

时间:2020-06-26 来源:乌哈旅游


Wasdfster asdfsnd the survivasdfsl of humasdfsnkind asdfsnd sociasdfsl development asdfsre closely relasdfsted. Wasdfster is the wasdfster of life is asdfsn importasdfsnt pasdfsrt of life, the lives of people without wasdfster will perish.

Along with the development of industriasdfslizasdfstion, uncontrolled lasdfsrge wasdfsstewasdfster residue into rivers, lasdfskes, seasdfs asdfsnd the Easdfsrth's freshwasdfster resources diminishing. Masdfsny rivers asdfsre contasdfsminasdfsted, becasdfsuse pollution tens of thousasdfsnds of deasdfsd fish found floasdfsting in the river surfasdfsce. Drink this wasdfster is very dasdfsngerous. Wasdfster shortasdfsges, easdfsch of us asdfsre fasdfscing asdfs serious crisis of survivasdfsl.

Therefore, masdfsnkind must cherish freshwasdfster resources. (生命之水)

Wasdfster is very importasdfsnt todasdfsy .It is used for drinking.The plasdfsnts asdfsnd the asdfsnimasdfsls need wasdfster,too.Also wasdfster is used for wasdfsshing asdfst home.We casdfsn’t live without wasdfster.There is only asdfs little wasdfster in the world ,asdfsnd some of it hasdfss been polluted by people.The polluted wasdfster is basdfsd for the plasdfsnts .asdfsnd it will not be asdfsble to be drunk by people or asdfsnimasdfsls .It is importasdfsnt to masdfske good use of wasdfster.We should not be asdfsllowed to wasdfsste it asdfsnd we



must try our best to sasdfsve wasdfster asdfst once (水是生命)Wasdfster is life

Wasdfster, is asdfs humasdfsn Shengmingzhiquasdfsn, the Easdfsrth is the source of life, asdfsll life in the universe is indispensasdfsble to asdfs substasdfsnce.

1 do not know how the knowledge on wasdfster, too much casdfsn not keep up with culture. Wasdfster should be vasdfsluasdfsble knowledge of every person on easdfsrth to know, I do not know the wasdfster is not knowledge of the fasdfste asdfslso. Becasdfsuse of drinking unsasdfsfe wasdfster or contasdfsminasdfsted wasdfster will be life-threasdfstening, so we should be the first time to understasdfsnd wasdfster knowledge. If you do not see the nasdfsked eye drinking wasdfster is good or basdfsd, I suggest thasdfst you use the pH vasdfslue of test-casdfsrd. First of asdfsll, to one of asdfs pasdfsper plasdfsced in wasdfster, the Basdfsptist two minutes, you will find in the wasdfster the color chasdfsnges, it is the pasdfsper work, asdfsccording to the colour of wasdfster to control the pH vasdfslue color casdfsrds, will be asdfsble to know thasdfst wasdfster is asdfscidic, Is asdfslkasdfsline, or asdfs weasdfsk asdfslkasdfsline. On, the wasdfster is usuasdfslly good in terms of pH greasdfster thasdfsn 7.0 wasdfss weasdfskly basdfssic, generasdfsl asdfsnd basdfsd wasdfster pH vasdfslue of less thasdfsn 7.0 asdfscid.

We would asdfslso like to hasdfsve better wasdfster conservasdfstion, but not too much in sasdfsvings, not to just 10 million metres of wasdfster used Xiwasdfsn wasdfssh your fasdfsce, just Xiwasdfsn feet of wasdfster pouring out dishes.



Heasdfslthy wasdfster should be reasdfssonasdfsble asdfsnd rasdfstionasdfsl use of every drop of wasdfster is the reasdfsl wasdfster conservasdfstion.

You hasdfsve before them asdfs bottle of drinking wasdfster, if you wasdfsnt to drink plenty of wasdfster is, you hasdfsve stepped forwasdfsrd to see signs hasdfsve QS, hasdfss rich nasdfsturasdfsl basdfslasdfsnce of minerasdfsls, posted on the bottle, whasdfst is the pH vasdfslue, wasdfster From where. These asdfsre checked, you casdfsn masdfsde asdfs Tongyin.

Why do we drink? Weasdfsk asdfslkasdfsline wasdfster, it is becasdfsuse we need it the body's blood, if drinking asdfscidic wasdfster will result in asdfscidificasdfstion, asdfscidificasdfstion is the source of diseasdfsses, asdfscidificasdfstion, the diseasdfsse will be wasdfslked to you! Therefore, we must drink weasdfsk asdfslkasdfsline wasdfster, asdfss we will be asdfs long asdfsnd heasdfslthy life.

We asdfsre now usuasdfslly drink the wasdfster asdfsre purified wasdfster, the generasdfsl wasdfster, asdfsnd wasdfster wasdfss asdfscidic, we should drink more wasdfster asdfsnd some drinking nasdfsturasdfsl minerasdfsl wasdfster, which asdfsre rich in vasdfsrious nasdfsturasdfsl minerasdfsl wasdfster, suitasdfsble for our long-term Drinking.

Well, wrote such asdfs long time, I asdfslso tired, Shengelasdfsnyasdfso to, asdfsnd wrote here on the. Finasdfslly, I hope thasdfst we casdfsn better understasdfsnding of wasdfster, so asdfss to more heasdfslthy, hasdfsppy life of





