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Casings, method of, and apparatus for producing sa

时间:2023-11-07 来源:乌哈旅游

专利名称:Casings, method of, and apparatus for

producing same




摘要: Sausage casings having one or more narrow longitudinal stripes differing inappearance from the remainder of the casing are continuously produced by supplying afilm-forming solution of cellulose or of a cellulose derivative to an annular extrusionnozzle through a conduit, injecting through one or more orifices in the wall of the conduita striping composition in such a manner that it forms at least one narrow stream on thesurface of the column of film-forming solution moving through the conduit and flows inthis form with the stream of film-forming solution substantially without mixing with it, thestriping composition consisting of a solution of a film-forming material which iscompatible with the cellulose or cellulose derivative present in the main film-formingsolution and being of such a nature or containing such a substance that the stripe orstripes in the final casing differ in properties from the remainder of the casing and aredetectable; the composite stream of film-forming solution is then extruded through theextrusion nozzle into a coagulating bath. As shown, clear viscose is supplied underpressure through a supply line 10 to an extrusion nozzle 20 having a tubular passage 24terminating in an annular orifice through which the viscose is extruded into a vertical

cylindrical vessel 34 through which a coagulating and regenerating solution is passed bymeans of inlet 36 and outlet 38. The same solution is passed through the interior of theseamless tubing 28 thus formed by means of the supply pipe 42 and overflow pipe 44.Simultaneously an opaque viscose containing 0.8% of titanium dioxide is supplied under apressure 2 to 4 pounds higher than the pressure of the clear viscose through an inlet 19into a chamber 18 surrounding a portion of the main viscose supply line 10 which isprovided with a row of circumferentially spaced orifices 14, each of which supplies theopaque viscose in the form of a stripe on to the exterior of the column of clear viscosemoving on towards the extrusion nozzle 20. The striped tubing is withdrawn from thebath 34 and processed and dried to a flattened tubular film in the usual manner. Thestripes of opaque regenerated cellulose on the surface of the casing may be overlaidwith a layer of clear regenerated cellulose, in order to give them a lustrous appearance,by supplying clear viscose under a pressure to a chamber surrounding a portion of themain viscose feed pipe between the chamber supplying opaque viscose to the mainviscose stream and the extrusion nozzle. The orifices in the portion of the pipe

surrounded by the second chamber are somewhat larger than those in the portion of thepipe surrounded by the first chamber in order to ensure that the opaque viscose stripesare completely overlaid by clear viscose stripes. The viscose used for forming the stripesmay contain carbon black, dyes, powdered mica, fluorescent materials or magneticmaterials such as iron powder or magnetic iron oxide powder. The striping viscose neednot be opaque.



