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新目标英语 七年级(下)课文学习(6)

时间:2022-08-25 来源:乌哈旅游
新目标英语 七年级(下)课文学习(6) Unit 6 It’s raining! 一. 语言功能:

Describe the weather; Describe what you are doing 描述天气;描述你在干什么 二. 目标语言:

1. How is the weather? It’s rainy/windy/cloudy/sunny/snowing. 2. What are you doing? I’m watching TV. 3. What are they doing? They are studying.

4. What is she/he doing? She/He is playing basketball.

5. How’s it going? Great./ Not bad./Terrible./ Pretty good. 三. 重点单词和词组:

1. weather 天气 不可数名词 可用形容词bad, fine来修饰 The weather is good(fine)today. 练一练 _______ good weather today!

A. What a B. What C. How a D. How 2. 表示天气的词

rain-rainy多雨的 wind-windy 有风的 cloud-cloudy 多云的 snow-snowy 有雪的 sun-sunny 晴朗的

fog-foggy 有雾的

hot 热的 cold 寒冷的 cool 凉爽的 warm 温暖的 humid ['hju:mɪd] 潮湿的 dry 干燥的

练一练(1)The _____ is blowing. It’s _____. A. wind, wind B. wind, windy C. windy, windy D. windy, wind

(2)There _____ snow in Canada every year.

A. has many B. has much C. are many D. is much (3)What do you do when it________?

A. raining B. rain C. is rainy D. is rain

(4)There are lots of ______(cloudy)in the sky today. (clouds) The weather is _______(sun)and humid. (sunny)

It’s _________(rain)outside. Take the umbrella with you. (raining) 3. surprised 感到惊讶的 surprise 惊奇 惊讶 surprising令人惊讶的 be surprised 感到惊讶

be surprised at…对……感到惊讶

He is surprised that I can speak English. 他很惊讶我会讲英语 I am much surprised at the news. 听到这消息我感到非常吃惊。 练一练 That ______ news makes us ______.

A. surprising; surprised B. surprised; surprised C. surprising; surprising D. surprising; surprise 4. cook v. 做饭

Who will cook the dinner? 谁来做饭?

She cooks her son a delicious meal. 她给孩子做了一顿可口的饭菜。 cook 厨师 做饭的人

His wife is a good cook. 他的妻子很会做饭。

cooker 烹饪品 灶具 press cooker高压锅

Do you have a gas cooker or an electric one? 你有煤气炉还是电炉? 练一练 There are some _____ in the kitchen. They are new. A. cook B. cooks C. cookers D. cooker 5. heat 热度 炎热 hot 热的

He is standing outside in this heat. 在这炎热天气下,他还站在外面。 It’s so hot, I want to go swimming. 天太热了,我想去游泳。 6. take photos 照相

take photos of sb. /sth. 为……照相

May I take a photo of this school? 我可以拍一张这个学校的照片吗? We are asking the man to take photos for us. 我们在请那个人给我们拍照。 7. lie on the beach躺在沙滩上

She is lying on the beach. 她正躺在沙滩上。 8. on vacation 休假

What are you going on vacation? 休假你去哪里? 9. have a good time = enjoy oneself=have fun 玩得高兴 I hope you have a good time. 我希望你玩得高兴。

四. 重点句型和表达法

1. How’s the weather today in Shanghai? 上海今天的天气怎么样? What is the weather like today in Shanghai? It’s warm. What do you think of the weather in Shanghai? It’s cold. 练一练(1)--_____ the weather ______ Taiyuan? --It’s sunny.

A. How; in B. How’s; in C. What’s; in D. How’s ; at (2)How is the weather here? (同义句) What’s the weather like here?

(3)It’s rainy today. (划线提问)

How is the weather today?

2. How is it going? 情况怎么样?日子怎么样?

用于表示关怀的问候。比How are you? 语气更随意,更口语化。 How are the things going?

Hi, Lucy. How’s it going? Not bad.

3. Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. 看这群在玩沙滩排球的人。

playing beach volleyball 作定语,修饰名词 people There are some children swimming in the pool. 练一练

(1)There are some girls ______(dance)under a big tree. (dancing) (2)There is a book ______ under the desk. A. lie B. lies C. lying D. to lie 4. 打电话用语

This is… This is …speaking. 我是……

Is that… 你是……?

Who is that… Who is that speaking?你是谁?

May/ Could I speak to…? 我可以找……通话吗? 练一练

(1)–Hi, Jenny. ______ speaking. –Oh, hi, Tony.

A. I’m Tony B. This is Tony C. That is Tony D. There is Tony (2)–Hello, this is Eric. ______? –This is Tom. A. Who are you B. What is this speaking C. Who’s that D. Who are you speaking?

【模拟试题】(答题时间:45分钟) 一. 词汇

1. How’s the __________(天气)in Chongqing?

2. How’s your summer going? It’s _______(非常)good.

3. What’s he doing? He’s ________(看)the soccer ball match(比赛). 4. What bad weather! It’s ________(冷)and windy. 5. We’ll have a warm _________(冬天)this year. 6. What are you doing? I’m _________(做饭).

7. I don’t like going shopping in this _______(热度). 8. There are many beautiful _________(海滩)in Hainan. 9. It often _________(下雪)in Harbin.

10. The students are listening to music. They are really very ______(放松). 11. Oh, it’s too_____(闷热)today, it’s hard to breathe(呼吸)!

二. 根据句子意思及所给单词,写出正确的单词形式

1. Look, they ________(study)English under the tree over there. 2. It’s kind of hot because it’s ________(sun).

3. How’s the weather tomorrow? It’s _________(wind). 4. What’s the weather like today? It’s ______(snow). 5. How’s the weather in Shanghai? It’s ________(rain). 6. There are a lot of ________ in the sky. It’s ________(cloud). 7. Everyone ________(be)having a good time.

8. This country has 5 thousand(千)________(year)of history. 9. It’s a beautiful _______(sun)day.

10. Thank you for _________(join)our show.

11. These people are taking ________(photo)in the park. 12. Are they _______(watch)TV? Yes, they are.

三. 单项选择:

1. It’s too _______ outside, you must put on your coat. A. hot B. cool C. cold D. warm

2. What _______ the children ______?

A. is, doing B. does, do C. are, doing D. do, do 3. ________ you ______ the window? Yes, I am.

A. Do, clean B. Is, cleaning C. Do, cleaning D. Are, cleaning 4. _______ are they doing there? They’re running. A. Who B. What C. Where D. Whose 5. --- How is it ________? --- It’s not bad. A. go B. going C. goes D. is 6. -- ______ is the weather? ---- It’s windy. A. What B. How C. When D. Where

7. -- Hi, Lucy! Glad to see you. What are you doing here? -- I’m ______ vacation now. A. on B. in C. at D. for

*8. On the wall there are two pictures. ______ is Tom’s and ______ is Mary’s. A. One, one B. One, other C. One, the other D. One, others

*9. -- What are you doing in the park? -- I’m looking at the children ______ volleyball.

A. plays B. playing C. are playing D. to play

10. There are many people in the park. Some are walking along the lake. ________ are sitting on the grass.

A. The other B. The others C. Others D. Another

11. He’s sitting ______ the beach and ______ orange juice.

A. on, drinking B. in, drinking C. on, drinks D. in, drinks *12. He learns _______ in the sea.

A. to swim B. swimming C. to walk D. walking 13. --- Hello! _______ Ann. Is that Lily speaking?

A. I am B. This is C. That is D. She is

14. Oh, it’s really a ______ day. I can’t find all my money. A. interesting B. terrible C. pretty D. good

15. -- Where is Sam? Do you know? -- Look! He’s ______ on the beach. How cool! A. swimming B. lying C. looking D. having

四. 句型转换:

1. How’s the weather in Wuhan?(同义句) 2. It’s snowy today. (划线提问)

3. The students are having an English class. (划线提问) 4. They are cleaning the classroom. (改为一般疑问句) 5. It’s pretty good. (划线提问)

五. 根据汉语意思完成句子 1. 有很多人在这儿度假。

There are ______ ________ here ______ ________. 2. 我们正在巴黎街头漫步,那里阳光明媚。

We are in Paris, ________ in the ________. It’s ________ beautiful, ________ day. 3. –天空正在下雨时,你在干什么? -我在看书。

-What are you ________ when it’s ________? -I am ________ a ________. 4. 一些人正在公园唱歌,另一些人正在跳舞。

In the park, ________ are ________ songs, ________ are ________. 5. 我感到很惊讶,他们能在这样热的天气中踢足球。

I am ________ they can play soccer ______ ______ _____.

六. 完形填空

It’s 1 in France. The weather is 2 and 3 . People are wearing 4 and scarves. But everyone is 5 a good time. Friends are 6 in restaurants. In the 7 , a musician is 8 the guitar, and some boys 9 playing soccer. One man is 10 a photo.

1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter. 2. A. wind B. windy C. rainy D. rain 3. A. hot B. cold C. humid D. cool 4. A. sweaters B. shirts C. jackets D. pants 5. A. having B. have C. has D. have to 6. A. playing B. writing C. sitting D. sit

7. A. hotel B. street C. park D. hospital 8. A. play B. playing C. plays D. played 9. A. is B. are C. am D. be 10. A. taking B. take C. takes D. taken

七. 阅读理解 A

In England, people don’t often talk much. You can get on a bus or a train, and everyone sits looking out of the window. Often they read books or newspapers. But they don’t talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing – weather. So when you meet someone in England, you can say , “Nice weather for the time of year!” “But it is a little cold today. ” Someone may answer. “But it will be warm in the afternoon. ” You can say. If you talk like this, the English people will think, “How friendly you are!”

1. On the bus, the English people don’t often ______.

A. talk much. B. stand C. eat anything D. read newspapers 2. When you meet English people, talk like this: ________. A. How do you do? B. How are you? C. Nice weather! D. Nice to meet you!

3. If you talk to English people about the weather, they think _______. A. you are friendly B. you are right C. you are English D. you talk too much. 4. Which is right?

A. English people like to talk on a bus. B. English people love the weather C. English people are not friendly at all. D. English people don’t talk much. 5. The English people talk with you about weather to show you they are _________. A. hungry B. happy C. friendly D. busy B

We often talk about the weather. If we want to know about the weather. We can turn on the radio(收音机)and listen to the weather report. We can also turn on the TV and watch the Weather Show. And we can ask other people in two different ways, “What’s the weather like today?” or “How is the weather today?” Sometimes you can call at 121 for the weather.

When it’s cold, we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarves. When it’s raining, we need raining-coats or umbrellas(雨伞). When it’s hot, we need a cool place and want a cold drink. 6. You can watch the Weather Show _________________.

A. on radio B. on TV C. at 121 D. on other people 7. You can ask other people “______________” to know about the weather. A. What’s the weather B. How is the weather like C. What does the weather like D. How is the weather

8. We want a cold drink when it’s ________________.

A. cold B. warm C. hot D. raining 9. Telephone 121 is for _________________.

A. ill B. fire C. weather D. food *10. The word “shiver” is “____________” in Chinese.

A. 颤抖 B. 出汗 C. 看病 D. 避暑


一. 1. weather 2. pretty 3. watching 4. cold 5. winter

6. cooking 7. heat 8. beaches 9. snows 10. relaxed

11. hot

二. 1. are studying 2. sunny 3. windy 4. snowy

5. rainy 6. clouds, cloudy 7. is 8. years

9. sunny 10. joining 11. photos 12. watching

三. 1~5 CCDBB 6~10 BACBC 11~15 AABBB

四. 1. What’s the weather like in Wuhan?/What do you think of the weather in Wuhan? 2. How’s the weather today?/ What’s the weather like today? 3. What are the students doing? 4. Are they cleaning the classroom? 5. How is it going?

五. 1. many people, on vacation 2. walking, street, a, sunny 3. doing, raining, reading, book 4. some, singing, others, dancing 5. surprised, in this heat

六. 1~5DBBAA 6~10 CCBBA 七. 1~5 ACADC 6~10 BDCCA

