

时间:2021-01-20 来源:乌哈旅游



春节英语作文带翻译10句话 春节英语作文带翻译10句话篇1 Also in the dream in the morning I woke up to the waves is ringing of firecrackers, was quick to eat lunch, I hurriedly put on the clothes came to the downstairs, see grandma please bodhisattva in what of, anyway, is the superstition. I saw full table of delicious dishes, they feel as if my stomach in the call. After a while, finally can have a meal, I clip vegetables for your grandparents, they said I grow up one year old is good, gave me a big red envelope, my heart was so happy. The whole night sky in the evening, the fireworks beautiful ornament. Dad and I also heart itch, took out two also to lit fireworks, the fireworks began to is like a fountain, then slowly spread out, become a colourful flower basket... Unconsciously already eight o “clock, the Spring Festival gala, a beautiful song, wonderful crosstalk, beautiful dance, interesting, I watch them fall asleep. I am a happy, happy after the Spring Festival. 早上还在梦里的我被那一阵阵清脆的爆竹声给吵醒了,原来是快到吃 午饭的时候了,我连忙穿好衣服来到了楼下,见奶奶在请菩萨什么的,反正是那 些迷信的。我看见满桌好吃的小菜,就觉得肚子好像在叫了。过了一会儿,总算 可以吃饭了,我给爷爷奶奶夹菜,他们夸我长大一岁是乖了,还给了我一个大红 包呢,我心里好高兴。

到了晚上,那烟花把整个夜空点缀的如此美丽。我和爸爸也心痒痒的, 就拿出了两个烟花也给点燃了,那烟花开始是像喷泉一样,之后慢慢地散开了, 成了一只五颜六色的花篮……不知不觉已经八点了,春节联欢晚会开始了,有动 听的歌曲,精彩的相声,优美的舞姿,有趣的小品,我看着看着就睡着了。


春节英语作文带翻译10句话篇2 The Spring Festival is the first lunar month, is the most ceremonious traditional festival of the Chinese nation. Every year the Spring Festival, I believe that every child is one of the happiest day of year. Apart from money, there are hundreds of thousands or even tens of thousands;

Is thick atmosphere, when the New Year alone has made everyone happy to say a word. When the Spring Festival comes, we“ll put down his piles of homework, take a few more pocket money buy fireworks fireworks at home. The Spring Festival,of course, the adults will buy many necessities and these, can we eat these gourmandises \"enough for a while! Custom cut grilles, stick couplets on the Spring Festival is the Spring Festival is necessary. In the countryside, outside the home, can see every household window has a strange and beautiful window, door, will be plastered with Spring Festival couplets. 春节是农历正月初一,是中华名族最隆重的传统佳节。

每年一到春节,我相信是每个小孩子一年当中最快乐的一天。且不说 压岁钱有几百,几千甚至几万;单单是过新年时的浓厚气氛,就已经使每个人开 心得说不出话来了。

每每春节一到,我们就会放下手中成堆的作业,拿着不多的零花钱多 买点烟花爆竹在家门口放烟花。当然,过春节大人们会买来许多的年货,这些, 可够我们这些贪吃鬼吃一阵子了呀!剪窗花,贴春联也是春节必不可少的习俗。

在乡下,走出家门,便可看到家家户户的窗子上都有着奇特而又漂亮的窗花,门 上,


春节英语作文带翻译10句话篇3 Villager, scratching, or \"Spring Festival of gun sounded! A New Year is coming again. The children put on new clothes, young trees put on the new new green clothes. The children happily with father, mother or relatives to visit friends and family, some even go to the zoo, happy valley to play! Let me tell you about me which went to the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is coming, our family went to the green world. Green world there are many fun games, such as: big goldfish, sandals, and rolled a hoop, bamboo pole dance, and so on. Greatest feature is: get a goldfish, first of all, he will give you a net made of paper, you should use the net to catch the goldfish, is caught, he will give you a bag, put you to a small goldfish in it. There have a fun game not only, still have good programs on TV. For example: drive heart sign language to sing, percussion, and so on environmental protection. “噼里啪啦——噼里啪啦——噼里啪啦”春节的礼炮响起啦!新的一年 又来啦。小朋友们穿上了新衣服,小树穿上新新的绿衣裳。小朋友们高高兴兴的 跟着爸爸、妈妈或亲人去拜访朋友、家人,有的还去动物园、欢乐谷游玩呢!下 面我给大家说说我春节去了哪吧。春节来了,我们全家人去了青青世界游玩。

青青世界里面有许多好玩的游戏,例如:捞金鱼、大板鞋、滚铁环、 跳竹竿舞等等。

最好玩的是:捞金鱼了,首先他会给你一个用纸做的网,你要用这个 网来捞金鱼,捞得到的话他会给你一个袋子,把你捞到的小金鱼放进去那里。

那里不仅有好玩的游戏,还有好看的节目。例如:心灵手语带动唱, 环保打击乐等等的节目。

