动词。 例如:

You haven’t seen that film,have you? 你没有看过那部电影,是吗? He can swim,can’t he? 他会游泳,对吗?

2. 如果陈述部分包含no,never,hardly,few,little,scarcely等否定词,简短问句部分应用肯定形式。 例如:

You have no time on Monday,have you? 星期一你没有时间,是吗? He has never been to Shanghai,has he? 他从没去过上海,对吗?

They can hardly imagine how beautiful she is,can they? 他们很难想象出她是多么漂亮,是吗? 3. 陈述句部分是there be句型时,简短问句部分也用there be。 例如:

There are some people in the room,aren’t there? 屋里有人,是吗? 4. 在英语口语中,I am后面的简短问句用aren't I? 例如:

I’m late,aren’t I? 我迟到了,是吗?

5. 当陈述句部分含有否定词如nothing,nobody等不定代词时,简短问句部分应用肯定结构。为避免重复,用代词it来代替nothing;用they或he来代替nobody。 例如:

Everything goes well,doesn’t it? 一切顺利,是吗?

Everyone is here,aren’t they? (注意:此句问句与前句动词的数不一致。)

6. 祈使句后面的简短问句使用 will you?won’t you?would you?can you?can’t you? would you? shall we?它们不是真正的疑问句(意为请),但常用升调。won't用于邀请;will,would,can,can’t及shall we用来告诉人们该做什么事,表请求。 例如:

Do sit down,won’t you? 您请坐。 Give me a pen,will you? 请给我一支笔。 Open the door,would you? 请打开门好吗? Let’s go together,shall we? 咱们一起走吧。

7. 在 I think,I believe,I suppose,I guess等结构中,简短问句的主语往往与从句的主谓保持一致, 例如:

I think she’s out,isn’t she? 我想她出去了,是吗? I don’t believe it’s true,is it? 我认为那不是真的,对吗? 注意:

在回答反意疑问句的问题时,如果回答是肯定的,要用yes,否定的要用no,在第一部分是否定形式时要特别注意,这时的英语回答与汉语回答是有区别的。 例如:

This isn’t yours,is it? 这不是你的,是吗?

Yes,it is. 不,是我的。 No,it isn’t. 对,不是我的。 【重点词汇】

1. last 持续,为延续性动词,可与一段时间及How long 连用 如:

America Civil War lasted for four years. 美国内战持续了四年。 Our holidays lasted for ten days. 我们休了十天假。 2. always 频度副词,意思是:永远,一直,总是

(1)always,usually,often,sometimes,hardly ever和never是频度副词,与疑问词how often对应。它在句中位于实义动词之前,情态动词(may,can,would,could等)、助动词(do,did,does,have,had等)、连系动词(be)之后。 He is always wearing that blue shirt. 他总是穿着那件蓝色的衬衣。 I always think of her in that dress. 我总是想起她穿着那件连衣裙的样子。 (2)always与进行时连用,常带有感情色彩。

The boy is always telling lies. 这孩子总是说谎。(表示生气)

He is always talking to his father like that 他老是那样和他父亲说话。(表示不满) 3. alone

(1)alone形容词,意为“单独的;独一无二的”,只可作表语。 I am not alone in this opinion. 不只是我一个有这想法。 (2)alone也可作副词,意为“单独,独自”。

He alone knows the secret. 只有他一人知道秘密。 She lived alone. 她独居。

The key alone will open the door. 只有这把钥匙能开这个门。 He did it all alone. 这事是他一个人干的。 4.cross

(1)cross作动词,意为“横渡,渡过;越过”。 They crossed the road. 他们过了马路。

(2)cross作动词时,还可表示“交叉,相交;错过”。例如: We crossed each other on the way. 我们在途中错过了。 (3)近义词:pass 穿过 5. along

(1)along作副词(与动词连用),意为“往前,向前” Let us walk along. 让我们往前走。 (2)along作副词时,还可表示“共同,一起”。例如:

I took my brother along. 我带着弟弟。


We walked along the river. 我们沿着河走。 6. feel like表示“感觉是,似乎”

What’s this in my pocket? It feels like a nut. 什么东西在我口袋里?摸上去像是个坚果。 feel like后可接doing sth,表示“喜欢(愿意)做某事”。

I feel like staying at home to the weekends. 我喜欢周末待在家里。 7. enjoy是带有欣赏性质的“喜欢,喜爱”,且含“享受”之意。例如:

I think everyone enjoyed your wonderful party 我想所有的人都非常欣赏你们的精彩晚会。 enjoy doing表示“喜欢,乐意做某事”,指从某件事中享受到乐趣。例如: I enjoy listening to music. 我很喜欢听音乐。

8. be good at表示“擅长,在……方面做得好”,at后面跟名词、代词或动名词。 He is good at swimming. 他擅长游泳。

What subjects are you good at? 你擅长哪些科目? She is good at math. 她擅长数学。 He is good at singing. 他擅长唱歌。 近义词组:do well in,更强调一次性做得好。 You did well in the Chinese exam. 你这次语文考试考得好。

9. clean表示“打扫”,及物动词,还有形容词词性。 (1)clean作动词,意为“打扫,弄干净”。

The students are cleaning the classroom. 学生们在打扫教室。 (2)clean还可作形容词,意为“干净的”,其反义词为dirty。

Please keep the classroom clean and tidy. 请保持教室干净整齐。

【重难点分析】 1. He sure is! 他确实很好!

(1)此处sure是副词,意为“的确,一定”。 It sure was a cold day. 的确是个冷天。 (2)口语中可以单独使用,表示“同意”。

——Are you going? 你去吗? ——Sure. 当然啦。 (3)sure还常用作表语。其用法如下:

be sure of表示“对……有把握,肯定……”。 I’m sure of his coming. 我确信他能来。 be sure that… 表示“确定,确信……”。

I’m sure that he will come. 我确信他能来。

2. It looks like rain,doesn’t it? 看起来要下雨了,不是吗? (1)it作代词,在本句中指“天气”,it还可指“时间,距离”。例如: It’s a fine day today. 今天天气很好。 It’s seven o’clock. 现在7点了。

It’s two kilometers away from my home to school. 从我家到学校有2千米远。 (2)本句中look作系动词,后可接形容词、名词。 She looks very sad. 她看上去很伤心。

You look very happy today. 今天你看上去很高兴。 3. Do you think it’ll stop by noon? 你认为到中午雨会停吗? (1)think后引导的是一个宾语从句,用陈述句语序。

Do you think she can carry the box? 你认为她能搬动这个箱子吗? (2)by表示时间,指“在……前,不迟于,到……时(为止)”,相当于before。 Can you finish your work by 6 pm? 下午6点前你们能完成工作吗?

By the time we got there,the bus had already gone. 当我们到达那儿时,公共汽车已经走了。 by也可以表示方法、手段,意为“同,靠,用,通过”。 by phone 用电话 by bus 乘公共汽车

by还可以表示位置,意为“在……旁,靠近”相当于beside,near等。 I sit by the window. 我坐在窗子旁。

4. I hope the bus comes soon. 我希望公共汽车很快就来。 (1)soon表示“不久,很快”,指的是时间上的“快”。

I want to get your letter soon. 我想尽快收到你的来信。 The winter comes soon. 冬天马上就要来了。

(2)hope意为“希望”,表示的是“有把握、有信心实现某一愿望”,它后面常接动词不定式或从句作宾语。 I hope to hear from you soon. 我希望不久收到你的来信。 I hope it will be fine tomorrow. 我希望明天是好天气。

5. Thank you so much for inviting me. 非常感谢你邀请我。

(1)这是对别人提出邀请的礼貌答语。thanks for后接名词或动名词形式,用for引起要表示致谢的原因,表示“因为……而感谢你”。表示感谢最简单最常用的方式是说Thank you或Thanks(这是更随便的说法)。 Thank you for telling me. 谢谢你告诉我。

Thank you for a delicious lunch. 谢谢你的美味午餐。

Thank you for giving me so much help. 谢谢你给了我如此多的帮助。 Thanks for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

(2)invite作及物动词,后常跟“人”,也常与to连用,表示“邀请某人去……”。 She invited us to her party. 她邀请我们参加她的聚会。

如果你当面邀请人,不可用invite,需用would you like来表达。例如: Would you like to come to the party? 你们愿意来参加聚会吗?

6. I’m going to ask my cousin,Tommy,to go with me.我打算要我的表兄汤米和我一起去。 (1)Tommy在本句中作my cousin的同位语,是对my cousin的补充说明。 My sister,Jane,is a student. 我妹妹,简,是一名学生。

(2)to go在这里是ask的宾语补足语,即ask sb to do sth,表示“要求某人做某事。”例如: My boss asked me to finish the work before six o’clock. 老板要求我在下午6点前完成这项工作。

He always asks me to help him with his homework. 他经常让我帮助他做作业。

(3)本句中with是指“和某人在一起”,后常跟名词或代词作宾语,其后若跟人称代词时,要用宾格形式。 I am going to the park with my mother.

= My mother and I are going to the park. 我打算和妈妈一起去公园。 I spend a good time with my students. 我和学生们共度美好时光。 7. He said he'd help me with my math project. 他说他将帮助我做数学作业。

(1)这是一个含有宾语从句的主从复合句,宾语从句为过去将来时。不管是什么人称后,这个时态均由“would+动词原形”构成,这个时态常常用在宾语从句中,特别是用于宾语从句中,其主语应是一般过去时。 I knew you would agree. 我知道你会同意的。 I said l would arrange everything. 我说我要安排一切。

He told me he would wait for me outside. 他告诉我他将在外边等我。 I asked if he would come and mend my television set. 我问他可否来修我的电视机。 (2)help sb. with sth.是固定搭配。

May I help you with your luggage? 我帮你拿行李好吗? Let me help you off with your coat. 我来帮你脱上衣。

Please help me up with this heavy box. 请帮我把这个大箱子抬上去。 (3)句中project意为“作业”。

In their geography class,the children are doing a special project on North American Indians. 在地理课上,孩子们正在做一个有关北美印第安人的特别作业。

I did my physics project with my classmates in my house yesterday evening. 昨天晚上我与我班的同学在我家做家庭作业。

8. Paul and I are good friends. We get along well because we both like sports. 我和保罗是好朋友,我们相处得很好,因为我们俩都喜欢运动。 (1)both表示“(两者)都”,在句中常用在系/助/情态动词之后,行为动词之前。 We are both tall. 我们俩都很高。 They are both boys. 他们俩都是男孩。 We both have short hair 我们俩都留短发。

They both go to this school. 他们俩都在这所学校读书。 My parents both like hiking. 我父母都喜欢远足。


Both New York and London have traffic problems. 纽约和伦敦都存在交通问题。 The secretary both speaks and writes Spanish 这位秘书不但能说而且能写西班牙语。 Both teaching and research work are making great strides.教学与科研都在大踏步前进。 (3)get along也可写作get on,表示“相处”。例如:

Do you get along well with your parents? 你和父母相处得好吗? Lily gets along well with Lucy. 莉莉和露西相处得很好。

How do you get along with your classmates? 你和同学们相处得怎么样? 【词语辨析】

1. 时间介词in,on,at in

(1)表示在较长的时间里(如周/月份/季节/年份/世纪等)。 如:

in a week;in May;in spring/summer/autumn/winter;in 2008;in the 1990’s等。 (2)表示在上午、下午或晚上。如:in the morning/afternoon/evening。

(3)in the daytime(在白天) 属于固定搭配,指从日出到日落这一段时间,反义词组是in the night。 (4)“in + 一段时间”表示“多久以后/以内”,常与将来时连用。 如:

in half an hour;in ten minutes;in a few days等。 on 后面所接的时间多与日期有关。具体用法有: (1)表示在具体的某一天(如日期、生日、节日或星期几)。 如:

on May 4th,1919;on Monday;on Teachers’Day;on my birthday;on that day等。 (2)表示某一天的上午、下午或晚上。 如:

on the morning of July 2;on Sunday afternoon;on a cold winter evening等。 at 具体用法有:

(1)表示在某一具体时刻,即几点几分。 如:

at six o’clock; at half past nine; at a quarter to six; at this time等。 (2)表示在某一短暂的时间。 如:

at noon;at this moment;at the end of a year;at the start of the concert等。 (3)It lasts from June to August. 2. borrow,lend和keep的区别:

这三个词在汉语中都可译为“借”,但其用法不同,不能互换。对于动词的主语是“借进”则用borrow,其句型为“borrow…from…” 如:

I borrowed a book from the school library this afternoon. 今天我从图书馆借了一本书。

对于动词的主语是“借出”则用lend,其句型为“lend…to…” 如:

I can lend my bike to you,but you mustn't lend it to others. 我可以把我的自行车借给你,但你一定不要把它借给别人。 如果所借的东西要保留一段时间,用keep。 如:

“How long can I keep the book?”“Two weeks.” “这本书我可以借多久?”“两个星期。”

3. hope与wish均可表示“希望,想”,均可用to do不定式作宾语,不可用doing。其不同之处在于: (1)“wish+宾语+to do”还可表示“命令”;hope不能这样用。例如: I wish you to go. 我要你去。


I hope for success. 我希望成功。(可能性很大) I wish for a car. 我很想得到小汽车。(难以实现的愿望)

(3)hope和wish都可跟that从句,但“hope+that从句”表示“希望”;“wish+that从句”表示“愿望”,但从句用过去时表示虚拟语气,即不太可能实现的愿望或与事实相反。例如: I hope you will be better soon. 我希望你尽快好起来。 I wish I were ten years younger. 但愿我能年轻10岁。 (4)wish可跟双宾语,表示祝福。例如:

We wish you a happy life. 祝你生活幸福。

4. enjoy,like与love都可表达“喜爱”的意思,但含义和用法有所不同。

(1)enjoy在意思上侧重于“享受某种乐趣”,后接名词或动名词作宾语,不能接不定式。enjoy还可以与反身代词连用,即enjoy oneself,表示“玩得很高兴”(=have a good time)。例如: The man is enjoying his dinner. 那个男人正津津有味地吃饭。 My father enjoys listening to the radio. 我父亲爱听广播。

Did the children enjoy themselves in the park? 孩子们在公园里玩得愉快吗?


Everyone in China likes Mid-Autumn Festival. 在中国,每个人都喜欢中秋节。 He likes his students to work hard. 他喜欢他的学生努力学习。

(3)love表示“爱,热爱,爱戴”,有强烈的感情,相当于like…very much,侧重于对祖国及较亲近的人的深厚感情。在口语中它往往又指一般的喜爱,这时与like的意思很相近,可以互换。后面也可接名词、动名词或动词不定式。例如:

We love our motherland. 我们热爱我们的祖国。 They love playing / to play basketball. 他们爱打篮球。 (4)like和love都可与would,should连用,表示“愿意做某事”。例如: I’d like / love to go with you. 我愿意和你们一起去。 5. how often,how long,how soon与how much

(1)how often表示“多长时间一次”或者“每隔多久一次”,often是“常常”之意,表示“次数很多”。 —How often does Mary go to visit the museum? 玛丽多久去参观一次博物馆? —Twice a year. 一年两次。

—How often do you see a film? 你多长时间看一次电影? —Once a month. 每月一次。

—Do you know how often Lily visit her grandparents? 你知道莉莉多长时间去看一次她的爷爷奶奶吗? —Once a week. 一周一次。

(2)long表示物体的长度或时间的长度。how long表示“多长”或“多久,多长时间”之意。 —How long can you stay at home during summer holiday? 暑假你能在家待多久? —More than two months. 大约两个月。

—How long is this river? 这条河有多长?(指长度) —It’s about 2658 kilometres. 大约2658公里。

(3)how soon通常表示一般将来时,意为“再等多长时间?”“多长时间才……?”,是对“in+时间段”(in ten minutes / two hours / a week)提问。

Can you tell me how soon you can be ready? 你能告诉我你多久能准备好吗? (4)How much is / are… ? ……多少钱?

①若询问某一商品多少钱时,一般用How much is / are … ? 这一句型,商品是单数或不可数名词时用is,商品是复数时用are。

—How much is that sweater? 那件毛衣多少钱? —Two hundred and ten yuan. 210元。

—How much are the bananas? 这些香蕉多少钱? —They are twenty-five yuan. 25元。 ②询问商品的价格,还有以下几种问法: How much,please? 请问多少钱?

How much do you want for it? 这些东西你要多少钱? How much do you say it is? 你说要多少钱? 6. across,through与cross

都有“穿过,通过”之意。across和through是介词,cross是动词。 (1)cross相当于“动词+across”,常用于指“横穿”。 Be careful when you cross the road.

= Be careful when you go across the road. 当你横穿马路时一定要小心。

(2)across指从物体的一侧到另一侧或从某个范围的一边到另一边。它和on有关,表示从“面上”穿过。 Can you swim across the river? 你能游过这条河吗?

(3)though指“从……中通过”,着重指从空间的一头纵穿到另一头,含义与in有关。 It took him one hour to walk through the forest.他花费了一个小时的时间穿过那片森林。 Unit 10

It’s a nice day, isn’t it?


1. 学会用英语恰当地闲聊 。 2. 学会写感谢信。 1.be going to 2.want to be

3.what , where , when和 how引导的特殊疑问句

grow, engineer, pilot, act, move, dream, somewhere, save, hold, rich, travel, yet, over, fit, communicate, lady , foreign, teach, build

part-time, exhibition, retire, instrument, fax, exchange programmer, professional, resolution, reader

grow up, computer science, at the same time, all over, exchange student 了解西方日常闲聊的常识 1. small talk 闲聊

2. look through 浏览,快速查看 3. a thank-you note 一封感谢信 4. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 5. feel like (doing) sth. 想要(做)……

6. have a hard/difficult time doing sth. 费了很大的劲做某事 7. come along 到达,出现,跟着来,赶快 8. get along/ on 相处 9. at least 至少



(一)表示时间的介词: 1.at, on, in

(1) at表示“在某一时刻、某一时间点”

at 5:30 在5:30 at sunrise 日出时 at lunch 午饭时 at noon 正午时 at night 夜间

I get up at 6:00 every day. 我每天6:00起床。 表示“在……岁”时用at the age of…。 如:at the age of five 在五岁时

(2) on表示“在具体某一天或某天的上、下午”。如: on Monday在星期一 on April 1st在四月一日

I heard a shot on the morning of March 18.三月十八日早晨我听到一声枪响。

泛指上、下午、晚上、夜间时用in the morning/afternoon/evening, at night;但若指具体某一天的上述时段时,则一律用on。

如:on the afternoon of May 23 在五月二十三日下午

(3) in表示“在某月、季节、年、世纪”以及泛指的上、下午、晚上。 in September 在九月 in winter 在冬季 in 1999 在1999年 in the 20th century 在20世纪 in the morning/afternoon/evening 在上午/下午/晚上 2.for, during, through

(1) for表示“一段时间”,后接与数词连用的时间名词。多与完成时连用。 I’ve been a soldier for 5 years.我入伍已5年了。 She has been ill for several days. 她已经病了几天了。

表示“持续一段时间”时,for后面必须跟“数字+时间名词”,而during后决不可接数字。 (2) during表示“在……期间”

He visited many nice places during his stay here.在他逗留期间他参观了许多美丽的地方。 What did you do during the summer vacation? 你在暑假做了什么? (3) through表示“一直……,自始至终”

They worked hard through the winter.整个冬天他们都在努力工作。

She treated me like her brother through these years. 这些年来她始终把我当哥哥对待。

3.from, since

(1) from 作“从……”解,多用于“from…to/till…”中。

You can come anytime from Monday to Friday. 周一至周五你什么时间来都行。 The exam will start from 9:00am. 考试将从上午九点开始。 ①from“从……(开始)”未必持续到现在,如: from 1995 to 1998.从1995年到1998年。 而since是指“自从……以来一直持续到现在”

②since一般只与现在完成时连用,而from不受此限。 (2) since表示“自从……以来(直到现在)”

He has been away from home since 1973.他自从1973年就离开了家乡。 We have known each other since ten years ago.我们十年前就认识了。 for与since表示一段时间,但for与时间段连用,而since与时间点连用。 如for two hours(持续)两小时;since last week自从上周直到现在 4.before, by, till, until (1) before指“在……之前”

Please come before ten o’clock.请10点以前来。

The meeting will end after 3:00 p.m. 会议将在下午三点后结束。

表示“在……以前”时,before与by基本可通用。但by还有“截至……为止”之意,此时可与完成时连用,而before一般不与完成时连用。如: How many models have you made by the end of last month? 截至上月底你做了多少个模型?

(2) by指“不迟于,到……时为止,在……以前”

I must finish my homework by lunch.午饭前我必须做完作业。 We had learned over 1000 words by the end of last term. 到上学期末为止,我们已经学了1000多个单词了。 (3) tell (until) “直到……为止”

You must wait for him till tomorrow.你必须一直等他到明天。

He didn’t come back until twelve o’clock last night.他昨晚到12点才回来。

在肯定句中,till (until)必须与延续动词连用。若与点动词连用,till (until)只能用于否定句中。

5.after, in, within

①after表示“在……之后”,是before的反义词。 We’ll hold a party after dinner.晚餐后我们将举办晚会。

He got a cancer and died after a year.他患了癌症,一年后去世了。 I’ll phone you after I arrive.到达后我给你打电话。(after作连词) ②within“在……时间之内”

I can finish it within an hour.我不需一小时就可把它做完。 ③in“在……时间之后”

I’ll arrive in an hour.我一小时后到达。 比 较 after与in

①after后可跟时间段,也可跟时间点,如after school(放学后), 而in后必须跟一段时间,如in an hour(一小时后)。

②after既可用于将来时,也可用于过去时,而in只能用于将来时。 ③after既可作介词,又可作连词,而in只能作介词 in与within后都必须跟时间段。 (二)表示“地点、方向”的介词: 1.in,outside,between, among ①in表示“在……里面”,如:

What’s in the box? 盒子里是什么?

She put her book in the desk. 她把书放进了书桌。 ②outside指“在……外面”

There are many people outside the room.房间外有很多人。 What did your see outside the hall? 你在大厅外看见了什么? ③between在……之间(指二者)

There is a hospital between the hotel and the post office.在宾馆与邮局之间有所医院。

The building stands between the park and the small river. 那栋建筑位于公园和小河之间。 between是指“在两者之间”,而among指“在多个之间”。 ④among在……之间(指三者以上)

“There is a thief among you.” The policeman shouted to the crowd. 警察向人群喊道:“你们中间有个小偷!”

He found his place among the crowd. 他在人群中找到了他的位置。 2.on, above, over, below, under (1) on在……上面,表面相互接触。

There is an apple on the table. 桌上有一个苹果。 On the top of the hill, there is a flag. 山顶有一面旗子。

(2) above只表示“在……上方或位置高出……”,与below相对。 A plane flew above our heads.一架飞机从我们头上飞过。 The Turners live above us. 特纳一家人住在我们的上面。 (3) over“在……正上方”,与under相对。 There is a bridge over the river.河上有一座桥。

The picture is hanging over the blackboard. 那张图挂在黑板的正上方。 (4) below在……下方,低于……

There are many flowers below the window.窗下有很多花。 Her skirt reaches just below her knees.她的裙子刚到膝盖下。 (5) under在……正下方

They sat under a big tree, drinking.他们坐在一棵大树下喝酒。 What are you wearing under your coat? 你外套里面穿了什么? 3.near, by, beside

(1) near在……附近,与far相对

A hospital was built near the railway station.在火车站附近建了一所医院。 My home is near the school. 我的家离学校很近。 (2) by = beside,靠近,在……旁边,比near距离更近 He just sat by/ beside me in the cinema.在电影院他就坐在我旁边。 He lay down beside the statuary. 他在雕像旁躺下了。 4.in front of, behind, around (1) in front of在……前面

A river flows in front of the house.房子前有一条河

They put a bunch of flowers in front of the door. 他们在门前放了一束花。 in the front of表示“在……前部”,指里面。

There is a red chair in the front of the room.在房间前半部有把红椅子。 (2) behind在……后面

A high building stands behind the village.村子后面有一高层建筑。 The cat lies behind the door. 猫躺在门后面。 (3) around在……周围,围绕

There are many trees around the village.村子周围有很多树围绕。 There are flowers around the stage. 舞台周围摆着鲜花。 5.from, to, for, into, out of (1) from从……

The train started from Paris.火车发自巴黎。

She will fly from Beijing to Hong Kong. 她将从北京飞往香港。 (2) to到……(目的地)去,向……

He went to Germany last year.他去年去了德国。

They got to the town very late. 他们很晚才到那个镇。 (3) for向……,表目的方向

He left for Tianjin on business yesterday.他昨天出差去天津了。 The train for Shanghai has been away. 去往上海的火车已经开走了。 towards, to和for都可表示“向……”,其区别如下:

①towards仅指朝向某个方向,不一定是目的地,而 to和for都是“向目的地”。 ②for作“向(目的地)”时,常用于固定搭配中,如:leave for; start for (4) into进入

Please put the water into the bottle.请把水倒入瓶子里。

The teacher came into the classroom with a smile. 老师微笑着走进了教室。 (5) out of从……出来

A beautiful girl in red went out of the shop.一个穿红衣服的漂亮女孩从商店里走了出来。 They pulled him out of the water. 他们把他从水里拉了出来。 6.along, across, through (1) along沿着

He likes to drive along the river.他喜欢沿着河开车。

There are all kinds of beautiful flowers along the road / street. 沿街有着各种美丽的花。 (2) across横穿

The little girl is afraid to go across the street.这个小女孩不敢横穿马路。 It’s dangerous to run across the busy road. 跑着穿越繁忙的马路是很危险的。 (3) through穿过

It took us ten minutes to drive through the tunnel.开车穿过这条隧道花了我们10分钟时间。 He pushed his way through the crowd to the platform. 他从人群里挤到了站台。 7.at, in


He lives at No.27 Zhongshan street in Nanjing.他住在南京市中山路27号。

The plane will arrive in Beijing at 13:00. 飞机将于13点到达北京。 三、其它用途的介词:

1. 表示“标准或单位”的介词:at, for, by (1) at表示“以……速度”“以……价格”

He drove at a speed of 80 miles an hour.他以每小时80英里的速度行驶。 I sold my car at a high price.我以高价出售了我的汽车。 (2) for用……交换

I bought it for 20 dollars.买它花了我20美元。 How much for these apples? 这些苹果多少钱?


如:I bought it at a low price.我买它的价格很低。

I bought it at the price of $80 a pound.我以每磅80美元的价格买的它。 I sold it for $10.我10美元把它卖掉了。 (3) by以……计,后跟度量单位 Gold is sold by the gram.金以克出售。

They paid him by the month.他们按月给他计酬。 2.表示“材料”的介词:of, from, in (1) of表示从成品仍可看出原料。

This box is made of paper.这个盒子是纸做的。

This salad is made of apples and strawberries. 这种沙拉是由苹果和草莓做的。 (2) from表示从成品已看不出原料。 Bread is made from wheat.面包是小麦做的。

The lifeboat is made from some special material. 这个救生艇是由某种特殊材料制成的。 (3) in用……材料。 常用write, speak, talk, answer等连用。 Please fill in the form in pencil first.请先用铅笔填写这个表格。 They talk in English.他们用英语交谈。



3.表示“工具或手段”的介词:by, with, on

(1) by凭借“工具或手段(多用于交通工具)如: by bus乘公共汽车,by plane乘飞机 He usually goes to work by bike.他通常骑车去上班。

He sent the news to me by e-mail.他通过电子邮件发给了我这一消息。


(2) with用……工具

He broke the window with a stone.他用石头把窗户打破了。 He stopped the ball with his right foot.他用右脚把球停住。 with表示“用……工具”时,工具前必须加冠词或物主代词。 (3) on以……方式。多用于固定词组。

They talked on the telephone.他们通过电话进行交谈。

She learns English on the radio/on TV.她通过收音机/电视学英语。 4.表示“关于”的介词:of, about, on (1) of仅指“关于”人或事物的存在,如:

He spoke of the film the other day.他前几天提到了这部影片。

He thought of this matter yesterday.他昨天想到了这件事。 He thought about this matter yesterday.他昨天考虑了这件事。 (2) about指“关于”某人或某事物的较详细的情况。 It’s a book for children about Africa and its people. 它是一本供儿童阅读的关于非洲和非洲人的书。

Can you tell me something about yourself? 你能告诉我一些关于你自己的事情吗? (3) on是指“关于”学术性的或严肃的,供专门研究用的。

It’s a textbook on the history of China.它是一本有关中国历史的教科书。 5.表示“原因、理由”的介词:for, at, from, of, with (1) for表示“一般的理由”常与famous, punish等词连用。 Xi’an is famous for its long history.西安因历史悠久而著名。

The city is well known for her large population. 这座城市以人口众多而知名。

(2) at一般指“情感”的原因,通常放在表示“惊讶或喜悦等感情”的动词或形容词之后,表示“因听到或看到而……”。

She got angry at his words.她因为他的话生气了。 (3) from表示“外在的原因”。如受伤、车祸等。 He died from the wound.他因受伤而致死。

Her son was badly hurt in a traffic accident. 她儿子在一次车祸中严重受伤。 (4) of表示“内在的原因”,如病、饿等。 He died of cancer.他死于癌症。

The old man died of hunger.老人死于饥饿。 (5) with表示“由外在影响到肉体或心理”的原因。 He shook with cold.他因寒冷而发抖。

He shouted loudly with anger. 他气得大喊大叫。 6.like, as

(1) like像……一样(其实不是)

The little tiger looks like a cat.这只小老虎看起来像只猫。 The mooncakes are like the moon. 月饼像月亮。 (2) as作为,以……身份(其实是)

He was hanged as a spy.他被作为间谍绞死了。 He talked to me as a father.他以父亲的身份跟我谈话。 7.against, for


Are you for my idea or against it? 你赞同还是反对我的想法? They fought against the enemy. 他们抗击敌人。

8.besides, except都表示“除了”。besides的用法就等于as well as。

He is interested in tennis besides(as well as)football. 除了足球,他还对网球感兴趣。 (1)besides是包括后面所提人或物在内的“除了”,可以理解为“除之外…还、除之外…又”,表示两部分的相似性。

Twenty-five students went to the cinema besides him.


We like biology besides English.除了英语外,我们还喜欢生物。(生物和英语都喜欢) (2)except是指不包括后面所提人或物在内的“除了”,可以理解为“撇开…不谈”,表示两部分的不同。

Everyone is excited except me.除我以外的每个人都很激动。(他们激动,而我却不激动) All the visitors are Japanese except him.

除他以外的所有游客都是日本人。(其他人是日本人,可他不是) 介词的省略


1.当表示时间的词前有this, that, next, last, every, each, some, any, all等时,介词应省略。 We watched an exciting football match last week.(last week前不能用介词in等) 上周我们看了一场激动人心的足球赛。 Come any day you like. 你想哪天来就哪天来。 Come on any day you like.(×) next前可以加冠词,但意义不同。 next week下周(以现在为起点)

the next week第二周(以过去某时为起点)

2.表示时间的名词前有不定冠词,且不定冠词作“每一……”解时,前面不用介词,如: 每小时80英里。

80 miles in an hour.(×) 80 miles an hour.(

An apple a day keeps the doctor away.每天吃一个苹果,医生不找我。

3.含有way的短语。如:in the same way, in this/that way, in another way等用于句末时,in常省略。

She did it the same way.她用同样的方法做的。

Unit 1 Will people have robots? 1. in the future 在将来

2. live to (be) … years old 活到……岁 3. in 100 years 一百年后 4. free time 空闲时间

5. talk about 谈论,谈及,谈到 6. high school 高中

7. computer programmer 电脑程序员 8. space station 太空站 9. fall in love with … 爱上…… 10. go skating 去滑冰 11. be able to 能,会

12. on vacation 度假 13. the World Cup 世界杯 14. keep a pet pig 饲养一头宠物猪 15. job interview 工作面试 16. fly to 飞往

17. come true 实现,成为现实 18. see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 19. one’s own … 某人自己的…… 20. science fiction movies 科幻影片 21. help (sb.) with sth. 帮助(某人)做某事 22. hundreds of 数百,成百上千的 23. the same as 和……相同 24. wake up 醒来;唤醒 25. talk to/with 和……交谈

26. try to do sth. 试图做某事,尽力做某事 27. get bored 变得厌倦

28. over and over (again) 一次又一次,再三地

Unit 2 What should I do? 1. keep out 不准进,阻止进入 2. argue with sb. 和……争吵 argue about sth. 为……争吵 3. out of style 过时的,不时髦的 in style 流行的,时髦的

4. call sb. Up = ring sb. Up = call/ring/phone sb. 给…..打电话 5. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb. 给某人某物

(bring, lend, pass, sell, send, show, take, write, read 等与 give 一样) 6. a ticket to a ball game 一张球赛的门票

(与 ticket 类似的名词有:answer, key, visit, trip, journey, entrance, exit 等) 7. on the phone 在电话中,用电话 8. pay for 付……的款

9. a part-time job 一份兼职工作 10. borrow … from 从……借( 进)…… 11. lend … to 把……借(出去)给……

12. ask sb. for sth. 向……要…… 13. bake sale 面包或糕饼售买活动 14. Teen Talk 青少年论坛

15. buy sb. sth. = buy sth for sb. 买……给……

(类似的动词还有:build, book, cook, get, keep, make, order, find 等) 16. the same … as 和……一样的……

17. tell sb. (not) to do sth. 告诉某人(不要)做某事

18. want sb. to do sth.= would like sb. to do sth. 想某人做某事 19. find out 发现;查明;核实 20. do sth. wrong 做错某事

21. invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事 22. be angry with 生……的气 23. fail the test 考试不及格

24. get on well/badly with 和……相处得好(差) 25. have a fight with sb. = fight with sb. 与某人打架 26. fit … in/into… 抽空去做某事 27. not … until 直到……才……

28. as … as possible 尽可能…… 29. complain about 抱怨,埋怨

30. take part in = join in 参加(某种活动/集会) 31. all kinds of 各种各样的

32. compare … with … 拿……和……比较 33. on the one hand 一方面 34. on the other hand 另一方面

35. by oneself = on one’s own 某人自己,独自地 Unit 3 What were you doing when the UFO arrived? 1. in front of 在……(范围之外)的前面 in the front of 在……(范围之内)的前面 2. barber shop 理发店 3. get out of 到……外,离开 4. walk down/along 沿……走 5. call the police 报警

6. take off (飞机)起飞;脱(衣帽) 7. an unusual experience 一次不寻常的经历

8. the Museum of Flight 航空博物馆 9. take photos 照相 10. a police officer 警官 11. run away 跑开,逃跑 12. walk around 四处走走 13. think about 考虑,思考,回想

14. Beijing International Airport 北京国际机场 15. at the doctor’s 在医务室,在诊所 16. in (the) hospital 在医院,在住院 17. in history 在历史上 18. the city of ……城,……市 19. hear about/of 听说,得知

20. ask sb. (not) to do sth. 叫某人(不要)做某事 21. in silence 沉默不语 22. take place 发生

23. the World Trade Center 世贸中心(美国) 24. in space 在太空

25. a national hero 民族英雄

26. all over the world = around the world 全世界

Unit 4 He said I was hard-working 1. soap opera 泡沫剧,电视(连续)剧 2. on Friday night 在星期五晚上 3. be mad at 生……的气

4. have a surprise party 举行一个惊喜晚会 5. not … anymore 不再,再也不 not … any more no more not … any longer no longer

6. Young Lives 《年轻的生命》 7. direct speech 直接引语 reported speech 间接引语

8. first of all 首先

9. do a homework project 设计作业计划 10. pass on 传递

11. work on 从事,设计,演算,操作

12. be supposed to do sth. 被期望(要求)做……,应该做…… 13. be good at 擅长……

14. do well in 在……方面表现得好 15. report card 成绩单

16. have a (bad) cold 患(重)感冒 17. in good health 身体健康

18. end-of-year exams = final exams 期末考试 19. have a big fight 大吵了一架 20. in/at school 在学校,上学 21. forget to do sth. 忘记要做某事 forget doing sth. 忘记做了某事 22. get over 克服,恢复,原谅

23. a poor mountain village 一个贫穷的山村 24. sound like 听起来像

25. the Peking University 北京大学 26. the Ministry of Education 教育部

27. the Chinese Young Pioneers 中国少年先锋队 28. China’s rural areas 中国的偏远地区 29. sea level 海平面 30. the thin air 稀薄的空气

31. agree with sb./sth. 同意, 与……相符(一致) agree on/about sth. 同意,赞成 32. both … and … ……和……都 33. most of … 大多数……,大部分…… 34. open up 打开,展开,开发,揭露 35. a good start 一个良好的开端 36. care for 照料,照顾,计较,关心 37. in danger 处于危险之中

Unit 5 If you go to the party,you’ll have a great time!

1. have a great/good/nice/wonderful time 玩得高兴 =have fun = enjoy oneself

2. at the party 在晚会上 3. end of year party 年终晚会 4. take … away 拿走,取走

5. all the time=always 一直,始终,总是 6. ID card 身份证

7. the old people’s home 老年之家 8. make money 赚钱

9. round the world = all over the world 全世界,世界各地 10. go to college 上大学

11. work hard 努力工作(学习) 12. a professional athlete 职业运动员 13. a dream job 理想的职业 14. make a living 谋生 15. play sports 进行体育运动 = get/do exercise 16. get injured 受伤 17. in fact 事实上,实际上

18. mobile phone 移动电话 19. too much 太多

20. laugh at 嘲笑,因……而发笑

Review of Units 1-5

1. watch out = be careful = look out = take care 小心,当心,注意 2. turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗 turn up (音量)放大,(光线)调亮 turn on 打开(开关、按钮) turn off 关(开关、按钮)

3. would like to do sth. 想要做某事 = feel like doing sth. = want to do sth. 4. the dinning room 餐厅

5. make friends (with) (和……)交朋友 6. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人在做某事 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 7. make predictions 做预测

8. hope to do sth. 希望做某事 = wish to do sth. 9. in order to 为了

Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells? 1. how long 多长,多久

2. a skating marathon 滑冰马拉松 3. a pair of 一双,一副,一把,一条

4. raise money (for charity) (为慈善机构)募捐,筹钱 5. the whole five hours 整整五个小时 6. three and a half years 三年半 = three years and a half

7. thanks for 因……而表示感谢 8. run out of 用完,用尽

9. by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下 10. in Russian style 以俄罗斯的风格 11. fly kites 放风筝

12. a talent show 才艺表演 13. finish doing sth. 结束做某事 14. be interested in 对…感兴趣 15. Chinese dynasty 中国的王朝 16. famous characters 著名人物 17. think of 考虑,想起

18. in Russian style 俄罗斯的风格 19. tell sb. about sth. 把…的情况告诉某人 20. enjoy doing sth. 喜爱做某事 21. the Olympic Games 奥运会 = the Olympics22.far away 在远处

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?

1. turn down (音量)放小,(光线)调暗

turn up (音量)放大,(光线)调亮 turn on 打开(开关、按钮) turn off 关(开关、按钮) 2. not at all 一点也不

3. right away = in a minute 立刻,马上 4. do/wash the dishes 洗碗 5. put on 穿上(动作)

6. help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事 7. make posters 制作海报

8. have a long telephone conversation 煲电话粥

9. wait in line 排队 10. cut in line 插队

11. follow sb. around 跟在某人周围

12. get mad = get annoy = get angry 生气,感到恼火 13. try (not) to do sth. 尽力(不去)做某事 14. seem like 看上去像…… 15. even if/though 尽管、即使 16. take care = be careful 小心 17. in public places 在公众场合 18. in public 公开地,当众地 19. break the rule 不遵守规则 20. put out 熄灭

21. pick up 捡起、拾起

Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?

1. photo album 相册 2. leave school 毕业离校

3. take care of = look after 照顾,照看 4. too … to … 太……而不能…… 5. these days 目前,现在 6. a pot-bellied pig 大肚猪 7. not … at all 根本不,一点也不 8. fall asleep 入睡 9. give away 分发,赠送 10. pay for 付……的款 11. rather than 而不是

12. in different ways 以不同的方式 13. as … as 与……一样…… 14. native speakers 说本族语的人

15. encourage sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事 16. make progress 取得进步 17. the Olympic Committee 奥委会 18. have fun with sth. 做某事有乐趣

= have fun doing sth.

19. hear of 听说

20. take an interest in = be interested in 对……感兴趣 21. make friends with 和……交朋友

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?

1. have been to 到过某处 2. an amusement park 游乐园 3. a water park 水上公园 4. a roller coaster 过山车

5. see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 6. walk around 四处走动 7. take a ride 兜风 8. on board 在船上

9. take different routes 走不同的路线 10. end up 结束

11. argue with sb. 与某人争吵

12. an English-speaking country 说英语的国家13. 14. a flight attendant 一名机组乘务员

an exchange student 交换生 15. a tour guide 导游 16. such as 例如

17. listening skills 听力技能 18. in Southeast Asia 在东南亚 19. take a holiday 度假 20. three quarters 四分之三

21. have problems (in) doing sth. 做某事很费劲 22. during the daytime = in the day 在白天 23. all year round 全年,一年到头 24. wake up 醒来,唤醒,叫醒 Unit 10 It’s a nice day, isn’t it? 1. small talk 闲聊

2. look through 浏览,快速查看 3. a thank-you note 一封感谢信 4. be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 5. feel like (doing) sth. 想要(做)……

6. have a hard/difficult time doing sth. 费了很大的劲做某事

7. come along 到达,出现,跟着来,赶快8. get along/ on 相处 9. at least 至少

