

时间:2021-06-03 来源:乌哈旅游
No. 18

No. 18Fire Prevention in Machinery Spaces of(1987)(Rev. 1Ships in Service – Guidance to OwnersJune




Based on past experience it is known that the combination of combustible materials and

sources of ignition are the main cause of machinery space fires. The combustible materialinvolved is in the majority of cases oil, i.e. fuel oil, lubricating oil, thermal oil or hydraulic oil.However, plastic materials in electrical installations may also be combustible material causingoutbreak of fires.

There is a large variety of potential ignition sources and the most common are hot surfaces, e.g.exhaust pipes and steam pipes, over-heating of machinery or ignition from electricalinstallations due to short circuiting or sparks caused by operation of switchgear. Other frequentignition sources are those associated with human activities, e.g. smoking, welding andgrinding.

The experiences of classification societies confirm the importance of machinery space fireprevention and the reports of survey - class surveys as well as Safety Equipment Surveys -contain frequent references to lack of maintenance of fire safety of machinery spaces.

Where there is any doubt in applying this Guideline, clarification should be obtained from theindividual classification society. Attention is directed to the separate published Rules of each.This Guideline is not meant as a substitute for the society's Rules or the independent judgementand experience of Owners and Surveyors.Contributing Factors to Machinery Space Fires

Failures resulting from the daily use of machinery space installations, such as e.g. oil leakages,breakage of flexible pipes.

Lack of adequate cleanliness adds to the fire hazard in two ways.

a)In the first place the probability of occurrence of fire, in particular due to ignition caused by

human activities is increased because of the widespread presence of the combustible material inthe form of oil spill/oily deposits.b)Secondly, an unclean machinery space may cause a small fire to spread, e.g. a fire in an

electrical switchboard or panel may develop into a full machinery space fire due to thepresence of oil spills/oily deposits.3.3.1

Measures to Reduce the Fire Risk

The classification requirements for the construction and inspection of machinery spaces cannot,alone, ensure the fire safety at all times; the effort of all parties concerned is necessary.The Shipowners and their crews should apply a programme of maintenance and housekeeping.Where leakage of flammable liquids occurs during normal service or routine maintenancework, special arrangement and early clean-up should be made by the crew to prevent thesefluids from reaching other parts of the machinery where danger of ignition may arise.





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What is IACSDoing?

At the occasion of the Class Annual Survey a machinery and electrical plant survey is carriedout as prescribed in Regulation 10 of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the InternationalConvention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974.

The periodic surveys should mainly ensure that the standard to which the installation wasoriginally built is maintained.

The Surveyor can only assess the actual condition of the machinery space fittings at the time ofsurvey. In between two inspections the proper maintenance must remain the owner'sresponsibility.

Reference document: UR F35.



Defects to Machinery Space Installations

This part deals with various types of defects found in machinery spaces, which for the mostpart are caused by a lack of proper maintenance or by improper operation.Shielding of high pressure fuel oil pipes

Typical defects found may be of the following nature:––––

Partially lacking or damaged shielding.

Loose or defective end attachments of shielding.

Flexible pipes used for shielding fitted in such a way that contact between high pressure fuelpipe and flexible pipe causes wear damage.Defective drainage arrangements.

Insulation of Exhaust Pipes, Thermal Oil Pipes and Steam Pipes.Commonly found defects are:––

Partially lacking insulation, typically in way of flanges or at locations where removal ofinsulation is necessary for maintenance.

Oil soaked insulation due to damage or the lack of steel sheeting.

The standard of insulation and protection against oil penetration into the insulation is an areawhere the general standard has improved over the years. In earlier days it was not uncommonfor flanges to be left uninsulated and that metal sheeting of the insulation was incomplete. Incases where incomplete insulation or unsheeted insulation is found in locations where oilleakages may occur, the owner and operating personnel should make improvements regardlessof the original standard.


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5.4Shielding of electrical equipment against oil and water leakages

Oil leakages into electrical equipment may be ignited due to sparks normally generated byoperation of switchgear (fine oil spray is probably most susceptible to ignition). Water leakagesmay cause short circuiting and ignition of insulation or other material of plastic type. Theowner and operating personnel should in particular look for signs of leaking flanges,deterioration of pipes and leakages from other machinery which may come into contact withsubject electrical equipment.


Crew's and Owner's Duties with Respect to Machinery Space Installations

Attention should be directed at the condition of flexible pipes used in oil systems, e.g. inconnection with hydraulic power arrangements, flexible pipes are used to prevent harmfulvibrations and noise. High pressures in combination with pulsations may cause breakage of theflexible pipes, particularly in way of end attachments.

Also, flexible pipes for connecting fuel oil supply to oil burners are extensively used. Anysigns of deteriorating conditions being revealed, should be replaced or at least temporarilyrepaired.

Broken or loose fastenings of oil pipes should be repaired because they may result in futuredamage.

It is Owner's responsibility to ensure that the machinery space is maintained in a cleancondition.

A cleanliness level is not acceptable in cases where floor plates are slippery from extensive oilspills, or oil is seeping from machinery, or if painted surfaces have an oil layer, or when a firehazard exists due, for instance, to accumulation of rags or other similar materials or presence ofoil on bilge water surface.



IACS Rec. 1987/Rev. 1 1999

